Friday 8 February 2013

Drumming Vs college

Ok today right i have decided.
Do not watch drum videos before college, because it makes you wanna skip that bullshit and just fuckin jam and practice man.
Just watch this, is this don't make you wanna practice then, well your probably not a drummer.

So after deciding going postal in my first lesson wasnt worth the what 10-25 years inside it would of been because the law is fuckin' stupid and fuck, decided to fuck off home and drum and shit. and been chillin ent fully had the practice yet be in a moment after this.
And i saw this drum video and thought, i know i'll check out Taylor Hawkins. So i'm watching the video and his solos kicking ass as fuckin' you would expect.
And i remember that they were selling a replica kit or his signature drum kit at BDC "birmingham drum center" years and years ago this was, its closed down now and is just an online thing.
But anyway they had a picture of the drum kit, and usually when there selling a custom kit they have a picture of the person with the kit or just the kit. But this one was classic, it was a live picture and it wasn't Taylor behind the kit it was Dave.
Now yes there in the same band and shit, Daves a legendary drummer from at the time nirvana and not them crooked vultures weren't out yet or was just in the pipeline whatever. but did seem to be one of the things i would think.
For fuck sake.
If i saw it and was in a band as drummer, with one of the most kickass drummers.

I think i may of missed the point or reason i was going on about it but you probably get the idea and shit.

I supost i may aswel talk abbit about college then.

And i just checked the BDC ebay, that don't exist anymore either.
Shit me man.

So anyyway that advert above.
I got my drum kit from that place man, man that shits sad attualy.
shit me.

The advert anyway so walked into lesson and my teacher goes.
Has everyone seen the advert will's in.
So were confused and shit and he shows us this fuckin' advert and shit. Apart from the fuckin' arsehole and jerk-off's commenting it was a right laugh.
So he paused it on a still and i made up some story about my days work and what it was about.
It was golden.

So let us tell ya about me being mr fuckin' navigation for the bus driver this morning.
So got on the bus going along for a minute then sudenly i hear.
Do i go straight on here?

Fuck sake, hes gone wrong way.
So navigated back round the round about, which was the way he would of came. so we do a full U-turn, and he goes off the round about on the one after the one we came out, so we had ta go back through the train station fuck sake. Go fuckin' right.
So later on get to the end of the road.
its a long road, next well the 4/5th round about of i go back to him.
First fuckin' left.

Then from there its jsut follow the fuckin road along and it takes you to stratford. it really is jsut go stright ahead follow the road, no lefts no rights just stright.
and that was that.

So anyway thats been about that really.
While on the bus n shit was listening to music had Linkin Park Meteora album on, and it got to Lying from you. and was thinkin', man that shits hitting home man. Not often well i think, man thats saying something man.
Just thinkin' for fuck sake that shit makes sense and shit.

You gotta the live version aswell.
Anyway leave ya with this.

We're going on a trip to see some documentary film. well we gotta pay 20 quid anyway.
Joe our teacher goes.
No drinking.
So naturally the first words out of my mouth were.
Bollex, fuck ya on about.
It was quite well received actually after i immediately thought hold on. my bad that was an automatic response to that saying.

So people.

Goodbye, have a rockin' weekend.

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