Friday 23 November 2012

Day 5. Yay its fuckin friday

In the wize words of Garth "Waynes World, if you ent seen it then i ahve no idea what you are doing with your life... even more"
I'm having fun.

Dude this college day ent right man, good thing got me git-fiddle "Gutiar" cus fuck all to do, first lesson was intresting did everything we needed to do by half 10 so you know, same thing in second lesson so not on.
So thats 3 n half hours to next lesson fair play whatever. so i'm chillin writing this with some Santana gotta have that man.
And a meeting at half 12 thats fun thats why i'm in the tv studio. "Was in the studio mind this is an update actually adding in the fuckin' fact about the fucking meeting"

I may have been saved by the Lovely Naomi, not alone anymore.
But anyway still chillin'.
You know what college needs? a fuckin bar.

You got a lesson next?
Fuck off who would drink before a lesson.
So yes then?
Yeah but give us the fuckin booze.

But the bartender would either be a jerk-off "it is stratford highly-likely (unless your that guy i think i know, or that one I know who works in some other bar that I ent got around to going to yet... I should really do that at some point)"
or someone who knows how ta have a laugh

Anyway, Naomi has a question.
If you went to a strip club, would you tell your girlfriend?
Answer this in the comments below people.
I think. Hey, at least he ent layin down the cable.

And now out of the fuckin' joy of all fuckin' joys "No masturbation jokes" and right into the sess "shit" pit of pure shit and a fuckin' half. 
So you know that fuckin' meeting we were fuckin' waiting for? We knew what it was going to be about, we were going to switch groups around so they were "Even" so basically group C "My group the smiler's i think" don't really need to change just bring in more from another group balance it out. but instead what happened was a pure melting pot of just lets split it all about so the shit "The people who don't work because they are shit" and the gold "People who actually do fuckin' work" together. Which forms something thats a, well really dirty looking gold. you know you don't wanna fuckin' touch that.
I have an idea, get rid of them it'll may have been a waste of their time, but fuck em they waist our time by fucking about.
Basically, its  all Fan-motherfuckin-tactic.

Fuck that.

Anyway so last night bezzie supost ta come over, didn't show "Rain, would've melted" anyway. Here now what more do you fuckin well need man
Ya bezzie, Beer and killer tunes

Boom pow.

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