Monday 8 April 2013

i did stuff today, not much but enough to blog about, a-fuckin-pparently.

Plan for the day.

Watch Vikings - Check
Quid Band practice - Check
Game of thrones - not yet
Meal instead of fuckin' poker - gerrrr

So watched the new episode of Vikings Episode 6.
Now that was kickass man its a good show man.
just another week to go and shit for the next one.
They have some funny saying and scenes in that man, its brilliant man.
I need me that stuff in me life.

And when away for a few weeks the wife saying.
"My belly has been empty of loveness."
Well shit me.

and a few others than cannot be mentioned.

"i want to ride you like a bull...
A wild bull."

Don't fuckin' mind if ya do.
School girl outfit, two ponytails for some reason, slammin' done.
only one person will know what im on about there.

So quid band practice and shit.
i'm gona have a sit down and watch game of thrones man tired.

So back anyway.
So rehearsal with quid.
I got their at 20 ta 12, its starts at 12 but you know. place was closed.
So i went to get a pie.
No pie.
So you know, chicken burger it is then.
Dude that shit was proper nice i recommend that place man.
Its real nice man.
cafe place on the way to muthers studio man. its nice man.
try it some time.

So anyway.
Had rehearsal.
It went well.

About it really we had a laugh and sit down.
Was good.

Got home to a surprise we've been offered a gig at a Beer Fest so you know.
I'm fuckin' well game.

So looking forward to that and shit.
when its fully confirmed and shit will put up some details and stuff people.
I can tell you, its on a friday, in july. or june. either way its on a friday.

Yes its in july.

So anyway.
Game of thrones.
Yeah that was good.
Paul Kaye was in it. if you don't know who he is then this guy. the legend and influence upon oneself.

now thats badass man.
And the hound was back, erm no he wasn't spoilers.
Some shit whatever.
I didn't even realise he left, thought he was with the ginger stark.
Was good man.
Dude from love actually was in it. you know the drummer one.
With Liam Neeson as his dad. that one.
About that really was good, nice sit down and shit.

Now its time to do the same until this meal later.

Have to be on my best behaviour and bullshit.
fuck that, an interesting saying from Ted Nugent man.
Its ad-libbed a bit its been a while since i heard it.

Everyone has there own little fire.
Some people are happy and have happy little fires and i come along and add some kindaling to that fire you know, make it shine brighter and bring the happiness out more.
But others have asshole fires. and if your being an asshole. I'm bring gasoline "Petrol" to your fire and making it a hell of a lot worse.

Pretty much if your a nice person and friendly and shit.
thats what your gona get.
If your a fucking prick.
Man thats what your gona fuckin' well get.

be well behaved my arse.

you've met me before right?

Anyway its time to end.
Or some shit anyway.
Things gotta end.
So you know, goodbye people. have a good night and week and shit man.
Also you guys should like the facebook page.

I should get a logo made for this actually.
That shit would be interesting.



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