Thursday 28 February 2013

A Willican Horror Story

Ok so i've jsut got back home, about 10 ish minutes ago, just got some food and shit, got pissed at the fuckin' cat. chill and shit. no beer thats cool fuck sake.
Get to me room, turn light on.
Dead gone, no lights on, fuck fuck sake. none of em work appart from the landing light. too late to fuckin' change em now fuck that.

Have ta do tomorrow.

So anyway.
Last night then, i got pictures was gona upload em but fucked now too long to search for the shit in the fuckin' dark.
Just a few pictures of the champaign and the aftermath.
Was a good laugh, so was me and Rowan chillin' not doin much we jsut watched Ozzy Osbourne live at budokan. Piss funny shit man, talkin about stuff aswell. but the best thing was Zakk Wyldes solo.
because its in japan they do gigs diffrently to us right, so it was dead silent appart from his guitar and there was this one japanese guy jsut stareing at him so we go.

Man he's learning all of this shit.
Yeah all he's seeing is 12-14-15-12-14-15.
Hes gona go home now and his mom will be like "how was the gig?" and he would say "ahh it was awesome, he played this (pulls out guitar and starts palying the solo)
he starts to show his dad and he slaps him and says you play the piano not guitar.
ahh ok.
then after the played that he started palying this "starts playing on the piano his solo" And then he played behind his head "plays piano hands behind head"

Piss ass funny shit man.

So anyway we continue on drinking and shit. And run out of beer during Black Label Society live.
So anyway we get tot he champaign, and I can't be arsed to find proper glasses so I get some pint glasses and equally fill them with champaign, was a fuckin' laugh. We ended up drinking's this bottel, naturally not much in it. then these 2 other types of it for christmas thing babysham and some other shit that tasted like shit.
A fuckin' laugh man.

We were very indeedly fucked and a half.

So naturally you can tell i didn't do much in the morning.
So finally waking up and shit just chilled out, watched the spy who shagged me and that was about it. Played I Am Alive, yeah i bought that yesterday. its good but you know, you want a bit more form it ya know.
Anyway thats it. watched Renaissance Man with Danny Devito in. its a good film man some funny quotes, just i gotta watch it again to get the one i wanted. shit me.
So thats that.

Then it was on down to the masons for a few ales.
Only the 2 it took me an hour for the first one i didn't feel good at all man. Felt slightly terrible and shit. all good now though its settled and ready for college tomorrow.

Then thats about it for today.
So you guys can now go back about your business and relax and shit.
Also i would like to welcome china man i had some views from there the other day thats kickass.
Actually to all countries man thats killer where you guys are from. if the translation don't work out to well firstly i'm typing how i talk and using a little bit of slang what more do you want from us fuckin' english?
Other countries speak english better than us.
You know who you are.
No not Americans thats not english thats just stupid on a fuckin' stick, its those romanians man.
Gotta watch out for them.
And not just because of the horse meat thing man.
I'm onto you Romania.

And also Nat is, shes more scary look at that.
Too all of my people.
Goodnight, goodbye. and have a good day man.
And weekend its that shit soon.

Have a something day man.
Love Will.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Tuesday 26 February 2013

back in college and the "Ring"

Where do i begin today man, shit man did allot.
so woke up piss early and shit to look after the fuckin' fuck cat right, that little mother fucker just gona leave that shit, nice breakfast man sausage sandwich. what more do you need? oh yeah coffee.
So was walkin' ta the bus and shit was thinkin', man if i miss this shit and get the train to Birmingham to get the next train to Stratford i would just end up in Sheffield.
what its chillin' i like the place.

So unluckily i ended up getting the bus on fuckin' time.
Which was interesting as there is a di-fuckin'-version in Henley so goin through these country lanes in a double decker and shit.
I know not that interesting and shit.
So we get ta college a bit early or some shit and that is that bullshit settled and stuff.

So first lesson we rock that shit, now i got my git-fiddle with me and shit so jammin' on that, you know wanna play that shit was jammin' stuff last night, got a few ideas and stuff.
So the teacher made a comment about my git-fiddle.

Is that a new guitar then?
fuck no have you seen it.

Also that wasnt me that said that, that was my outside main Liam.
Showed the back of it, well sides and its worn but looks kickass and awesome man.
so we put the git-fiddle away and shit, started doing some work.
Just watch some old kids ish TV-shows and tried not to go homicidal, its standard when watching "education" type kids shows i mean shit me fuck sake.
There all very fuckin' punchable.

But then the best thing was the "Activity" that we all did, now this was 7 men right, doing the most awesome thing ever man.
Now we havn't concentrated on anything harder in all of our time in college over the past 2 years on a task than this one right, and it was fuckin' killer man.
Making paper Pom-fuckin'-poms.

