Wednesday 20 February 2013

Actually had a full day, Die Hard Review

Don't worry i was jsut listaning to that when started writing, so anyway the start of my day.
So woke up early and shit, got a coffee chillin' could do with one now attualy, its 6 but feel like a coffee before beer.
Yeah the best mates coming over and shit.

So anyway went to see the new Die hard today.
Now to be a correct mother fucker'

"A Good Day To Die Hard"

Now it was pretty good i just got one fuckin' problem.
Why the fuck is it a 12A? what so you'll get more ticket sales at the cinema? is that how it works man cinema ticket sales? probably i should know i'm on a fuckin' media course.
I should ask that shit.
Anyway, its a fuckin' 12A man, thats a load of fuckin' shit man, they missed out his catchphrase
you know
Yippi Ki-ay mother fucker
He just goes
yippi ki-ay mother "explosion"
dude, we payed to see Bruce Willis say
Yippi ki-ay mother fucker' don't fuckin' disappoint.

And when it comes to the fuckin' killin' Ok won't spoil it and shit, but still you wanna see that guy be deaded, just to make sure My John killed that fucker' int he way that was implied.
You know in america it would be in slow motion and everything.
They don't seem to like those russians for some reason.

I mean literally they killed every russian they came across, and at least twice over.
There was only one russian they liked and that was because he was singing.
But then he was probably collateral damage somewhere.
Like being hit by a flying fuckin' truck.

It was a good film though thats all ya getting really.
Will talk about Warm Bodies soon forgot about that one.


SO nice meal and shit at Coast To coast with Rachel and her mom after the film. I saw the film with my good mate Sean, also known him since i was in primary school. Shit man, got allot of old but good close arse friends man, thats some kickass shit.
I'm jsut gona put this song in now.

Food was good and shit.
Been offered a gig with winter storm opining for a band and shit soon sometime in april, Being vague so we find out when we get it and when i can tell people about it.
So anyway.
Band practice with quid.
Dude that shit was fuckin' hot man. Now i havent stripped in a Quid band practice yet, but today was a fuckin' first and shit. All shirtless drumming.
Gotta be done man was fuckin' boiling man.
Some new songs will be gigging and shit soon. would all be rockin' cannot wait and, going to be fuckin' awesome.

Anyway will leave it there my minds gone, well its just gone man.

Goodbye people, have a good night and party on mother fucker's.

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