Monday 25 February 2013

i did something

Kickass band they were man.
Saw em onces was killer and shit.

Its poker tonight heading out soon in about 5 minutes and shit, will update more and shit when i'm back or some bullshit.
Didn't really do that much shit man, chilled that shit, tried not ta kill the fuckin' cat. chilled some more then went o band practice. rockin' man were looking for gigs people so if ya want a rock n' roll band that kickass appart from james hit us on up man we'll rock it and shit.

So we was rockin the band practice man, ran through the set was about 27 minutes long not too bad with a little talking but thats half hour so its pritty fuckin' good man.
You guys should really hire us man, rock that calf.

Got a plan for me 21st, may just do a acoustic covers thing of just meself and a duet makin' a tit of meself attempting ta sing and play the git-fiddle. then standard covers band and shit then into Quid.
then maybe a jam actually, never know wing it.
then after words people would ask how i'm doing and this is pretty much it.

Got a good idea of what songs i would do for the acoustic set, just figuring out how ta do guitar stuff and talk and shit. be an interesting experience though.
be shit but still stands.

And as for poker, nah didn't go that well, but i wernt first out. was 12 people all together the most in a few weeks. been about a month since last palyed and Nats thrown off my game with Uno.
that bastard.
Its a good game man, shuffling really good now though.
But anyway its time to relax have a wee merry drink and prepare for college and shit.

and think some shit.
Soo for that shit people.

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