Dude that shit was kickass man, and we were making them so we know how to do it so we can make a TV show thing next week right. showing the audience how to do it.
So what my idea is right, we teach the adults right, how to make it so they can then go off and teach their kids right. because that way, there bonding and stuff, having a laugh. and also getting pretty fuckin' miffed at the fuckin' paper pompoms together, so its night right.
Thick about it slightly man.
Work a different angle.

whapa, next lesson.
So chillin' and shit some more, now was more like jsut a chat about stuff, we were talking about our last project we're gona be given' and shit. Then get onto workin' that shit out.
We were talking about the process of the business side ish and shit, like we discussed marketing and advertisement for a while. like going viral and shit. Some really interesting stuff and shit, can mix some shit over and stuff, like music and media world its interesting shit man.

We did a thing on when films would be released like the new Small Ship film Oblivion, which is april i think compared to when we thought World War Z was coming out.
Which i replied naturally.

hopefully never.

But its true it looks a load of fuckin' bullshit man.
but was a good lesson and shit anyway. nice discussion.

they ruined Skyfall for me.
Now how can i get rid of the fact that there are VW Beatles in the opening part of the film.

So anyway pub lunch.
Moving on.

So onto the last lesson then.
So now surprise surprise, the teacher isn't fuckin' there.
But we have Techy Chris who is awesome and badass and a laugh... and sudenly swears more, but anyway. it must be a chick thing was just all blokes today.... have we gone that country... you know the one... Careful.

So we were in the TV studio and shit, so went standard just right over to camera, i say that didn't volunteer for much.
So rocked that job done switch around.
Did Directing for the first time in a TV production environment, within a solo film thing different  shooting one tomorrow, thats different as well, its 2 people, meself and an artist.
But there is something comfy about doing a Director in a TV studio.
In a live one its interesting  as a solo one yeah but then its hard because its 3 camera shots, 1 camera so each one recorded separately, then you know. edited and shit.
going to be interesting.
The main thing getting rid of the guy after, you done your bit musician, away with you.
So that was that really, then onto graphics, doubel click the image. click fade, click fade again.
so that was college.

Imagine him saying
Get on with it.

So then yeah onto the night and shit, get back. have a sit down, i didn't really do much. Started ta play a game and shit first time in a while and me uncle comes in and says, have ya seen the Ring.
Nah man.
So throws it at us and tells us to put it on.
So watch the first 5 minutes, then its time to cook stake and chips.
So do that cookin' lark, get comfy and shit.
And dude.
That film, it had me crying.


With laughter.
We watched the same part over and over 3 times man, it was near the end when they show the dad hitting the girl over the head. it was just the sound effect it was fuckin' hilarious i bust out laughing and just go.
Man we gotta watch that again.
3 times man.
Piss funny man i was crying man.
its a good film just made me laugh, its dated now through. its strange the camera and stuff because the picture quality as it has like arks on it, like scuffs and shit. its quite interesting adds to the effect and shit.
Its a good film i recommend that shit.

so thats that man.
Thats the day now its time to relax and drink, listen to some music and chill out and shit. Proper fuckin' tired actually, wanna try and finish chapter 5 of my Romance book thing, will try and knock that out just gotta get into that dark ish mood and shit.
Fuck it i'ma rock it.

Should be a catchphrase.
Good bye my fellow people.
I'm really really really, really really fond of you guys man.
In a bit man.

Monday 25 February 2013

i did something

Kickass band they were man.
Saw em onces was killer and shit.

Its poker tonight heading out soon in about 5 minutes and shit, will update more and shit when i'm back or some bullshit.
Didn't really do that much shit man, chilled that shit, tried not ta kill the fuckin' cat. chilled some more then went o band practice. rockin' man were looking for gigs people so if ya want a rock n' roll band that kickass appart from james hit us on up man we'll rock it and shit.

So we was rockin the band practice man, ran through the set was about 27 minutes long not too bad with a little talking but thats half hour so its pritty fuckin' good man.
You guys should really hire us man, rock that calf.

Got a plan for me 21st, may just do a acoustic covers thing of just meself and a duet makin' a tit of meself attempting ta sing and play the git-fiddle. then standard covers band and shit then into Quid.
then maybe a jam actually, never know wing it.
then after words people would ask how i'm doing and this is pretty much it.

Got a good idea of what songs i would do for the acoustic set, just figuring out how ta do guitar stuff and talk and shit. be an interesting experience though.
be shit but still stands.

And as for poker, nah didn't go that well, but i wernt first out. was 12 people all together the most in a few weeks. been about a month since last palyed and Nats thrown off my game with Uno.
that bastard.
Its a good game man, shuffling really good now though.
But anyway its time to relax have a wee merry drink and prepare for college and shit.

and think some shit.
Soo for that shit people.

Sunday 24 February 2013

quite a fuckin' laugh man

Had a really funny night last night man, piss funny. Involved blood, beer, vomit and burning myself.
and losing bandanas and apparently getting back in at 2 i the morning.
All a good mix of shit ta do.

So I'll tell ya about my first tale of burning myself, so i was cooking fried chicken for me and Al my uncle and shit, had the pan on and shit oil full naturally burn and fire hazard. but you know, common sense.
So putting the chicken into the pan and shit, goes alright, then after a while dropping them in more and shit and pans gettin' hotter, cus can only fit a few in at a time. so spits up right over me arm.
so that was the first burning thing, was a laugh. its more annoying than burning.

