Saturday 2 February 2013

Dont go crosscountry, and always stick with it.

So today was band practice with Winter Storm. Its been over a month since the last one but you know, stuff. So I gotta walk to the station no biggie and shit not to far and shit. So I'm walking and feel that i'm gona be late so take a different way though the park which is a quicker way to get to the train station.
So i get to the park and I'm just gona cut across the grass part, its quicker and more as the crow flys which is how I fuckin' prefer things.
Direct and to the point.
If theres a short cut thats a fuckin' short cut. Then lets take that mother fucker.

So I walk onto the cycle thing its just a big race track type thing.
So get half way around that and start going cross country.
So the fuckin' grass is wet and just gets wetter as I fuckin' well go along.
Just like that time that we was in the pub and that gi... "concored" And they we had a lovely time.
Ahh Sheffeild, its a hell of a town.

So I'm walking across this fuckin' bog of a fuckin' field  the drum bags just getting bogged down and shit harder to pull along the tracks are getting deeper as it gets wetter for some fuckin' reason.
So finally reach the fuckin' path was and thank fuck for that.
Then got to the train station in the nick of mother fuckin' time.

So anyway jason meets us at the train station and picks up us and shit.
Was a good thing and shit, So anyway we stop at his, pick up his gear then on our way we go. So we stop at the corner shop.
Then after Jasons return we were on our way.
Talking about shit and stuff listening to music and shit. So we get to the place dead on 2.
So the car-parks empty as fuckin' shit n a half, so naturally were thinking.
Hold on a minute, Somethings not quite right.
and it clicks right away.
Rehearsal starts at fuckin 3.

Fuck sake so were an hour early and shit, Neither of us noticed and shit, just went with it.
So what do you do in this situation?
Go to the pub, got some lunch in and shit, a nice cold one n all.
Very nice.
So we get there dead on 3 and everyones there and shit.
Was good yeah.
That never happened.

So we get into the rehearsal room, set up and rock it.
Few problems and shit but there new ish songs were jammin' so naturally some issues will occur at the beginning and shit.
Such as life and shit.

So anyway rehearsals went good. Proved drummers are a bit stupid, couldn't count to 4.
Not always a good thing.
But anyway they went well nonetheless.
So train back chillin', now you know when you see a member of the oposite sex and you just think.
Man, they make me want to drink.
And different people make you think different drinks.
So like a big scary lookin' bitch makes you think.
Fuck me i wanna drink and forget this as fast as possible.
And others make you think.
Yeah I could go for a drink.
But then that only happens for a few people, others its just. over the head, its a person. they just seem to be in the way mainly.

So anyway on the train back.
Really felt like a jack n coke.
So that is what i did, jack and coke as soon as I got in and that is about it.

So thats all for today really people.
You can go away and be free fuckin' now.
Got my Wiliday planned out and shit.

More do you need to know, that theres a special blog coming up soon about my awesome wiliday.

Goodbye people.
Get us a drink.

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