Thursday 2 May 2013

shit man

Got an email from Amazon today.
You know as they do daily for some fuckin' reason.
And if this one isn't a pure
Give me money... I want your money.
email then fuck me.
It was like.

Hey will, i kind of saw that you know. put some things into your cart right? then didn't go through with the order, or put them somewhere else. so you know, i was just wondering like, do you want to you know , get them. and give us your money? that is if you haven't already done so.

Get rid of the P&P and i'll think about it.

but anyway how money grabbing is that.
hey i see you forgot to buy that thing you wanted, you know that thing youwanted to give us that thing we want.
man who runs it George Osbourne?

So i forgot to do this yesterday.
Well finish it off.

Like most Government jerk offs.
I should do that shit.

So anyway, i would go on more but its my birthday and i wanna sit down and maybe listen to more obituary.
Thats brutal morning man, feeling like having an ice-pick in my eye getting a cup of tea then listening to obituary. thats fuckin' badass.

But anyway.
Happy birthday me, the next few days are gona be funny to document, so look for either a big blog, or a daily dose of mayhem.


Actually i wrote a script.
its the very first draft so it going to be changed allot.
Cus its just straight forward with no bulk to it i think at the moment thinking about it.
But it shall be rocked n' a fuckin' half.

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