Sunday 17 February 2013

The Sheffield chronicles 3

Ok for a moment there i did forget that this was a chronicle, i knew it was another word but no idea it was chronicle.
Anyway so still at home all clean and shit now yay woo.
So where I left off from then, you know, goin' ta bed.
Went early and shit man was about what, half 9.
So I'm told there is a bed in the livin' room and i've seen that shit earlier, So i go in there... Fuck's the bed? must be this sleepin' bag, So unravel this sleepin' bag and shit, out on the floor on top of that shit, Then i'm all chillin' and shit gettin' comfy, and like the night before at this people, everyone wants ta text ya and shit.
So I got John the singer from quid textin us, just talkin about rehursals got the date changed good thing too other wise wound be dead and shit Tuesday even, as well as Rachel.
So then sleepin' and shit and i wake up at about half 1, get me a re-fill of water and shit and i see, that this fuckin' pillow jsut appeared on the fuckin' sofa.
Havin' that shit.
So continue to chill out and sleep[ and shit, wake up every now and then but you know, comfy and shit so its nice and shit.

anyway, So next mornin' chillin' and shit, And i remember a film we said we would watch, Chicken Run man. So sent Nat a text and shit, sayin' something along the lines of

Chicken Run thats the fucker.

So bout 10-15 minutes alter she appears and shit we chill out and i notice theres a tenis ball under the sofa. So i'm still in my bag adn shit snake my way close to the thing, knock over the creat of fosters with me head go to grab the thing then.
Bitch got the thing, that shits mean man.
Laugh though.

So were there chillin' havin' a Chattin' throwing this ball back and forth for a while.
Then get around to watchin' chicken' run.
And palyin' a shit load of Uno.
Just chilled listened ta music, Bit more Uno then came ta about leave and shit, So you know take ya fuckin' time as ya do with everything.
If you don't take ya time, you know you may miss something.
So we ended up takin a shitload of pictures and shit.

So we took them and stuff, got some film aswell, gona put that into a video soon when i get chance, be a laugh and shit. So took us a while ta get ready and shit, so Eventualy get readdy and shit to leave.
Nat walks us to the main road and shit, says goodbye and lets me lose on my way.

So then its meself on me own now and shit.
Now its time for the fuckin' train journey bullshit, you know this is gona be fun.
So Walk to the station and shit, quite nice and shit. sunny nice awesome.
So get to the station and stuff looking at the big screen...
Not a fuckin' clue what train i'm getting on, so go over to the ticket place and shit, Ask the woman on till whens the next train to birmingham.
She tells me its at 3:50 something.
Sweet cheers.

So I walk off and shit, this killer info and stuff. I'll just check what time it is.
It was about 5 ta 2. fuck sake about an hour.
So Burger king it is then. get one, fuck it will go the the platform, get there and shit.
Next trains in about 15 minutes at 3:24/27 was a slight delay so it arrived at about 25 past.
So i'm just gona get on the "vestibules" or whatever, i only learnt that word from Rohd gilbert, if not for him i would be confused what the fuck a vestibule was when the driver says it.
so crowding around this one... Vestibule, then notice this other doors wide open and shit, noones going for it. Will on, so jsut walk on, game golden done.
So on this thing chillin' thats about it.
Got in the way a tad but someones gotta, bit of dancin with the other... Vestibule goers but ya gotta so you don't get in the way of mother fuckers.
And while gettin' off the train and shit puttin' me bag on and this guy picks up me hair bobble.

Ahh i've been looking for that.
Yeah it just popped out of your hoody or something.
When did i tie me hair up?

Anyway, So there I was, on my way home from Sheffield, leaving it behind and shit, Feeling all like this song man.
Goodbye Sheffield, had a nice time man.

And as for Nat, this is your song man.
You know its true.
The lyrics speak no lies.
Its right from the heart these ones.
Like i wrote it myself.

Will leave it there people.
I had a good few days, what more do you need from a holiday man? a nice time, with a good mate. Chillin' not really doing much.
Its kickass.
goodbye people, hope you have a nice holiday like it sometime soon.

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