So that was that, then onto the masons to meet me cousins and few others man.

My shirts got a strain but fuck it I'ma rock it.

Sorry quoting a song first. so we did that shit at the masons got merry and "censored" which set an alarm off. was a laugh, Will cover me.
Had a laugh and shit watched some boxing and shit, had a discussion about me looking like i should be in a biker gang yet without any tattoos.
which leads me to this.
I would not get a tattoo with them, only because, they would get us drunk and i would wake up with a fuckin dick tattooed somewhere on me arm.
But that would be a good thing you know, when ya too drunk just use the arm.

So then rowan came along, theres where some more trouble began to take places. right fuckin' laugh.
I know we talked about stuff, what it was we don't know, but he ended up getting an ass-kicking and i ended up just generally bleeding, fuck knows how.
So we were chillin at the masons for a while me and Rowan then we went off to o'niels and chilled there.
Introduced us to this "censored" and we had a laugh. So while talking about shit i noticed that my hand felt wet and shit, so look at it and its covered in blood and shit. was thinking what the fuck happened here man, so just ignored it and continued on drinking natural thing to do ya know.
so were chillin' and drinking away and shit then sudenly, my stomach don't feel good.
So you know, i finish my drink and think.
Phuwar, nothin' phuwar filled the glass.
And the fuckin' bouncer is standing behind us as well he don't even notice it at all, so i'm holding this pint of vomit and you know tryin' to stop the natural reaction, so after continuing on talking go empty that shit in the bog.
so walk past the bouncer and he don't even notice and shit, funny shit.

it would be explained more funnier and shit, if i could actually remember that shit.

So then Gareth Rowans brother pops up from fuckin' no where, litrialty how i remember it he did just spring up like a fuckin' wizard, but without the smoke.
So we was chilling and shit as ya do. and he's a fuckin' Rozzer right, so i jsut remember media bullshit. Cant remember what I said or whatever, but it must of been funny.
So we chilled and shit, so anyway its time ta leave. Apparently rowan went somewhere for a few minutes and i disappeared and shit, when to chippy got chicken then on me merry way home.
Where i burned meself on the fuckin' chicken and shit.
Right laugh and shit.

thats about that really i think.

So onto today then.

So just chilled and shit, spent quite a long ass fuckin' time in bed, then thats it. watched a few film's chilled all ya need.
Chillin' day, slightly waisted but you know most days are.
So that is all of that then, did some shit nothing too noteworthy thats it.
Sherlock again on the last epp not quite to much ass shit.
l, will have to leave it at that and shit.

So now just talkin ta nat and chillin' with a beer.
What more do ya need?
thats right a cheese burger.
But anyway. goodbye people.

but shalt leave ya with this song, its propper chillin' n shit.

Friday 22 February 2013

Chilled day n shit

So i did have a plan and shit to get me git-fiddles re-string and shit.
Just chilled out man what more. killin for the "holiday" and shit, some TV shows and stuff.
Man i watched house M.D for the first time proper today, i say first time proper seen a few before but actually went out of me way to watch one today.
Just because it had Ryan Hurst in the episode.
You know Opie from SOA.

Still gotta hit ya home man.
Anyway, was alright man.
Started to actually watch Sherlock, that shits good man i recommend that shit. Not that most of the fuckin' internet needs to have that recommended to them.

Saw Rachel today, met her at station walked back to mine chilled out and shit, Watched Monsters Inc and shit chilled out more, cooked some dinner you know normal shit.
now its just drink and finally get around to write this bullshit.
You guys love it you know it.

I started to write Chapter 5 of that romance shit man, slowly gettin back into that mood and shit, takin' me time.
Man i did some editing shit today was interesting need some new footage and shit to fit the song i was tittin about with.

About it really, cannot be arsed ta type too much.
so good night people.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Yeah i'm really busy

So yeah man, todays been a busy ass fuckin' day and shit.
Man last night was fun and shit aswell, So we drink all the beer here, then go on out for more.
So Fuck that place i mean TGI fridays, fuck that place.
nick cocktails but over ex-fuckin-spencive, so some alabama slammers, 11 quid fuck sake.
So have them and scraper pretty sharp ish.
wetherspoons and shit, chillin' quick pint in there.
Then onto o-neils a nice pub man chillin' So i order these drinks and shit. pay for em.

Hold on i gave you a twenty.
the guy was so nervas
ahh fuck my bad i thought i gave ya the wrong thing.

Really funny shit himself he did.

So any way that prity much sums up the day, i didn't really do much.
Wet out to drop off a package, saw a mate, and watched lockout.
That is about that.

and drummed abit, you gotta jam to gorillaz.


Wednesday 20 February 2013

Actually had a full day, Die Hard Review

Don't worry i was jsut listaning to that when started writing, so anyway the start of my day.
So woke up early and shit, got a coffee chillin' could do with one now attualy, its 6 but feel like a coffee before beer.
Yeah the best mates coming over and shit.

