Tuesday 28 May 2013

bank and shit. Airbourne new album fuck yeah

So i'm back again.

Yeah whatever.
So went to the bank today to cash some cheques and shit.
Hand over the things ya know, cashin' someone else's as well.
and the girl she's making conversation and stuff.
Got many plans for ya money?

And im hard of hearing and she's calling us Mr Stokes.

And she goes.

You working today Mr Stokes?

You know friendly and shit and i'm thinking.

"Dose it look like i fuckin' work?"

But was politely and shit just said Nah.

Fuck else. i got this today.

Yeah man.
Fuckin' rockin'
With the live album aswell was only 10 quid.
Fuckin' too right will get that shit.
Thats my next hangover fuckin' planned and shit.

man the albums fuckin' awesome i recommend it to the fuckin' world man.
And the Eurovision.
Even though they are ozzies.



So you know.
Its awesome.
Just get it. go buy it.
Just listen to that and you know.
Right in there man.

And their single from the album man watch that video up and listen to it and a fuckin' half.

Fuckin' rock it.

Fuck yeah man.

My elbow hurts man.
Must of elbowed that kid hard man.

Yeah i elbowed a kid in the head man.
Was an accident man.

I was buying what i needed to buy.
turned around and you know. kid was behind me at elbow height.
Said sorry.
Then you know did the standard.

Is it a bird? is it a plane? no it will runnin' the fuck away.

fuck and buying the shit aswell.
You got 30p of your next meal deal.
And you're also entered into this competition.
Yes i will really spend 100 quids worth of vouchers in here.
Be allot of those things that i needed to buy.

but knowing my luck would win get em then end up single like.

But you know. 

fuck else went on?

Watched the boxin'
think i've talked about that funny shit.

ding ding
Wha, Round in.

12 beers in 40 minutes.
a beer in 3 minutes with a minute rest.

See that sounds like a good idea.
Somewhere some guys like.

Thats a wonderful idea.

Yeah well tahts it today people.
Was gona go get an SM57 today but you know.
Couldn't be arsed man.

Got the new airbourne instead and been rockin' ever since.

Fuck yeah dude.
Beer on mother fuckers.

Goodbye people.

I’m a hell raiser, risk taker, full speed ahead
Till I’m dead in the fast lane

Monday 27 May 2013

the past week

So the past week ish right.
So done all my college stuff. got a week off now going back in two wednesdays to see what shit i can do to upgrade or finish whatever.
then its film my short film.
And interview with the HND people.

so today right.
Bed. Vomit. "Censored|" vomit. almost sleep. Happy Gilmore chillin'.

And pub soon.
And i told Rachel i may be going and that jack asked. and the way i said it sounded like he was a dog.

"Jackie wants to go to pub.
but you've just got back from the pub.
jackie wants to go to pub."

See, it dose sound like a dog right?
Anyway what else.

So yesterday, went cusens for BBq football poker n watch the boxin.
Didn't drink that much...
They have the best dog man. a collie called Vimto man metal man.
Beautiful dog with beautiful eyes.
Loves us now.

At first i walk in and she barked her head off at us.
now she loves us.
Was playing poker and she puts her paws on my lap to get us to pay attention to her. had to fold my hand because i could check on em or bet because she would nudge my arms out the way so i would stroke her.
Cute shit man.

Was killer n alf.

had some weird shit gone on.
With music world though i almost had to pay £500 towards an album that i wasn't gona be on i wernt included in that but thank fuck man.
i ain't playing on it, i ain't paying on it.
Proper worried us cus the only thing i could think was.

Ah shit, they want us ta pay on it aswell, gotta go say yo dose this include me? and if it dose, it ain't happening  so the only thing left then is pay or go and it would be have to go.
No other way around that man.

and i've gotten taller i found out by hitting my head at rehearsal.
Which made us more nervas.
Its not a facebook convo that its more person to person one.

Missed todays rehursal due to hangover and shit.
My bad.

But as been said. there isn't a ore rock n roll excuse than.
"Got a hangover"

So went out tonight, jsut for a few quiet ones down local.
Have the two.
got told man can come chill with us and shit.
nah just go pub wanna be home early and shit.

So after my few beers begin to walk home. Send a text to mate goin man i'm goin home.
So you know. the standard.
Oh i ahve a text. nah its will will reply in a few minues.
None of that just phone call.

don't do that come ahve a laugh and shit.

Fuck it go on then.


I though you said we were going to have a laugh.
Well that was good then wern't it.

Next time, remind us to not give a fuck and just be selfish and do what you wanna do.
what others do.
And if we act the same were being dicks.

Its a two way street man.
Take it and not take it the same and whatever you know the thing.

Fuck sake.

And the light in the garrage is on. was strange.
I looked side gate locked.
Door locked.
Fuck knows.
Ent gona wake anyway to go.

"Yo thats on"

Can't check it just incase you know.
Never know if someone will do that. wait till you go check it out to you know. open the door then get in while your out checkin something else out.

