Sunday 14 April 2013

ok catch up time

so like in real live i have been very vuage in the past few posts which may have put most of you off.
Unless you are women and you like being ignored or something.
I don't know.
Its what the media and other people have us men believing.


don't stop

to get to the shit thats happened.
In a nutshell,
I've been out.
Pissed on a mate.

And note.

Not Off.

Yes you read that correctly.

I didn't fucking stutter.
So what else.
Hold on let me look at yesterdays blog.

Fuck yeah i went dancing as well.
Forgot about that.
The irish, nice people. may have to go there one day soon with Liam and shit.
Why him you ask.
Fuck knows actually.

So in order of stuff i will fuckin' remember.

So there i was.
Minding my own buisnes.
Having a merry old piss.

And a mate comes up behinds us and pushes us forward.
So you know.
Almost land in the pisser.

So naturally.

Fuck off!
So i'm swinging my knob about fuckin spraying on him and shit.
You know getting the last fuckin' piss drops out and shit.
fuck off!
Pissing ya know.

So i pissed on me mate.

Anyway after and shit.
Having a laugh as we do.

And nat comes over and says to Ant.
Dude come dance with me.
fuck no.
Came his reply.

I'll do it. "apparently politely"
I say.

So off i go and do my version of "dancing"

Was a fuckin' laugh man.
the irish are really nice and shit, we have a laugh.
and stuff.

Man i love that shit.
Laughin' and stuff.
Don't need much else man.

Time to go out for a beer and stuff.
See your guys around and shit people.

Have a drink on... someone else.
And get me one aswell.


Also yesterday and today.
Rachel came over, we chilled out, didn't do too much just had a relax and stuff.
Watched game of thrones.
On Episode 8 of season 1.
Got a bit to go through and shit but you know.
Ive seen it so you know.
I can watch the new episode tomorrow.


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