Sunday 24 February 2013

quite a fuckin' laugh man

Had a really funny night last night man, piss funny. Involved blood, beer, vomit and burning myself.
and losing bandanas and apparently getting back in at 2 i the morning.
All a good mix of shit ta do.

So I'll tell ya about my first tale of burning myself, so i was cooking fried chicken for me and Al my uncle and shit, had the pan on and shit oil full naturally burn and fire hazard. but you know, common sense.
So putting the chicken into the pan and shit, goes alright, then after a while dropping them in more and shit and pans gettin' hotter, cus can only fit a few in at a time. so spits up right over me arm.
so that was the first burning thing, was a laugh. its more annoying than burning.

So that was that, then onto the masons to meet me cousins and few others man.

My shirts got a strain but fuck it I'ma rock it.

Sorry quoting a song first. so we did that shit at the masons got merry and "censored" which set an alarm off. was a laugh, Will cover me.
Had a laugh and shit watched some boxing and shit, had a discussion about me looking like i should be in a biker gang yet without any tattoos.
which leads me to this.
I would not get a tattoo with them, only because, they would get us drunk and i would wake up with a fuckin dick tattooed somewhere on me arm.
But that would be a good thing you know, when ya too drunk just use the arm.

So then rowan came along, theres where some more trouble began to take places. right fuckin' laugh.
I know we talked about stuff, what it was we don't know, but he ended up getting an ass-kicking and i ended up just generally bleeding, fuck knows how.
So we were chillin at the masons for a while me and Rowan then we went off to o'niels and chilled there.
Introduced us to this "censored" and we had a laugh. So while talking about shit i noticed that my hand felt wet and shit, so look at it and its covered in blood and shit. was thinking what the fuck happened here man, so just ignored it and continued on drinking natural thing to do ya know.
so were chillin' and drinking away and shit then sudenly, my stomach don't feel good.
So you know, i finish my drink and think.
Phuwar, nothin' phuwar filled the glass.
And the fuckin' bouncer is standing behind us as well he don't even notice it at all, so i'm holding this pint of vomit and you know tryin' to stop the natural reaction, so after continuing on talking go empty that shit in the bog.
so walk past the bouncer and he don't even notice and shit, funny shit.

it would be explained more funnier and shit, if i could actually remember that shit.

So then Gareth Rowans brother pops up from fuckin' no where, litrialty how i remember it he did just spring up like a fuckin' wizard, but without the smoke.
So we was chilling and shit as ya do. and he's a fuckin' Rozzer right, so i jsut remember media bullshit. Cant remember what I said or whatever, but it must of been funny.
So we chilled and shit, so anyway its time ta leave. Apparently rowan went somewhere for a few minutes and i disappeared and shit, when to chippy got chicken then on me merry way home.
Where i burned meself on the fuckin' chicken and shit.
Right laugh and shit.

thats about that really i think.

So onto today then.

So just chilled and shit, spent quite a long ass fuckin' time in bed, then thats it. watched a few film's chilled all ya need.
Chillin' day, slightly waisted but you know most days are.
So that is all of that then, did some shit nothing too noteworthy thats it.
Sherlock again on the last epp not quite to much ass shit.
l, will have to leave it at that and shit.

So now just talkin ta nat and chillin' with a beer.
What more do ya need?
thats right a cheese burger.
But anyway. goodbye people.

but shalt leave ya with this song, its propper chillin' n shit.

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