Tuesday 20 November 2012

Day 2, ish

you should know who I am by now, if not... well, then, fair play.
let me tell you about my poker game last night "not about an hour ago, I am not writhing this as soon as I get back in, then posting this blog later on tomorrow the... 20th of... november I think, at around 4... ish. maybe, depending what I do." we was playin, as you do in poker. the 6 of us, Mr Chris's birthday so he ent there. Also "this is going to have a post related to poker every Tuesday  because Monday is poker night... bitch. (imagine that as Jesse from breaking bad [yes i am a fan of breaking bad])"
Ahh fuck i didn't get a beer hold on.
Well that was slightly terrifying after playing The Walking Dead Epp 4 today, and also the episode I watched today. Should of watched dexter to balance it out, the big bang theory just don't do the same.
See and mother fuckers didn't let me be able to make money from this shit by not accepting me to advertise man, mother fuckin' fuckers.
Anyway err, Chris did show up just later then did a cash game, anyway so we was palyin as we fuckin' well do in poker. I lost whatever, then cash game bout hour ish later, or some time whatever "thought I was gona say some shit" so  go all in with the money I had left on me "50p", and basically, don't let ben shuffle and deal for you, that shit just ent right it weirds ya out.
I woulda win if they folded.
Also shout out to mr andy who I was playin against for 50p. he won FYI, and gave me back the 50p... not because it was in 5p's or anythin. it was towards my piggy bank "in the shape of a VW camper... but round... (i should get a camera and photo this shit)"

Yeah I don't know either.
So anyway, to tomorrow.
"also I think I may use this picture (the one above, just you know FYI, if ya didn't know, well its the only picture on here so shit me man if ya didn't know... anyway) as a (man i dont even know just go with it like me... Bitch [Jesse])"
back to tomorrow/today/whenever the fuck... its still atualy monday, I'm jsut happy to be here and don't have much to do and have much shit to do at 20 past fuckin' 11 at night... put nickelback on, I like nickelback. yeah I make the jokes, thats because there funny.
Ahh thats a mother fuckin' fucker piece of shit I gotta go on about, i'm gona leave you people in suspence n shit for a day or two till I tell you the story about the fuckin "word my mom dosent like"... "sounds like blunt but with a C and no L"
nutshell, mother fuckers need to know what a joke is, and what they are there for. a joke is a joke, the idea is to laugh, theres jokes for everyone about everyone, thats the fuckin idea, dont take it seriously. "unless hilter makes a jew joke then fair play be offended"
yeah thats the fucker, let me show you my editing stuff, this is from an exam we had recently at college, we had to film a short clip from a film "if you quess the film you win something, i just wanna see if anyone comments, even if its (oi dickhead, tell us what the fuckin film is)"

I mean shit you could even jsut copy and paste that stuff and i'll be, well still me allways a happy bastard.
Anyway back to what I was tryin to say, I'm gona rock another drum cover up soon, Nickelback Something in your mouth. don't ask why, because if you do, your probably a dirty bastard, who ent "something"... yeah i said it.
Ok so now its the next day on Tuesday at 20 ish to 10. Nice day planned and shit you know, ordered me a drum book, "Stick Control" which contains different rudiments and patters and shit, all for improving drumming, one of the best drum books around. Will show you how it goes keep you updated may even do a video diary or something. And maybe if your lucky and I can apprehend a "studio" space would record a video lesson about it or something. "yeah, thats what everyone want's, a lesson, from me."
"Well that is if you ask I would say nicely just ask, its nice to be wanted isn't it, so just ask, then that would make me happy... because I would feel wanted and needed... man i should be scottish."
like I said i'm a helpful bastard at time's, usually telling people helpful information after they've done the thing they needed help with, just as a dick move you know. It would of made it so much eiser for them but you know. Its a laugh init.
Other than that stuff cant think of much other shit that i'll get up to today... maybe drum anyways get a rockin on, run through the set a few time's. Can't be arsed for a wank but you know early day's. may write something you know get chapter two of my "vampires not gay no more" book done. Quite interesting story i'll put up the first chapter tomorrow or something  actually thursdays because thursdays are the fuckin' drinkin' days. Well every day is but this one is with the, err i think it's spelled "bezzie", in other words best mate.
anyway i'm gona go before I make this a shit long epic piece of reading.
"I spelled piece wrong, spell checked and epic was on there, and you know that this shit is epic. comment if you agree, then I know that i have people reading this shit, or someone who made it this far, anyway"

Well its pissin' it down so erm,

I'm singin' in the rain.
Boom Pow

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