Monday 27 May 2013

the past week

So the past week ish right.
So done all my college stuff. got a week off now going back in two wednesdays to see what shit i can do to upgrade or finish whatever.
then its film my short film.
And interview with the HND people.

so today right.
Bed. Vomit. "Censored|" vomit. almost sleep. Happy Gilmore chillin'.

And pub soon.
And i told Rachel i may be going and that jack asked. and the way i said it sounded like he was a dog.

"Jackie wants to go to pub.
but you've just got back from the pub.
jackie wants to go to pub."

See, it dose sound like a dog right?
Anyway what else.

So yesterday, went cusens for BBq football poker n watch the boxin.
Didn't drink that much...
They have the best dog man. a collie called Vimto man metal man.
Beautiful dog with beautiful eyes.
Loves us now.

At first i walk in and she barked her head off at us.
now she loves us.
Was playing poker and she puts her paws on my lap to get us to pay attention to her. had to fold my hand because i could check on em or bet because she would nudge my arms out the way so i would stroke her.
Cute shit man.

Was killer n alf.

had some weird shit gone on.
With music world though i almost had to pay £500 towards an album that i wasn't gona be on i wernt included in that but thank fuck man.
i ain't playing on it, i ain't paying on it.
Proper worried us cus the only thing i could think was.

Ah shit, they want us ta pay on it aswell, gotta go say yo dose this include me? and if it dose, it ain't happening  so the only thing left then is pay or go and it would be have to go.
No other way around that man.

and i've gotten taller i found out by hitting my head at rehearsal.
Which made us more nervas.
Its not a facebook convo that its more person to person one.

Missed todays rehursal due to hangover and shit.
My bad.

But as been said. there isn't a ore rock n roll excuse than.
"Got a hangover"

So went out tonight, jsut for a few quiet ones down local.
Have the two.
got told man can come chill with us and shit.
nah just go pub wanna be home early and shit.

So after my few beers begin to walk home. Send a text to mate goin man i'm goin home.
So you know. the standard.
Oh i ahve a text. nah its will will reply in a few minues.
None of that just phone call.

don't do that come ahve a laugh and shit.

Fuck it go on then.


I though you said we were going to have a laugh.
Well that was good then wern't it.

Next time, remind us to not give a fuck and just be selfish and do what you wanna do.
what others do.
And if we act the same were being dicks.

Its a two way street man.
Take it and not take it the same and whatever you know the thing.

Fuck sake.

And the light in the garrage is on. was strange.
I looked side gate locked.
Door locked.
Fuck knows.
Ent gona wake anyway to go.

"Yo thats on"

Can't check it just incase you know.
Never know if someone will do that. wait till you go check it out to you know. open the door then get in while your out checkin something else out.

Paranoia whatever it makes sense.

It should be longer this but can't remember much.
Fuck it.

Drumming and storyboarding tomorrow.
Metal will write about that and shit.
Maybe even pictures.

Now some people go fuckin' fuck your fucking selves.

Goodbye people.


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