So anyway went to see the new Die hard today.
Now to be a correct mother fucker'

"A Good Day To Die Hard"

Now it was pretty good i just got one fuckin' problem.
Why the fuck is it a 12A? what so you'll get more ticket sales at the cinema? is that how it works man cinema ticket sales? probably i should know i'm on a fuckin' media course.
I should ask that shit.
Anyway, its a fuckin' 12A man, thats a load of fuckin' shit man, they missed out his catchphrase
you know
Yippi Ki-ay mother fucker
He just goes
yippi ki-ay mother "explosion"
dude, we payed to see Bruce Willis say
Yippi ki-ay mother fucker' don't fuckin' disappoint.

And when it comes to the fuckin' killin' Ok won't spoil it and shit, but still you wanna see that guy be deaded, just to make sure My John killed that fucker' int he way that was implied.
You know in america it would be in slow motion and everything.
They don't seem to like those russians for some reason.

I mean literally they killed every russian they came across, and at least twice over.
There was only one russian they liked and that was because he was singing.
But then he was probably collateral damage somewhere.
Like being hit by a flying fuckin' truck.

It was a good film though thats all ya getting really.
Will talk about Warm Bodies soon forgot about that one.


SO nice meal and shit at Coast To coast with Rachel and her mom after the film. I saw the film with my good mate Sean, also known him since i was in primary school. Shit man, got allot of old but good close arse friends man, thats some kickass shit.
I'm jsut gona put this song in now.

Food was good and shit.
Been offered a gig with winter storm opining for a band and shit soon sometime in april, Being vague so we find out when we get it and when i can tell people about it.
So anyway.
Band practice with quid.
Dude that shit was fuckin' hot man. Now i havent stripped in a Quid band practice yet, but today was a fuckin' first and shit. All shirtless drumming.
Gotta be done man was fuckin' boiling man.
Some new songs will be gigging and shit soon. would all be rockin' cannot wait and, going to be fuckin' awesome.

Anyway will leave it there my minds gone, well its just gone man.

Goodbye people, have a good night and party on mother fucker's.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

A Stranger in Your Homeland

Gotta rock the cyndi man.
The title will, thats that about? well let me tell ya about it.
So i went to get new cymbals today and stuff. yeah thats right i got me new cymbals, what ones will?
Stagg DH 16" china and xs20 18" china aswell, total rockin' man, killer ass stuff man.
So i'm walkin out PMT the place is kickass, and walkin' past the acoustic guitars.
Now Rachel wants one for her birthday, something under 100 quid.
So i ask the guy about guitars and stuff, my girlfriends looking for one for her birthday thats under 100 quid, do you have any around so i can check out for her?

Yeah just here, you looking to buy one today?
Now this was natural to say.
I ain't fuckin' buying her one.

And without breaking a smile or anything the guy stayed professional and just continued on showing us guitars. now thats a good fuckin' worker man.
So checked out this guitar, was quite nice think it would be nice for her and shit.
So i'm walking about and see this kickass killer Luna guitar dragon one.
Fuck its a babe.
I'm gettin' be that thing man, its juckin' beautiful man, you guys will love it man.

and also this happened.

So onto why This blog post is called Stranger in your homeland.
Firstly thats a good song title and it is the title of this song i've came up with, the dark one i told ya about i think.
I was walking to PMT and the way i went last time, was covered in works, where as previously the road i would go through was completely blocked off due to building stuff.
so they finished that and i had no idea, so walking around and was strange man.
Then the way back, everything was new man. like peaceful and shit, new man. was strange was like being lost in a new place that was familiar and shit.
Like places have changed but you stay the same, and are confused in the new place which is the same as the old place.
Strange shit man, where i came with the idea and few lyrics to a stranger in your homeland.

I sent an email today to The inn on the green to check out about my 21st birthday and shit.
So chillin' out, ahh fuck it will go pmt. so when i get back theres an email and shit.

thanks for the intrest in the venue but  we don't know this route 44 venue your speaking about.
so naturally i reply.
Well this is the email adress on the website, heres the website. thats the email address.

then a reply comes

that is birmigham, we are cornwall!!
Along the lines

I'm just fuckin' thinkin' this fuckin' bitch needs to fuck off man. i'm jsut asking a simple question about this date. informin you about the fuckin' email and why i fuckin' well sent it to you.
So stop being a mother fuckin' bitch and fuck off about it man.

a sorry the email address is wrong.
Is much better than fuckin' well going. hey stop bothering us you've made a fuckin' mistake and shit.
seems like she just needs a fuckin' good bangin'

Its a lady, if it was male, then a beating.

So anyway got a kickass idea for my birthday gig thing.
Me and a friend are going to do an acoustic cover of a song.
Its going to seem very lovey dovey and when you hear what it is, but the lyrics are going to be from another song.
And its awesome because the rhythmic of the vocals both fit alright but its brilliant.
Hopefully it will be filmed.

But till then my people.


