Sunday 10 February 2013

That gig last night, nice day

Fuck me.
Now i know I've only been awake about under a fuckin' hour but still cannot see propperly n shit. You know when you look into a light and you get that thing and shit? that shits happened and shit and fuck its weird.

I'll start with this morning, so I woke up went for shit, when got meself a fuckin' coffee and when walkin' back to me room I say my first words of the day to me dad. And these are fuckin' classic man.

"the barmaid was nice"

He just giggled and shit what more do you need. honest and funny.
And she was a babe.
Anyway before Rachel comes along and slaps us.
I'm guessing the next few hours are just going to be full of metallica and laying down like for fuck sake. my body dosent wanna live for a while.

An interesting morning man, Ben Draiman David Draiman's brother asked a question on facebook, so i replied and shit it sounds good casually. So he added us and asked about some shit.
So you know.
Nows my chance, be a cheeky bastard.

If your in england and need a drummer look my way man.
Been wanting to gig in england just would do an acoustic gig.

Ahh man.
to be fair its just awesome to speak to the guy what more do you need.
But doso check out the music.

You gotta be a cheeky bastard at times man.
So the barmaid, sweet.

Anyway, before Rachel appears and hits us.
Gig was pritty rockin' and shit. Rowans amp was fuckin killer man.
man you should of seen this metal ass looking thing could rock the power like a mother fucker.
sound pure ball's man.

10 watts of pure ball crushing power.

Fuckin strange morning man, you know when ya wake up startko and shit for some reason? i take that as a sign of a good night.
And to go into the standard world of disgusting you know you get sleep in ya eye? well something similar was in me fuckin' beard man that shit was intreating.

I know me and George made allot of funny ass jokes and comments last night but fucked if i remember them. this one band came on, dude had a fuckin' britney spears style mic on for some fuckin' reason. and he weren't even the main fuckin' singer.
Just looked like Terry Bozzio.

How could i fuckin' forget about trying to get to the fuckin' place.
So I get to the train station and meet the lovely Nat, I say lovely... man-animal. whatever.
Yeah I watch Battlefield earth.
So get a train ticket get to the platform. train just goes next train is in about 50 minutes.
So then we walk off to get the bus and get there, so not a fuckin' clue how to get there by bus but much better that we did otherwise it would of been a fuckin' mission of a fuckin' walk from the train station i'm told.
So that was nice.

Anyway the gig and shit, we had no fuckin' clue what the guitar player on the right was doing, or stage left whatever. he was palying but fucked if we heard him. wernt really needed.
Turns out the bass player had been playing for 3 weeks and had a little notebook out. fuck sake.

Anyway i was probably going somewhere else or had more to say but anyway today thought fuck it. I wanna go see a film and go out for food and shit.
So went for some food and film with rachel.
Theres this american place called "Coast to Coast" its really nice food man. And i had slight hangover tummy right so you know couldn't eat all of it was fuckin' nice though. Fajitas man.
then we head on over and watch warm boides. Good film man quite nice.
I recommend both of them places.

Then i got bit on the fuckin' hand by something.

So erm.
Fuck i could of filled that out more but it may be something I dont know.
So anyway my people.
Have a good night, go see warm bodies, go eat at Coast to Coast, And keep on rockin'.


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