Saturday 6 April 2013

Chillin' Death metal, Vikings. Stuff

In a nutshell, that is pretty much what i did today.
Well you know i did other stuff.
I had a lay down.

Watched Spartacus again.
Separate Paths not from start again.
Man they actually do more talking than i remember from watching the other day.
Was strange watching it man was actually paying attention to what they are saying.
Was like.

You will pay for your insolence.
And i was just thinking.
Man who's got diabetes?

Was listening to Hate aswell.
You know, their Bass player died this morning so thought will have a listen.
And you know, there kick-fuckin-ass.
As most polish Death Metal bands are.

I did suggested to my band Quid that we do a cover as tribute as a little joke because you know.
An Indi-Rock back doing a cover of a death metal band would be awesome but strange too see.
thought we could do an adaptation of it.
But then the lyrics would be a little strange you know.

Concentrate and dissolve!
Solar force - Flaming rage

Behold! We march together against the faith!
We march together to smite the paradigm of life!

Let me drink your blame. Let me breathe your falsehood
We burn the halls of mystics. We have come to open the graves
May the gods be forsaken on altars of shame

May they wear crowns of thorns
May they swallow all despise!

Sacred doorways where darkness decends
Slaves in raptures sick of unknown disease
Feeble minds lust for oracles

But with an Indi singer ish voice and fashion.
Would be brilliant man.

I almost put up Saliva Survival of the Sickest then but then thought that may be a bit insensitive or something.
Acidental its a kickass song aswell.


Started Watching Vikings today man.
Man i was drumming so was piss hot, took off me shirt and started watching it.

Hey that ent gay thats metal.

So was watching it, and the intro came on the titles thing credits whatever.
And the logo came on and i couldn't help but raise my fish in the air and shout.
Fuck yeah.

Just happened man.
It must be good then man.
That or i was a Viking in a past life or something and my sprit body was thinking.
Good times.

But anyway people.
I will leave you at that.
Goodbye everyone.
Have a good night and shit.


I'm sure you have more questions and shit that you want me to answer or to ask me.
Which is why i have the feeling that some of you are like this.

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