Also in the Sheffield chronicles, I went on about a guy called matt... Turns out his name was atualy sean, no idea where i got Matt from.
And i gotta say i miss sheffield man, that place was chillin' and rockin'

Monday 18 February 2013

Back home, in "Reality"

So home and shit, chillin' out, not doin' too much.
What else man its the half term.
I can tell you the most activity I'm doing today is band practice which is in 2 hours with Winter Storm, supost to have both practices today Quid and Winter Storm, But feel tired as fuck and slightly marvin so don't think would be too good for two rehearsals in one day.
So Quids is on wednesday metal kickass.

The extent of my activities today involves watching Classic Albums on Nirvana's Nevermind album, quite fuckin' rockin man.
was chillin' out after and wrote this dark, moody sounding guitar parts man.
Would be interesting to get that fully structured and recorded, may have a crack at that shit next week.
Not a clue how other parts will go, will get guitar parts and stuff down as this idea has many layers i think.
And can't record drums too well with one condenser mic.

Couldn't think of anything to put so that will have to do.
Was bleeding quite abit earlier.
Drummed ashit load as well  runnin' through the stick controle one, interesting shit man for about an hour at 75 BPM. Always rockin and shit. make a mistake, fuck sake.
Losen up and reset and shit just 32nd notes across the kit and stuff, play something.
Don't know just works for me man.

Quite nice shit man.
Just took the cymbals down for rehearsal, bit more then thats it really.
will just jam double bass stuff by itself, musical and shit.

Will talk more and shit after rehearsal with Winter Storm later on.
Try not to miss us and stuff.

Ok i'm back sooner right.
Just walked past the TV and shit and the news is on, and its about the woman who was beheaded and shit in Tenerife. Not making jokes at all, just it said there going to start the trial tomorrow or something right.
So, first thing. Its a bit fuckin' late.
Secondly, fuckin' bet a fiver,  mother fucker' ends up getting off because of "lack of evidence" or some shit.
Or even not bothered given a proper sentence just, meh few years doin' this shit.
Fuck man, best to deal with these mother fucker's sooner dont ya think?
What should really happen is this, he's in court and shit and they get the verdict whatever.

Your being set free off all charges.
Really, thats amazing.
Then this pops out

Anyway, i just wanted to break that up from the band practice.
So was alright and stuff, set up, was suprised by the drum kit it was a full 5 piece, standard set up and shit. you know not right infront of ya like i do and shit, but still went alright and stuff.
So we jammed some stuff, got some things mixed up but got sorted and in the end, were pritty rockin'.

That was about it.

We rock man.

So on way home got food and shit and thats is that, now home to listen to music chill out and drink.
Maybe fall asleep in a heap over there.
you know standard.

So, to everyone, you guys and my people.
Or something.


Sunday 17 February 2013

The Sheffield chronicles 3

Ok for a moment there i did forget that this was a chronicle, i knew it was another word but no idea it was chronicle.
Anyway so still at home all clean and shit now yay woo.
So where I left off from then, you know, goin' ta bed.
Went early and shit man was about what, half 9.
So I'm told there is a bed in the livin' room and i've seen that shit earlier, So i go in there... Fuck's the bed? must be this sleepin' bag, So unravel this sleepin' bag and shit, out on the floor on top of that shit, Then i'm all chillin' and shit gettin' comfy, and like the night before at this people, everyone wants ta text ya and shit.
So I got John the singer from quid textin us, just talkin about rehursals got the date changed good thing too other wise wound be dead and shit Tuesday even, as well as Rachel.
So then sleepin' and shit and i wake up at about half 1, get me a re-fill of water and shit and i see, that this fuckin' pillow jsut appeared on the fuckin' sofa.
Havin' that shit.
So continue to chill out and sleep[ and shit, wake up every now and then but you know, comfy and shit so its nice and shit.

anyway, So next mornin' chillin' and shit, And i remember a film we said we would watch, Chicken Run man. So sent Nat a text and shit, sayin' something along the lines of

Chicken Run thats the fucker.

So bout 10-15 minutes alter she appears and shit we chill out and i notice theres a tenis ball under the sofa. So i'm still in my bag adn shit snake my way close to the thing, knock over the creat of fosters with me head go to grab the thing then.
Bitch got the thing, that shits mean man.
Laugh though.

So were there chillin' havin' a Chattin' throwing this ball back and forth for a while.
Then get around to watchin' chicken' run.
And palyin' a shit load of Uno.
Just chilled listened ta music, Bit more Uno then came ta about leave and shit, So you know take ya fuckin' time as ya do with everything.
If you don't take ya time, you know you may miss something.
So we ended up takin a shitload of pictures and shit.

So we took them and stuff, got some film aswell, gona put that into a video soon when i get chance, be a laugh and shit. So took us a while ta get ready and shit, so Eventualy get readdy and shit to leave.
Nat walks us to the main road and shit, says goodbye and lets me lose on my way.

So then its meself on me own now and shit.
Now its time for the fuckin' train journey bullshit, you know this is gona be fun.
So Walk to the station and shit, quite nice and shit. sunny nice awesome.
So get to the station and stuff looking at the big screen...
Not a fuckin' clue what train i'm getting on, so go over to the ticket place and shit, Ask the woman on till whens the next train to birmingham.
She tells me its at 3:50 something.
Sweet cheers.

