Monday 11 February 2013

band practice snow shit.

started the day lightly man. Woke up all chillin and shit after a strange maybe gay ass dream man. Proper weird will get it it after this.
Watched The walking dead this morning.
Don't worry no spoilers.
they shoot guns.
Sorry that was a big spoiler...
So anyway  i'm pretty sure they ripped off, or "Payed hommage" to the most famous zombie make up ever from Dawn of the Dead the original version. you know the one, this one.

same style make up, simaler clothes and everything, was just a stumble on part thought...
So it snowed again yesterday so took a few pictures today and shit. 
Check em out.
All nice pictures and shit of the trees with a bit of snow.

Just a fuckin' few was nice man.
Snow and shit.

So this dream right.
It was really strange, i was in bed and me mate rowan walks in with my guitar starts talking about this set list and playing iron maiden in some weird way some octave shit and goes.
I've figured out a awesome way of playing this check it out.
Starts playing a song and singing it was really fuckin gay.
So we get to jammin' i put a shirt on but just in me fuckin' boxers behind me drum kit and were palyin and he bursts out laughing.
go what you laughin' at man?
he just goes
Your balls are hanging out.

look down and one ball hangin out me boxers so adjust start palyin and the other pops out, was really strange man.

So anyway later on and shit get to band practice with Quid.
went good man, fuck don't remember to much of it.
got some drum sticks from John the singer some kickass ones man.
Travis Barker ones quite nice, some other Zildjian ones were abit mehh, and vic firth 5A quite nice man. had ta use a mix.
Anyway thats all i'm doin today i feel shite man slightly in pain and shit for some reason.
So good people fair well, keep it rockin'

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