Monday 4 February 2013

Editing day and just plain old relaxing.

I gotta say though, by plain old relaxing I mean just a bit of a relax and shit. Give us a few weeks and will have the proper relaxation on. You know just being comfy as shit, putting an album on, having a little drink aswell. And doing nothing, but Fuck all.
Yeah i did shit, but took it easy man.
I finished my 3rd chapter of this romance i'm writing. then went back through the thing and edited some dialog and corrected some gramatical bullshit jerk off shit people find annoying.

I don't care what people say thats badass.
Anyway so was tying to think of a title for this romance, i was thinking at first.
Seasons in the abyss.
But thats slayer and also a book from californication so, nah.
I also thought A mans tale, My december, heart shaped box and other shit i cant remember.
But the top 2 are A mans tale and My december.
Moving more towards Mt December as it seems to fit the story and "emotional" bullshit that happens in it, the guy going into this state of sadness and shit.

I was thinking about it aswell if it gets published and shit what it would have written on it.

A mans tale of love, and get this, its not written by a woman, its actually written by a guy, and get this also. he isn't gay

Something like that anyway.
Learnt how you remind me today, was quicker than you think to learn, you think of the opening fill i tried it once and turned out it was right. Now i spent a while thinking about it last night how it could be  this technique and shit. Nope just normal ass shit.
So will be seeing that with Quid soon, just waiting for some to learn Animals and we'll jam that aswell.

I can't really be arsed today for this, fuck all's happened and thats about that.
Goodbye people.

Actually i should talk about waht i ment the other by "stick with it" on the band rehursal one.

I was walking across country and shit with all the gear and shit thinkin' shit man it don't seem to worth it. felt shit and shit walking there, its so far away and shit to travel, the gigs arnt too close together but still fuckin' far away aswell.
But when in the rehursal room and shit, makes it all worth it and fuckin' badass.
Just gotto remember thats the shit thats worth it, the rockin and shit. jsut dont stop.
Thats it from me, see ya.


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