So I walk off and shit, this killer info and stuff. I'll just check what time it is.
It was about 5 ta 2. fuck sake about an hour.
So Burger king it is then. get one, fuck it will go the the platform, get there and shit.
Next trains in about 15 minutes at 3:24/27 was a slight delay so it arrived at about 25 past.
So i'm just gona get on the "vestibules" or whatever, i only learnt that word from Rohd gilbert, if not for him i would be confused what the fuck a vestibule was when the driver says it.
so crowding around this one... Vestibule, then notice this other doors wide open and shit, noones going for it. Will on, so jsut walk on, game golden done.
So on this thing chillin' thats about it.
Got in the way a tad but someones gotta, bit of dancin with the other... Vestibule goers but ya gotta so you don't get in the way of mother fuckers.
And while gettin' off the train and shit puttin' me bag on and this guy picks up me hair bobble.

Ahh i've been looking for that.
Yeah it just popped out of your hoody or something.
When did i tie me hair up?

Anyway, So there I was, on my way home from Sheffield, leaving it behind and shit, Feeling all like this song man.
Goodbye Sheffield, had a nice time man.

And as for Nat, this is your song man.
You know its true.
The lyrics speak no lies.
Its right from the heart these ones.
Like i wrote it myself.

Will leave it there people.
I had a good few days, what more do you need from a holiday man? a nice time, with a good mate. Chillin' not really doing much.
Its kickass.
goodbye people, hope you have a nice holiday like it sometime soon.

The Sheffield Chronicles 2

So i am writing this at home, yet fear not, i remember everything.
So upon the night of 2 nights ago "Friday" I merrily went to bed, So I walked to that shit. The living room, And i'm told that there is a bed there. So i can't find that shit, so will just go on the fuckin' sofa.
No I use my bag as a pillow, fuckin' hell, and the sofa, shit me, its a 2 man sofa, so was usin' the table aswell.
Was nice man, you know you get the perfect thing when your laying on your fount so that your... Never mind.
So anyway Nats flatmates walkin, scare the shit out of em, Because i don't move too much just looked up, very silent hill like. And that was about that man, went ta kip, chilled that shit. Done.
Slightly painful.

Thats fuckin' shoppin for ya.
So anyway.

Next day to me fuckin' surprise Nat walks in at about half 9, Dude was not expecting that shit, so we chilled out for a bit.
Her flat mate comes in and goes.
I was nearly scared to death last night, jesus.
Still got it.

So then we went off played a shitload of uno, watched warm bodies and shit, played quite abit more uno. Then eventually wondered out upon the world and shit.
To go meet her friends, Matt with his mate, who looked like Rodney from Only fools and horses, So you know, Hes now called Rodney, or Dave.
As well as the lovely Nia, Man she loves me man, like she dosent want to hit me with a 2x4 at all.
Or just surprise me like this one day.

Either one, welsh n all.
they'll do that shit, she's probably plottin that shit right now.
Soon as Nat reads this and tells her, Kapow, dead will.

So went to the pub again anyway, Well fuck knows where we went but was by this rocky horror shop thing. Chilled there for abit, Went to other pub again and shit, Rodney/Dave left was Meself Natt Nia and Matt.
same pub as the night before and shit, so carling in, had the wake up newcastle brown.
Games machine and shit man, quiz it up. So did that shit, not to well, but still did that shit.
Told Nia about this 
Then she threatened physical violence, So you know, Try not to make it worse, while casually making it worse.

That was about it, we then continued to drink and shit, have a sit down and talk and shit.
Went ta get food then headed back to the Dorm, place thing.
So pizza it up and shit.
So we was at nats place right, eatin this food up and shit.
You guys know what we did next right don't ya?
Fuck yeah bitch we played more uno and watched Bad Teacher,
I think it was alright was abit shite at times just you know. Pizza n Uno is all ya need.
Then that was the chronicles and i will tell you about fuckin' sleepin' in the 3rd chronicles people.

Mad love.

Friday 15 February 2013

last day o college, and The Sheffield Chronicles 1

Ok first i must ddress the fact that i do not know how to spell sheffield properly  a slight mistake but still  someone will complain.
mainly the thing correction shite, you know, spell checker.
So anyway first less, chillin', second lesson, also chillin'
But me teacher asked.

If you were going to report on the "meteor" that hit russia, you know that place 320 miles away from that russian place... Moscow "with a W i'm informed by Nat, what a babe... she dosen't like being called babe" i think, anyway. so that far away and shit, what would you have in the news report.
So everyone looks around and i just go.
that's a fuckin' film

Its not quite what the teacher said but it still stands.

So anyway skipping ahead a while you know after wshing the balls twice for chris who turns out isn't here... mother fucker.
so got to the train, well uploaded that work that was 2 weeks later, then went train and shit.
The fuckin train man shit, the train driver was a laugh you could tell he joked around and shit, nice guy man.
He'll be fired soon for some bullshite reason or something.

