Saturday 22 June 2013

22nd of june, first day of summer... ish

So yesterday was the first day of summer "21st june"
which was a friday, the last day of my EXD Media course.
"EXD = Extended national diploma"

so that was you know, interesting.
firstly, i've been ill for a few days now. usually wake up tingle in the throat, have a cup of tea. fine no problem.
this time, nah its stuck with us, turns out i got a cold or some shit. i ent been to doctors or anything.
but you don't need to be one to know what a cold is man.

so anyway, yesterday was a bit ill but still made it to college.
chilled out a bit, went to the HND meeting.
"HND = higher national diploma"


CCU = Camera controle unit.
ask me another media "BBC" term and i'll tell you what it is.
or try and tell you i wanna learn them so when someone says an acronym i can go.
sweet got it.
rather than the standard Stokes way of.

I got no idea what i'm doing, but i know how to do it.

so that was interesting, then got grades back was alright enough to get onto the HND.
so then chilled, then back for the end of year course celebrations, with a shit load of pizza and awards.

I won
"day dreamer" award

Fuckin' fucked off i didn't win best dressed award.
i won it last year man, nothings changed man, why not win again.
Mother fuckers.

went out for a few drinks right after.
Dude i still didn't feel right, still don't man.
Got home, felt alright, cleaned the Bar-BQ cooked some chicken wings, then after that went downhill man. just felt terrible my eyes were watering and shit. not good man.
then went to bed woke up alright ish.

Oh yeah, so we have an Assignment to do over the summer, which is document what we've done over the summer. so i'm doing a blog... not this one another one, that cannot be uploaded until they've seen it.
So i'm going to do weekly events and shit for it.
with pictures and videos if i make any.

So look forward to that at the end of september, or i'll just uploaded that here as well whatever.

So anyway, today i was supost to have band practice with Dead Happy,
Freaky disco metal band with Jason from Winter Storm.
Had to iss it because i didn't feel well enough to travel the well almost 2 hours journey to Stourbridge and back.
so stayed home to recover and shit, its when it gets to night time like now that it feels terrible and i feel worse.

And i say band practice.
He's going to show us how to play the set live, gotta have a live guitar player.
Myself... ayy.

So anyway

I spent a few hours playing gears of war 3
Not finished it yet on chapter 6.

And dude when Dom died.
Also spoilers, but then unless you are like me and don't bother getting games often and only play them for the single player, then sorry but everyone else, fair play.
But anyway when he died.

Man i weren't crying i'm ill make it makes my eyes water and shit.
which is true that dose happen to me man, it makes my eyes water and shit at times.
but it is sad man have a watch man.

so what has happened within the last 15 days since my last blog.
Fuck all.

Well a bit actually.

i've seen Star Trek into darkness and Fast and furious 6

Both good man, but i think fast 6 is an advert for terminal 6 and 7.

thats about that for them, they are good, if you don't like em, then well your choice. can't tell ya to like it or not, its like death metal, you should like it, but you don't have to... but you're probably listening to it wrong anyway.

Nothing to do with listening to death metal but i can't be arsed to find anything proper.
So anyway.

Got rid of quid guitar player.
got a new one.
Got gigs with em lined up now metal gona be rockin' and shit.

Winter Storm recording album starting monday metal.

Missed band practice Thursday with them due to illness.
Fuck knows what it is.
wait its a cold.

Anyway moving on.

I've started to learn the Piano.
I started when little but never took off too much.
PLayed a little but only during lessons.
So set up my keyboard and been learning with the lessons on Garage band.
Hey its a good starting point, don't fucking mock it.
And its not like i'm just following the lessons exact.

I'm a guitar player and drummer so i can play stuff, and have even began to transcribe guitar notes and stuff onto the keyboard/piano.
which is cool man because that shits sounds good.

Came up with a i'm going to say Waltz as its triplets but it sounds like its 6/4 but its just 3 notes between each beat.

You'll understand when i record a demo.

So came up with a intro verse and chorus section and shit.
Should be good.

And along with that i'm learning Damian Rice 9 Crimes and today i've started to learn Gary Jules version of Mad World.
Originally by Tears For Fears.

So doing that is interesting because its opened up a new song writing method for me, i find it hard linking sections together but playing guitar with Dead happy and playing piano now makes more sense when linking sections and parts and even coming up with new sections that sound good with it, that can also go back into the original idea.

And that is all i''m going to say tonight, I'm going to play some piano abit more, figure out some more of mad world then go do something.

Goodbye people.
Keep you updated soon.


Friday 7 June 2013

kicking off and other shit.

So back again all chillin' and shit.