Paranoia whatever it makes sense.

It should be longer this but can't remember much.
Fuck it.

Drumming and storyboarding tomorrow.
Metal will write about that and shit.
Maybe even pictures.

Now some people go fuckin' fuck your fucking selves.

Goodbye people.


Wednesday 15 May 2013

past few days

then a flock of seagulls flew by.
thats about it.

So we filmed our TV show yesterday.
Keeping it current.
Was the director.
Its a bad thing i'm polite because on reflection shouting and being a prick is good at times.
Some mother fucker's need a beating and to get out of the fucking way and to keep quiet.
Your not in controle.
This is my gig "director power lord" do as  your told, your getting in the fucking way.
Now fuck off.

So me and liam got into the studio as soon as we could at 11 and started setting up, was me liam and chris.
People popped in but nothing major was done.
Chris did the lighting as you know, he has the qualifications.
So that was that.
Guy helped with some other lighting that was it.

If we tried to set up as a group nothing would of got done.
Too many people wanting different things when it is mine, and the producers vision.
Not the fucking jerk off who wants to be in charge.

Fuck off again.

Fucking cock.

If you want to complain and be a bitch.
do it on something that doesn't make sense.
Such as the government, be pissed at that. or is everyone else doing that and you don't want to do that aswell?
so college it is.

Some people just need a fucking problem with something thats good.
well i say good, something that makes sense.

A beating or smack around the head is needed at some point.

They can fuck off at some point. hopefully you know, won't have to put up with em.
That would be nice.

what else.
Applied for the HND course.
Was interesting.
Filled out the form and shit, gave it to the head of department.

"aww thats brilliant your a star well done"
So you know it felt like she was saying.
"Aww thats brilliant, i'm going to put this right here on the fridge."

But would be intresting.
Going to make a short film soon.
Upon the interview i will take the script with me, along with a demo of another and chapter one of the vampire book which has changed.

I'll tell you the motto from the book.
"as you suffocate, i shall breath"

Which is metal.

But anyway.
goodbye people.
Have fun.


Thursday 9 May 2013

comin' back

Anything major go on today?
Not really.
Watched Dream Theater 20th anniversary thing.
about it man.

Band practice, new song stuff was metal, got it sorted abit its closer but not a clue yet, i'm just the one who hits stuff and counts a little.
but i did get to draw a dick on my structure.

Funny shit.
Its sounding badass man.
Few weeks and shit.
What till?
Noone knows.


So i should be getting an SM57 at the weekend.
Gona record some guitar stuff, bit of rowan jammin', may put a video together for him.
then some other stuff.
Got an idea to record an E.P. then do drum tracks at a studio.
Would make sense and shit.
Not spending 1000 on more expensive shit that i couldn't level properly.

and big drum kit.

Should be fun ass shit.
And, i have to tune down to C sharp. so was thinking.
Can i get that tuning on a 7 string without tuning down.
Yes you can.
Would that be making it harder for myself?
Most likely.
But anyway, its a challenge.
Challenge accepted.

Like Hannah said with one of the end parts for the section.

And you play double bass over that.
... fuck sake...
You like a challenge.

counting to 4 is a fuckin' challenge.
Its 8 in drummers time.

Goodbye people.
Have a good night.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

what the fuck did i do to... something

So as ya know.
Its been my birthday and shit.
So you know.
Money, bit of that.
Or a "Masons Beer Voucher" if your Jim.

So that shits over and stuff.

Ok its been a while since i've written anything in this.
So let me tell ya some shit.

I've written a script.
had my birthday.
that polyrhythms book is more complicated then i thought.

i'm chillin'
may be applying for the HND course after college ends.
and recorded some demo stuff for me band. which is on sound cloud.
So i have stuff to get through so thats all on todays agenda. so where shall we start?

The script.

Not the band, the fuckin' one i wrote.
Its about Writer's block. which suddenly makes we want to listen to Dream Theater "Wither" maybe the John Petrucci vocals, because you know, i don't.
but maybe the piano version.
Shit me man.

So anyway, its about writer's block, a guy who gets talked into making a film then he can't come up with anything and end's up having to make up the script on the spot, but you know.
Can't tell ya the ending, that shits spoilers. but don't worry i will hopefully of been able to film it in 2/3 weeks.

Ok now what next?
I think i've covered my birthday in a few posts.
That fuckin' polyrhythms book man.
And the word rhythms i can't spell that shit.
So i've started to read the fuckin' bastard properly and shit.
And its

Polyrhythms for the drumset
Just for you drummers.
And i'm thinking what the fuck, so i'm looking at the contents, but wheres the track listing man? so a page before that is the track contents fuck me.
Then how its laid out, shit me man i'm like i need an example here man.
But you know. someone should make videos.

Or an explanation dvd thing that would be fuckin' helpful to see that stuff being done.
But it trains the ear man.
but you know, it will make for some interesting shit i can bring to my bands, not album wise, just live and practice wise, fuck people up with that shit.
And noone will notice appart from drummers and the bass player.

so next.

