Wednesday 15 May 2013

past few days

then a flock of seagulls flew by.
thats about it.

So we filmed our TV show yesterday.
Keeping it current.
Was the director.
Its a bad thing i'm polite because on reflection shouting and being a prick is good at times.
Some mother fucker's need a beating and to get out of the fucking way and to keep quiet.
Your not in controle.
This is my gig "director power lord" do as  your told, your getting in the fucking way.
Now fuck off.

So me and liam got into the studio as soon as we could at 11 and started setting up, was me liam and chris.
People popped in but nothing major was done.
Chris did the lighting as you know, he has the qualifications.
So that was that.
Guy helped with some other lighting that was it.

If we tried to set up as a group nothing would of got done.
Too many people wanting different things when it is mine, and the producers vision.
Not the fucking jerk off who wants to be in charge.

Fuck off again.

Fucking cock.

If you want to complain and be a bitch.
do it on something that doesn't make sense.
Such as the government, be pissed at that. or is everyone else doing that and you don't want to do that aswell?
so college it is.

Some people just need a fucking problem with something thats good.
well i say good, something that makes sense.

A beating or smack around the head is needed at some point.

They can fuck off at some point. hopefully you know, won't have to put up with em.
That would be nice.

what else.
Applied for the HND course.
Was interesting.
Filled out the form and shit, gave it to the head of department.

"aww thats brilliant your a star well done"
So you know it felt like she was saying.
"Aww thats brilliant, i'm going to put this right here on the fridge."

But would be intresting.
Going to make a short film soon.
Upon the interview i will take the script with me, along with a demo of another and chapter one of the vampire book which has changed.

I'll tell you the motto from the book.
"as you suffocate, i shall breath"

Which is metal.

But anyway.
goodbye people.
Have fun.


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