Thursday 11 April 2013

3 day catch up, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

fuck me man tired as shit man.
heavy few days man.
So a bit to write about and shit, anyway.


We got kicked out of lesson today, it was very strange.
The teacher snapped and said
"right, get out, everyone get out. your hear to learn and your not learning your being disrespectful i want you all to get out. you've saved yourself 40 minutes. Go"
not all of us were bad, it was just a few people who were not being corporative and disrespectful.
So we went for a drink.

Then on the night time.


Woken up at 8:40 today, with a slight hangover do to a strategic Jagerbomb the previous night.
Doctors appointment at 9:20.
20 minutes to prepare, making myself a cup of Tea and washing my face to sober me up a little bit.

They were arguing on the Radio again, still about Margret thatcher. Why people are being jerks offs i don't know but still don't be a fucking' dick about someone who's dead.
Unless its hitler or your a fucking jerk off or something, I'm sure none of them are reading this blog because you know.
They can't read.

And you know that is plausible as meny of the protesters and shit were around the age of 18-20 who were drinking Special Brue so you can tell, they are on the Doll.

Arrived at the Doctors, was good. Was also strange as they were playing the soundtrack to Twilight in there, was not what i was expecting to hear at a doctors place, with a hangover first thing in the morning.
I mean it sounded good and shit was nice and shit.
But not something you really expect.

So i went into the doctors room thing and told them my ailment.
Its me ears again man.
So i stand up, and the doctor comes up to my shoulders she was only little, and turns around and just says.
Its fine you can sit down.

Thats good other wise would have to duck down weirdly.

So anyway, its fine no infection again or anything its just some blockage and shit.
Just been told to put some olive oil drops in and shit.
yes thats right.
Olive oil.
Like what i put on my stake to maranade that stuff.
That is what i have to put in my ear.

She said not to use the same oil that i just cooked a stake with as that would be bad for some reason.
Can't think why, it'll only have oil and soy source in.

God that videos so gay.

So anyway, i had to work on this song, i say that i had to remember it and do a demo of it for Hannah its on soundcloud will put it up in a moment.
So spent a few hours jamming and stuff, and its at 170BPM.
So i'm sitting there thinking, man do i play 32nd notes there?
How many notes is that per minute.
So i did the math.

first off.
32nd notes is 8 notes per beat.
So you know in essence its 170 x 8

So you know

170 x 8

100 x 80 = 800

70 x 8
50 x 8 =350
20 x 8 = 160

800 +
350 +
160 =

1210 BPM

Then it turns out it was in 16th notes so i thought thank fuck for that.
So rather than do that math again it was simple.

1210 Devided by 2
605 BPM

And that is what i did.
Yet i swear it was more.

So anyway recorded a few thought yeah that will do.
Fuck that was video.
Had to redo it a few more times.
So in all, about 3/4 hours on and off.
Yeah i had fun.

And this is what i spent the day doing.


So today it is Rachels Birthday everyone say happy Birthday.
Say It!

So went to college.
Did that.
Rachel came to stratford. we walked about, went to tutor house thing was good.
went for a meal, that shit was nice.
Had mini burger thing it was 6 burgers.
2 of each.
plain burger, cheese burger and cheese and bacon burger.
Was fuckin' nice man
and a bucket of chips.

Was some strange ass bitch sitting next to us. on another table, was there with her mom n dad or something.
And was looking thought the menu and said.

I don't like most of this stuff i only like two of the things on this menu.

Fuckin' order one of them then.

And he dad must of gone.

Why not have a burger.
And she replied with.
I only eat burgers from mcdonalds.

What the fuck is with this bitch man.

So then had that went back to hers for a few minutes then home for a death metal nap.
Which is a nap while you listen to Death Metal.

I recommend Hate - solarflesh.

So anyway.
Band practice and shit with Winter Storm.
Was good man.
Heard an intresting thing from Hannah, one of her teachers from uni is coming yo our album launch gig and is bring her son.
Who knows me.

Dude i have no idea who this guy is.
His last names either wild or barron or something.
I have not a fuckin' clue man.

But anyway.
Thats enough for today.
Goodbye everyone.
Have a good night.

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