Friday 5 April 2013

strange shit and stuff man, weird dream even

So anyway i'll start with this bad dream i had.
Well i think it was a bad dream.
Well it was a bad dream but was also strange man.

So in me dream, it was meself, me sister, mom and dad and shit. We were driving somewhere and shit, was at night. then car goes out of controle and shit. something happens we end up going over some rail into some type of fountain type thing.
a big ass bastard one you know outside a posh hotel but really long trench type thing and shit.
So you know, that was fucked up.
Then were in the car, thats changed to me moms one now and under water. so were just sinking to the bottom and the water ent fully gone in yet.
Because you know. if you try to open the door it wont open because pressure and shit you know. that old thing.
So were in the car looking at each other.
so boot the fuckin' door in and shit.
so grab me sister and shit and start ta swim.
on me own at this point just swimming and shit.
Keepin' on fuckin' swimming and shit was like was holding me breath and well then started to breath underwater felt weird man in the dream.

So after what felt like 5 minutes and shit of swimming upward and shit.
You know thinking, should i go slower you know to stop pressure thing you know.
The bends i think.

So get to the surface deep breath and shit.
Fuckin' hell goin on.
Hit the beacon thing.
You know now i'm just thinking i'm in a pool and shit. so just kick this thing like having a laugh then remember.
Car crash.

So look on down and shit, get my phones out start ringing random numbers and stuff.
Then me sister pops up and shit, help her out a bit.
Trying to climb out but can't get out of it for some reason.
Because i climb one fence then there is another with about 4/5 inches separate and for some reason i cant climb that part.
So back in the pool thing.

Lookin' for the others and shit, cant find em. and can't get me breath back even thought i'm golden for some reason. was weird.

Then dude runs along from the hotel and says.

Hey are you will, i got a missed call from this number and think you need my help.
No shit sherlock.

Then i woke up and shit.
Was weird man.
Dream man, they don't make too much sense at times.

appart from the one i had in Sheffield.
Now that was funny telling the person the next day.

Other news my drum kit missed me man.
Gona spent quite some time tomorrow you know.
Having a kickass long ass jam.
and practicing and shit.
gotta get the controle practice on and rockin man.
I could make a video and shit.
Actually that would be interesting and shit.
good for checking out editing and stuff.
Humm that is an interesting idea i have thought of just now.

I wanna practice that shit,
So onward to tonight.
Where we shall drink moderately and shit.
Soo to everyone.


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