So whats been going on.
well i think its been a week, or maybe two.
so in that time seen Iron man 3, sat down. got an SM57, chilled out, two band rehearsals.
missed a quid one for a hangover... standard.
and college stuff.
also, stuff has been reveled, been kicking off and shit.

so where shall i start?
will save the best till last so you know, SM57.

So i went to PMT the other week, ordered an SM57, it came two days later.
that's about it.

Just kiddin' but that's about it anyway.
So ent recorded anything just yet, but shall do soon/ still moving some shit about, but once i do will have about 3 or 4 riffs and stuff to record.
came up with some shit yesterday, not too much just basic stuff at the mo and stuff.
so that is that with that man.

so i had a sit down.
but then that's about that.

Iron man 3.
i went to see that it was awesome man,
really good man the script and acting brilliant man.
how RDJ acts and speaks his lines man it just flows like its natural...
and the villain guy. man that was interesting.
i ent givin' the plot away but if you ent seen it.
You know who i'm talking about.

The guy with the beard.

so what's next.
I'll go on about Game of Thrones.

So i think that would be the perfect song for Season 3 Epp 9.
because you know, its true.
but that ending shit me man.
i think i was shocked and stuff. there i was like.
Fuck me.

was like when i vomited Tuesday. you know, entire body felt numb and shitall tingly and stuff.
Then vomit and i was alright.

its kickass.
just i did have a weird theory or feeling that Sam you know, nights watch Sam was you know one of  king Roberts Bastards.
not sure why just thought, black of hair... humm.
But anyway, that's that.

"You've gotten fat."

and the guy, you know with the dragon queen.
prity boy bloke, dude needs a stabbing in the arse with a spear.
Just sayin'

oh yeah band rehursals.
So last week had one.
Thats that.
And one last night.

So we run thought the albums tart to finish to see what it was like.
Nothing bad at all happened, odd mistake but no major stopping start to finish and shit.
So that was that.
Finished early and shit.
Done and Done.

Home for a beer and then sleep and shit.
Then you know was about it.

Took my own drum Throne which was much fucking better.
as its not broken and slanting to the one side for some reason.
and more stable and shit.

so moving on.

well actually, gotta work on my gallop with drumming,
its improving but you know.
need to get it rockin' abit more.

missed a rehearsal with Quid because of a hangover, but i think i went on about that in last blog.
ahh but James wants us to do a cover of some gay ass fuckin' song man.
no fuckin' way man.

also i mean gay as in you know, feminine and lady like, that is you know soft.
just because i use the word gay, doesn't mean i'm calling it homosexual.
see Reg D Hunter on the N word.

So anyway, on moday was at a band meeting,
So jason picks us up from the station and says he needs to goet some food and stuff.
No bother with me man.
So picture the scene.

We arrive at tesco express, and he's looking for food and stuff to eat.
And myself spots the beer.
Now you see the dilema.

So i get a 10 pack of fosters and shit.
Well hell, we can drink these while we talk stuff.
Get there.

Anyone wanna beer?

nah i'm driving, yeah me too, i'm saving myself for download it looks like your the only one drinking.
i ain't no bother with that.
So you know made a comment.

Saving yourself for download? you shouldn't be saving yourself you should be training yourself.

So anyway drank on anyway.
so was there for 3 hours.
Had the 6, 4 left.
gave one to jason.
had 2 one of the way to the station and one on the train.

and that, is where i almost kicked off.

so it was a while into the trip. and you know when you've drank, and you finally sit down somewhere else, the airs hit you and the beer just seeps right into your soul.
That happened.
So the ticket guy finally makes an appearance after about 20 minutes.

tickets or passes?

Now that's not an unreasonable request, just doing the job right.

Yeah man, can you hold my beer so i can get my ticket out.

also, not an unreasonable request, i only ask so i can get my wallet out to show my ticket.

but lets continue anyway

Sorry i can't hold it.
why not man its only a beer.
nono i mean i can't, legally hold it.
your not going to drink it i trust ya.
no i really cannot hold it, its against the law.
dude just hold my beer.
i can't, im going to have to give you another ticket where are you going?

my tickets in my wallet right, and i'm asking him to hold my beer so i can get my wallet.
him trying to get me to buy another ticket, would just leave us in the same predicament that we are in now. 
that being

"hold my beer so i can get my ticket/money"

now in the end i think i just put the beer somewhere and gave him the ticket.
the mother fucker.

some fucking people.

Anyway that's been that for the past week and a bit.
Will hit right back at ya again soon and shit with other, shit.

So people from meself.
Goodbye, have a good week and shit.
And if you've finished college for the summer or uni or whatever the fuck it is that you do.
Have a good summer,
If you work.

Well then hang in there.

From me.