Tuesday 2 April 2013

petitions and chapter one of My December "working title"

Hey people.
I'm going to be away for a few days so you know.
May not post stuff for a few days or soemthing.
Never know.
But anyway, I'm going to leave you with the first chapter of that romance book story thing i've been writing.
Leave us some feedback and shit man.
Its alright.

But anyway.
Check back to my horror ish one i'll put a link up below.


But anyway.

Have a good few days people.


And before i put up the first chapter.
Everyone sign this petition.

Iain Duncan Smith to live on £53 a week.


He best fuckin' do it.
Actually let me talk about the guy who started it first.
I know procrastination.
They said he was a musician, but looking at  him i would say magician not musician. but anyway thats all other wise i'll be here for a while.
So here is chapter 1 of the romance book thing.

My December

Chapter 1
Or is this just a fantasy

I don't know what made me take a walk. 
I just remember stepping out the building, out onto the street, just for a walk in the midday sun. I’m sure theres a reason somewhere, but where it is, I do not know.
Everyone seems nice and happy today which is strange. Not using my normal method of trying to avoiding people, swerving around everyone like a stream through pebbles. Being center of the pavement, having everyone curve around myself, its a nice change, its nice everyone smiles and understands this. It all seems to... right.
But something must be wrong.
Maybe something normal is about to happen. This official looking guy, in a gray suit, pale blue shirt, stripes on his tie. Seems like he wants to say something to me. What could it be now? Get a haircut? stop trying to live like life's a dream, a game? Give up on everything you want to do and conform, get a job? He could walk quicker towards me and get it over with.

Hey, she's waiting for you.

He says so politely, pointing down the street towards some tables.
I have no idea who he’s speaking about, I can’t see anyone.

Cheers, I guess, Whoever you are.

I have to tell you, that doesn't happen all to often. I must of died or something because this is all too strange, I should probably give up the drinking. But then again that wont stop any wars.
Hey here comes something normal, A big, scary looking bitch now. Its not often I get scared of a woman, but this one is just pure evil looking thing. All black clothing like its suddenly back in style, whatever that is now. perfectly wrinkled face, you know the type thats been moulded to look good with some aging. just makes them look scary, the soul eater looking type. Surely she’s got something to say about me.

Stop keeping her waiting. She’s been waiting for you for ages.

She says in a soft warm tone, I was expecting more of a heavy smokers voice. Now this is getting strange.

Who’s waiting for me?
Just go there to the cafe, she's been waiting for you for such a long time.
Alright i’ll play it through.

I’m guessing this isn’t going to stop until I go over to her. Well it may stop, its not like everyones going to come up to me and tell me that she is waiting. But then again, every thing thats been said is wrong at some point.  Allow me to prove it by this big scary looking fuck coming towards me. Now I’m pretty sure protocol states get out the way, but not today. This brick shit house with the gay looking dog which begs for all types of questions is just gonna have to go around.

Hey. She’s still waiting, go over to her.. Now

Well I got to admit, this guy doesn't have to say it twice. But its always good to fight back a little bit.

why don’t you try and tell me that without your Gay little dog?

Now i know that was a bad move. But today seems like a good day whats the worse that could happen?

It would be best if you just get your ass over to her, and get it over with.

Now the dog was the thing that scared me the most. letting out one of those simple barks that shit you up when your home alone safe and sound, even when they bark when outside. Multiple barks thats no worry. Its the singular barks you have to worry about, because its always followed by that intense stare dogs do when they have a point to make.
Maybe animals are a higher form of life.
Well, higher than me at least.
Yeah before you begin to wonder the Brick Shithouse guy is still hovering around. Don't worry he’s no bother, just I may listen to the dog and head over to Her now.

That look both ways rule doesn't seem necessary today, a slight glance maybe but seeing as the rest of the walk has been I think it would be ok. But then theres always a taxi when you least want one.
They do tend to try not to run you over but they do get close. yet this one did narrowly miss me, but it didn’t have its usually characteristics of swearing and beeping its horn at me. Thats a nice change. Now the sign of the roof though was the main change. I’m crossing the road to go see Her, Three people and a dog have told me to cross the road to this cafe to see Her. I’m pretty sure I don't have to be reminded by a sign on a roof of a taxi which nearly runs me over.
But then I’ve never had the best of memory so a slight reminder is always good.

Standing outside this fancy looking cafe now, it looks more like a restaurant actually, no ones on the outside seating, they maybe inside.
Oh boy here comes the waiter, this should be interesting they always have something nice to say to the likes of me.

This way sir your, presence is greatly anticipated.

...Well, there is always a first for everything.

lead the way then my good sir.

Why I bow as well I have no idea but it always seems like a good thing to do. Maybe I can finally understand who everyone is going on about. He could lead me through this maze of tables a little bit quicker i’m getting a bit anxious about this entire thing.

There she is sir, in the booth at the end on the right, nest to the window.

He says arm outstretched in Her direction. Suddenly my stomach begins to bubble over, feel like butterflies are flying, the squirrels are frolicking all that bollox. But why has this short walk got to be so tough?

Thank you my man.

I respond politely as i can, whilst trying not to sound like an asshole.

Making my way towards Her booth I begin to see things I recognize. Her long black hair, her pale skin, her sleeves rolled up just below her elbows. Her black leather jacket, The way she’s almost trying to copy my style, but with a little more black believe it or not i’m quite fond of the color blue, and also the fact i wear this everyday.
You need to have commitment to try and look this good day in day out. Even when you don't really try hard. What can I say, its a gift. I cant help if people try to take after me, they see what looks good and try it for themselves, Its cute.
But here it is. The moment I’ve been waiting for, My change to say those things I wish to say. A deep breath before sitting down. Finally with Her at last.


She says with her perfect voice, slightly going up in pitch along with her cute, perfect smile.


I reply... I know i could of said something better but you never know, it still stands.

So what was it you wanted to talk to me about?

She says, slipping her hand into mine from across the table.
Now, i’ve worked on these words in my head for a long time. But this unexpected meet in this cafe that appears to be more of a restaurant, just has my mind all jumbled up and confused. I try to find the words but end up making a strange noise which i can’t seem to stop, a sound that should be followed by words at some point, but they will be here soon.
She looks at me with her beautiful eyes, steeling my gaze, making me lose track even more. I’m pretty sure this isn't a good thing for such a day dreaming like me.
but look at them, what more do you need. Beautiful soft skin, not too soft though, just a slight bit of toughness to them, never dose any harm.

I err.

Yes thats a start.

Just wanted to say that I erm... I really think about you. Not just a little bit like most of the time, I know its bad because of the misses and everything but, not even you know how i feel. I just want you to know that, i feel strongly about you, you-know. Now you know its hard for me to say this because, you know it. It takes me a long time to say things. But what I think i’m trying to say is that. Is erm that I err.

She begins to lean forward, just in closely enough to whisper into my ear
Don’t worry, I....
Now I know there wasn't any works going on when i walked in, why all the noise now?
Sorry could you say that again? i didn’t hear you
Yeah sure. I l.....

Again that annoying works begins, the hammering of drills on concrete pavement. Why are they starting now its midday.

I’m sorry, could you say that again for me please? its the works they aren't allowing me to hear what your saying, but i think i know what you are saying.
Okay, one last time. I L.....

Oh for fuck sake, could you stop with that infuriating ringing I’m trying to hear what she's trying to say here.

But then I realize where I am.

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