So something happened on the train that made me think, man thats some funny shit i should remember that.
So i've forgotten that so heres Nat for a moment or something.

oh ok shes good.
Fuck me man, that's some silent hill shit.
Also, she don't like horror films and I don't think she's seen it. i will know when
there you go she's seen silent hill.

So anyway after I arrive at Sheffield and shit, all chillin' and stuff i'm still thinking.
Fuck man, i could do with a nice arse shite.
So naturally, I search that shit. it was to the left, so i wonder that way.
20p to piss and shit, i'm like.
Fuck that shit, i'll take my shit else where.
Still ent shit yet actually, may save up you know, nice one.
So that's that.

So Nat wonders along, after i phone home to you know let em know i'm here and shit, was under orders and shit man.
Phone when you get there.
And you know you have to cus other wise when you get back
You know your shoulder was feeling good and you were ready for band practice.

Anyway so we go to a pub, called the dove, its a longer name i think but still stands.
So well actually firstly, Nat gets a drink in. Tellin' the guy whats in it and shit. funny arse shit to watch but the drunk arse guy that walks in looking at us and everyone, he said something but i'm pretty sure we both didn't under stand it.
He said something we don't know, movin' on.
So it took a while to figure out the drink and shit, and as it turns out, later on i was checin' out this drink menu, and the recipe was there and shit.
Anyway, carling.

So we go elsewhere and shit, then chill some more.
Then on the way back we stop by a shop and shit to get me some food, you know, will gotta eat, and with these pills for me ear thing i gotta take em with meals, so frosties milk fosters and  mccoy's it is.
I did think mini sausages but they were absent, maybe horse or something still.
anyway we got a picture of that stuff check it out then we sign off.

So from day 1 of the sheffield Chronicles "trip" this is goodbye.
Mad love.
Will, and possibly Nat.

Also P.S.
Chronicles, Chronicles sounds much cooler.

Thursday 14 February 2013

American football... Its an outdoor sport really

Chill man, have a bang on that.
Anyway so the best mate right, we was chillin and shit.
So we were playing with the American football and shit, you know havin' a drink, casually throw it at each other every now and then. So I throw it, straight ish alright got my target.
Rowan, lobs it bounces off the wall behind me, or hits the cymbal stand and shit. after a while he hits the cymbal stand again and i just go.

Your in the fuckin' way

To the stand and rowan says

Its an outdoor sport really.

So today its valentines day and shit.
So lesson first thing woo, was with monica she's brilliant.
So anyway after that, went to rachels picked her up got a KFC went home had that chilled out, gave presents and that shit threw an american football back and forth a bit was nice.
Gave her big a fuckin' card and shit, bigger than a 2 year old.
Anyway, got us a jack Daniel's bar mat and a beer pump thing, that shits awesome.
You guys should totally come over and have some beer from it some time.


So anyway thats about that shit people.
So, anyway.
Should be headin Sheffield tomorrow, So you guys may not hear from me properly till late sunday or monday.
Eitehrway it will be fuckin' rockin ass shit.
Tequila i think i commanded tother day.

So thats about that shit really.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

thats, about it

So the best mates comin voer tonight people.
You know what that means.
We're gona drunk and shit, get fuckin' drink. its gona be a fuckin' laugh.
Also were gona fuckin' laugh allot.
What we got funny storys.

Anyway other shit.
Went to the doctors today, tahts about it.
Got Rachel some valemtines shit, thats it.

You guys want more? shit man.
I ain't got no more.
What do you mean you ain't got no more liqur.
Time to go home.
Time to do what?
Don't fall,
What, homes in callifornia what do you want me to do get on a horse and ride all the way to L.A.
What, don't fall.
HaHar suffer.

I'm blind, in Texas.
The lone star, is hot tonight.

Fuck anyway.
Goodbye people.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

new necklace and shit

You mother fucker's nice and happy?
good best be thats a nice song right.
Lemmy at his most awesome, no joke its a good song man.
anyway a change from normal i'm doing this late in the fuckin' day and shit its near 9 ish whatever.

So first lesson and shit right, the teacher walks in and picks up this necklace and goes.
Ahh i've found this dose it belong to anyone?
And its heart shaped and on a necklace so naturally I say

I'll have it its valentines day soon.

Then she goes and gives it to me right away.
Man either theres some signals going on right there or she don't mind me taking shit for free.
"nicking shit"
So anyway that was that.
Well we got a new assignment but thats in for may 10th so moving on.

thats the necklace and shit.
its nice man, I'm still wearing it man.
Yeah thats right, got given a heart necklace and i'm still wearing it about 12 hours later.
Thats something man.
So next lesson no to much and shit, after that, quite alot but not much more.
But still, i ask a question, or answer a question you don't have to ignore it if its right and say.
We'll see.
Yeah but will you tell us how they did it? i mean i asked that shit, or answered your shit. why don't you answer my shit?

Anyway fuck em'
will's got will man.

Thats about it really people.
Taking tomorrow because of this fuckin' rather bad ear shit i got fuckin' well going on.
And i watched Ted for the first time today.
That shits badass man, only started drinking halfway thought i was watching thinking.
Fuck man why en't i drinking?
then it started so this happened anyway.

