Friday 15 February 2013

last day o college, and The Sheffield Chronicles 1

Ok first i must ddress the fact that i do not know how to spell sheffield properly  a slight mistake but still  someone will complain.
mainly the thing correction shite, you know, spell checker.
So anyway first less, chillin', second lesson, also chillin'
But me teacher asked.

If you were going to report on the "meteor" that hit russia, you know that place 320 miles away from that russian place... Moscow "with a W i'm informed by Nat, what a babe... she dosen't like being called babe" i think, anyway. so that far away and shit, what would you have in the news report.
So everyone looks around and i just go.
that's a fuckin' film

Its not quite what the teacher said but it still stands.

So anyway skipping ahead a while you know after wshing the balls twice for chris who turns out isn't here... mother fucker.
so got to the train, well uploaded that work that was 2 weeks later, then went train and shit.
The fuckin train man shit, the train driver was a laugh you could tell he joked around and shit, nice guy man.
He'll be fired soon for some bullshite reason or something.

So something happened on the train that made me think, man thats some funny shit i should remember that.
So i've forgotten that so heres Nat for a moment or something.

oh ok shes good.
Fuck me man, that's some silent hill shit.
Also, she don't like horror films and I don't think she's seen it. i will know when
there you go she's seen silent hill.

So anyway after I arrive at Sheffield and shit, all chillin' and stuff i'm still thinking.
Fuck man, i could do with a nice arse shite.
So naturally, I search that shit. it was to the left, so i wonder that way.
20p to piss and shit, i'm like.
Fuck that shit, i'll take my shit else where.
Still ent shit yet actually, may save up you know, nice one.
So that's that.

So Nat wonders along, after i phone home to you know let em know i'm here and shit, was under orders and shit man.
Phone when you get there.
And you know you have to cus other wise when you get back
You know your shoulder was feeling good and you were ready for band practice.

Anyway so we go to a pub, called the dove, its a longer name i think but still stands.
So well actually firstly, Nat gets a drink in. Tellin' the guy whats in it and shit. funny arse shit to watch but the drunk arse guy that walks in looking at us and everyone, he said something but i'm pretty sure we both didn't under stand it.
He said something we don't know, movin' on.
So it took a while to figure out the drink and shit, and as it turns out, later on i was checin' out this drink menu, and the recipe was there and shit.
Anyway, carling.

So we go elsewhere and shit, then chill some more.
Then on the way back we stop by a shop and shit to get me some food, you know, will gotta eat, and with these pills for me ear thing i gotta take em with meals, so frosties milk fosters and  mccoy's it is.
I did think mini sausages but they were absent, maybe horse or something still.
anyway we got a picture of that stuff check it out then we sign off.

So from day 1 of the sheffield Chronicles "trip" this is goodbye.
Mad love.
Will, and possibly Nat.

Also P.S.
Chronicles, Chronicles sounds much cooler.

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