Tuesday 16 April 2013

The News and how it travels, with a mix of other fuckin' shit.

now with every tradagy or bad event there always comes news.
naturaly its how we find out about all the bad and none of the good, unless it is heart warming... yet still depressing in some type of way.
The mother fuckers.
Man all the news wants to do it make everyone feel shit in one way or another.

Whats happened today then?
something good and amazing has happened.
Oh shit we can't report that, quick find a country noone has ever heard of and see if anyone is trapped anywhere in a hole.

so last night, well yesterday you know time diffrence.
Yes i'm english, problem?

during the brston marathon two bombs went off and luckaly/thankfully two of them were stopped and deactivated.
but sadly during this over 140 people were injured and 3 have been killed.

That is all the information i gathered from the news this morning.

but that is not what i'm going to talk about, its what the reporters and people atualy discuss. you know the strange little details that link to a similer event somehow.

this one was intresting, a reporter said that.

useualy within 3 days an organisation reveils themselfs and take clame for doing the attack for one reason or another.
Something along the lines.

Which to me makes me think.
What was their a commity involved during the formation of terorist organisation? where the goverment sits them down and says.
Right this is the rules.
Well here are the rules there not fucking chavs.


You can do an attack and shit but you must take clame to it within 3 days.
Other wise we will send in the seals.
Also remember to take the orange form fill in page 6 and 7 sign on page 3, 8 and 37, aswell as your name and contact details on the front page at least 3 weeks in advance of any attack.

is that the process or something, noone knows.

And its the thing.
They will reveal themselfs within 3 days.

What so every terorist organisation will be looking at each other like a bunch of blokes at the pub wth glasses running low andeventualy one of them says.
Ahh it was my shout i got it.

man its weird shit man, its the little things that you know find funny about the media shit.
someone posted.

Wow, its amazing how fast news can travel.

well, we have the internet now, there may be a singal delay from things being uploaded in the world but once its up and going it wont take too long.
then as soon as something happens you can find out. with smartphones now someshit can happen and be uploaded or talked about worldwide within a few minutes of it even happaning.

Now i have to say, we had means to send information over seas before the internet.
Phones, Faxing and post office.

So phone up a representive in another country and the news is broudcast in that country.
then before phones and faxing.
Was post.
Then you know, fuck man i have to sail over the fuckin' 7 seas to give dave this message, shit me.

Sails seven seas.

Yo wheres dave?
he set sail 3 days ago.
Mother fucker'!!

Sails after Dave

few days later catch up and shit.
fast ship whatever.

Dave i have a message.
really what is it?
wanna go for a drink?
When were back in port mate. when else would we go for one? unless you have a pub on board?

You get the idea.
You know thats code to tell them some inportant news.

but now were in the information age so you know, information is key and easy to access  appart from the shit people don't want us knowing about.
Like why we have no money yet people are asking for money that dosent exist back.
but fuck that onto other bullshit.

So college today.
First lesson.
Well actually on the bus, did more math. got that shit finished.
Then started to draw the fuckin' diagrams and get everything prepared and shit. so that was fun for the set design bullshit.
Like architectural.
fuck sake.

But its interesting to plan that shit in such a detailed way.
Given an idea for other projects and shit.
Well short films and stuff.

so first lesson.
Just continued with that.

Second lesson.
Teacher walked in kind of went.

naff this.

Then walked out came back about 5 minutes later told us to do some work that is on the college site so we did that
And went to get food and beers at pub standard.

so last lesson.

Not much really designed some more stuff got a few ideas and shit.
just to draw em out and shit see what they look like on paper aswell as in person.
After already seeing them in person.

So anyway that was my day then.
How was yours people?

Man thats one of the things man.
You gotta be a lowlife man.
just more of a laugh.
could get about 3 albums out of the shit i remember about being a low life.
Got a song called "alcohol fuled Stupidity"
I can't even fuckin' say it.
So it must be good.

So rowan came around and shit.
Lucky cus i almost ended this and shit.
Still here.
So we had a fuckin' rockin' ass jam, fuckin' boilin' ass shit man.
Outside that stuff man.

So now its drink on and chillin.
Blast the music and fuckin' beers on.

Goodbye people.

Keep safe.

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