Tuesday 30 April 2013

propper ish

So almost killed a technician the other day.
We only found out today and he's alright so you know, guess thats alright then.

So anyway last week we set up out set design thing right.
So that was set up, was fine, dandy golden no problems and shit.
So we've moved everything, put everything up. but the poles into the things put the weights on the bottom of em so you know they ent goin' anywhere.
The only one that could of moved was the "Washboard" one i think he called it, because that one don't have anyway.
So that didn't.

So he tells us today and were thinkin'.
Well shit me man.
Never knew that, but then if it was gona fall shouldn't it of fallen when we were setting it up and shit?
so you know.

That happened.

what else happened.
Well, bugger all.
Two people in my second lesson, just me n liam. teacher showed up, we chilled about it. last lesson. fuck that come home.

thats it really.

Actually i did something musical.
Oh well i'll remember when playing tomorrow.
Goodbye people.

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