I'mm leave it there mother fuckers.

Monday 11 February 2013

band practice snow shit.

started the day lightly man. Woke up all chillin and shit after a strange maybe gay ass dream man. Proper weird will get it it after this.
Watched The walking dead this morning.
Don't worry no spoilers.
they shoot guns.
Sorry that was a big spoiler...
So anyway  i'm pretty sure they ripped off, or "Payed hommage" to the most famous zombie make up ever from Dawn of the Dead the original version. you know the one, this one.

same style make up, simaler clothes and everything, was just a stumble on part thought...
So it snowed again yesterday so took a few pictures today and shit. 
Check em out.
All nice pictures and shit of the trees with a bit of snow.

Just a fuckin' few was nice man.
Snow and shit.

So this dream right.
It was really strange, i was in bed and me mate rowan walks in with my guitar starts talking about this set list and playing iron maiden in some weird way some octave shit and goes.
I've figured out a awesome way of playing this check it out.
Starts playing a song and singing it was really fuckin gay.
So we get to jammin' i put a shirt on but just in me fuckin' boxers behind me drum kit and were palyin and he bursts out laughing.
go what you laughin' at man?
he just goes
Your balls are hanging out.

look down and one ball hangin out me boxers so adjust start palyin and the other pops out, was really strange man.

So anyway later on and shit get to band practice with Quid.
went good man, fuck don't remember to much of it.
got some drum sticks from John the singer some kickass ones man.
Travis Barker ones quite nice, some other Zildjian ones were abit mehh, and vic firth 5A quite nice man. had ta use a mix.
Anyway thats all i'm doin today i feel shite man slightly in pain and shit for some reason.
So good people fair well, keep it rockin'

Sunday 10 February 2013

That gig last night, nice day

Fuck me.
Now i know I've only been awake about under a fuckin' hour but still cannot see propperly n shit. You know when you look into a light and you get that thing and shit? that shits happened and shit and fuck its weird.

I'll start with this morning, so I woke up went for shit, when got meself a fuckin' coffee and when walkin' back to me room I say my first words of the day to me dad. And these are fuckin' classic man.

"the barmaid was nice"

He just giggled and shit what more do you need. honest and funny.
And she was a babe.
Anyway before Rachel comes along and slaps us.
I'm guessing the next few hours are just going to be full of metallica and laying down like for fuck sake. my body dosent wanna live for a while.

An interesting morning man, Ben Draiman David Draiman's brother asked a question on facebook, so i replied and shit it sounds good casually. So he added us and asked about some shit.
So you know.
Nows my chance, be a cheeky bastard.

If your in england and need a drummer look my way man.
Been wanting to gig in england just would do an acoustic gig.

Ahh man.
to be fair its just awesome to speak to the guy what more do you need.
But doso check out the music.

You gotta be a cheeky bastard at times man.
So the barmaid, sweet.

Anyway, before Rachel appears and hits us.
Gig was pritty rockin' and shit. Rowans amp was fuckin killer man.
man you should of seen this metal ass looking thing could rock the power like a mother fucker.
sound pure ball's man.

10 watts of pure ball crushing power.

Fuckin strange morning man, you know when ya wake up startko and shit for some reason? i take that as a sign of a good night.
And to go into the standard world of disgusting you know you get sleep in ya eye? well something similar was in me fuckin' beard man that shit was intreating.

I know me and George made allot of funny ass jokes and comments last night but fucked if i remember them. this one band came on, dude had a fuckin' britney spears style mic on for some fuckin' reason. and he weren't even the main fuckin' singer.
Just looked like Terry Bozzio.

How could i fuckin' forget about trying to get to the fuckin' place.
So I get to the train station and meet the lovely Nat, I say lovely... man-animal. whatever.
Yeah I watch Battlefield earth.
So get a train ticket get to the platform. train just goes next train is in about 50 minutes.
So then we walk off to get the bus and get there, so not a fuckin' clue how to get there by bus but much better that we did otherwise it would of been a fuckin' mission of a fuckin' walk from the train station i'm told.
So that was nice.

Anyway the gig and shit, we had no fuckin' clue what the guitar player on the right was doing, or stage left whatever. he was palying but fucked if we heard him. wernt really needed.
Turns out the bass player had been playing for 3 weeks and had a little notebook out. fuck sake.

Anyway i was probably going somewhere else or had more to say but anyway today thought fuck it. I wanna go see a film and go out for food and shit.
So went for some food and film with rachel.
Theres this american place called "Coast to Coast" its really nice food man. And i had slight hangover tummy right so you know couldn't eat all of it was fuckin' nice though. Fajitas man.
then we head on over and watch warm boides. Good film man quite nice.
I recommend both of them places.

Then i got bit on the fuckin' hand by something.

So erm.
Fuck i could of filled that out more but it may be something I dont know.
So anyway my people.
Have a good night, go see warm bodies, go eat at Coast to Coast, And keep on rockin'.