So i may be applying to the HND.
Liam wants us to at least apply, and it would be interesting to do.
Its more attractive now i found out its not 9 fuckin' grand.
Its 5 n alf.
Which is good.
And one of the best places but still you know.
its doing it over and shit.

It would be interesting, and would like to make films and use there places and stuff.
Need a location and staying there would be good for that shit.

and along with the script i wanna work on is something that may be an edge in or some-shit.

So thats the demo that I recorded and stuff.
Was just so they know what i'm playing and stuff. and so they can progam the stuff in album recording.
No live drummer "Me" doing Programmed stuff instead, for the sound i think.

Well shit me thats all i gotta say and shit.
Not very much shit me, boring old bastard now.
Ent been out to pub on a random ass adventure,need ta travel and shit.
but you know, if i don't do HND.
then you know.


Job Seekers.
Fuck yeah.

Yes something i really want to do...
but you know wanna start with this short film while still in college and see how it goes from there.
its to prove to myself that i can do it and stuff.
then outside if i can do it again, thats more kickass.

I may have to leave this here for today people.
Sorry i missed a few days but you know.
Cannot be helped and shit.
So you know.
will be back as normal i hope.
its time for a bath and stake man its gettin' too hot man.
Been drumming in my boxers man.
Thinking man i cant do this when live. my knob keeps popping out Wayne would go blind.
And you know.
don't want to make anyone jealous.
man look at the goatee on his ball's.
Anyway thats goodbye then people.

Goodbye people.

Friday 3 May 2013

my birthday... day 2

So it was a light one last night.
had the college wank shit this morning was really worth the time.
but anyway.

got stuff for the BBQ so new gas tank and shit.
Something else as well.
Not a fuckin' clue.

So anyway get home and Rachels got us the best thing.
Give's me my card that i open to find that there is a treasure map inside it.
So reading that stuff.
three things.
So the last one says, right under your nose. so go to the garden cus thats where they all are.
Look around spot the last one right away.
The first one says.

In a see through places.

So green house but you know still search everything first.

And the second one.
Man that was brilliant.

Thursday 2 May 2013

My Birthday

so i started this in "yesterdays" blog didn't i?
oh well so i think i did.

So went to college.
I had the most brutal morning wake up man.

Felt like i had a ice pick in my fuckin' eye, went to get a cup of tea, then listened to obituary.
Man i just thought to myself.

"Hold on... thats a brutal birthday morning."

Then went to college.
First lesson, well only lesson.

Teacher showed up.

"Happy birthday will, give me a hug"

Told you she's one of the best nicest friendliest teachers.
So gave out these rice krispey cakes that me mom made.
My original plan was to make cup cakes right, like last year but you know. not a fuckin big cake.
So took them in because she made us a kickass stronghold pirate themed was metal.

So took in these rice krispey cakes handed them out and shit.
Was good man.

Then ran into me tutor which was bad, i did go to see her but you know.

I didn't say shit.

Also a mate got me a present.
I say a mate, i mean Liam.

A bottle of Captain Morgans rum.
Wrapped in tin foil.
Couldn't find wrapping paper.

So had that was metal n we went to the weather spoons for a few drinks. not for too long just a few in there. ended up just being us two noone else came, but still. had a laugh.

Then onward home where chilled and had a package waiting for us.
The book on polyrhythems which will keep me ocupied for a long ass fuckin' time.
and annhilator live.

Moms new favorite band.

And also waiting for me was this guy.

That shits metal man.

Sisters back.
Chillin' now just waiting for Rachel then its onward to the pub for beers and shit.

For a light one because of some fuckin' bullshit wank that i have to go to tomorrow.
Well a medium one.

So to everyone.
Keep chillin'

shit man

Got an email from Amazon today.
You know as they do daily for some fuckin' reason.
And if this one isn't a pure
Give me money... I want your money.
email then fuck me.
It was like.

Hey will, i kind of saw that you know. put some things into your cart right? then didn't go through with the order, or put them somewhere else. so you know, i was just wondering like, do you want to you know , get them. and give us your money? that is if you haven't already done so.

Get rid of the P&P and i'll think about it.

but anyway how money grabbing is that.
hey i see you forgot to buy that thing you wanted, you know that thing youwanted to give us that thing we want.
man who runs it George Osbourne?

So i forgot to do this yesterday.
Well finish it off.

Like most Government jerk offs.
I should do that shit.

So anyway, i would go on more but its my birthday and i wanna sit down and maybe listen to more obituary.
Thats brutal morning man, feeling like having an ice-pick in my eye getting a cup of tea then listening to obituary. thats fuckin' badass.

But anyway.
Happy birthday me, the next few days are gona be funny to document, so look for either a big blog, or a daily dose of mayhem.


Actually i wrote a script.
its the very first draft so it going to be changed allot.
Cus its just straight forward with no bulk to it i think at the moment thinking about it.
But it shall be rocked n' a fuckin' half.