Sunday 31 March 2013

bugger all

Today I did bugger all.
Just chilled out watched most of Jericho season two.
On the last episode now.

Set my drum kit back up and just drummed and shit.
plan to pick up on the speed stuff more, and practice the stick controle stuff more.
So you know. play faster songs and shit. some cradle of filth i've been meaning to learn...
but then thats about it really.

Had a laugh.

Watched a new music video.
It just made me laugh and not in the good way.

But anyway thats that.

Well then.


"you after reading this"

And then you were like

and I was like

And then we were like.

and we all lived, happily ever after.
In the pub.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Back in the saddle

I gotta say. honestly I prefer this version than the aerosmith version.
Man nothing wrong with it just this one has more of a metal balls to it i feel man.
Everyone can have one.

I say that.

They can have one but you have to keep it to yourself and only agree with the mother fucking piece's of shits who are in charge's opinion.

But then again thats my opinion.
Its the right one.
But we have to go with their one which is.

"We're all in this together."

So back in the saddle today with a rehearsal with Winter Storm.
So you know.
I was gona type my thoughts and shit this morning then you know.
Didn't get around to it.
Busy taking stuff appart and stuff to do that so you know.
Fuck that after thoughts then.

So went quite well and shit, was for some reason expecting something bad and shit to happen for some reason.
Not a clue why just had a bad feeling.
just tad worried and shit you know, from accidentally missing the last one due to you know.
Beer and shit.
hey, we like to party.

Well drink but you know.
Hand in hand.

So anyway.
It went fuckin' rockin' and shit man.
Jammed thought the old stuff that is technically new as we don't play them as much you know what i mean? good.
So we did that. went better than expected and shit.

Best friend man.

Then jammed the new one called "spoiler" so we jammed that man.
The intro is the same thing 12 times but into 4 parts so 3 lots of 4 right.
So anyway right into death metal mode.
Well for me anyway.

How i didn't fuckin' mess that shit up but hey.
Practice pays off man.

And cocaine... lots and lots of cocaine is needed when we play that one live.
Well that is if it get speed up for some reason.

I'm the drummer, the tempo is whatever i say it is.


but still.
If thats the case we're playing it slower man.
That shits fast.
But then its only the once so you know. won't feel so fuckin' fucked after word.
But then that is depending on how much fuckin' gear i have to carry and how far.
I have allot of drum stuff to carry to and from rehearsals.

snare drum, double bass pedal. 10 cymbals and 3 extra clamps.
thats allot of stuff to carry. on a train.

So its not like i'm moaning about something piddaly like.
Ahh my guitar is so heavy.
Dude, wanna try carrying all this us stares and for about a mile if ya can't score a lift?

now it is time to sit down and chill out.
And think about the practice and shit that needs ta be done in general for performing in studio, rehearsals or live.
Not much mind. Beers getting involved. standard.

Probably time for a nap or soemthing.
But beers up and shit.
Come on.
Never stop the beers man.
Anythings else?


Nope, cannot think of shit all man.
Well been thinking some stuff.
Its strange man.
Thats it for today people.

Rock on, Party on, and stuff.


Friday 29 March 2013

Fuck Yeah dude

Fuck man i cannot think of another song i would wanna play live as an opaning song.
This would be fucking killer man.
And to of written it an all.
Time travel, lets rock.

just had the most interesting of opportunity pop up for me man.
A mate, and bandmate.
Has asked us to do something for him.

Lets start with a hint.
Nothing but a good time is my entrance music right.
So anyway.
It was quite normal conversation.

Do you know much about wrestling?
Yeah man i like Stone Cold Steve Austin, and The Cowboy James Storm.
hypothetically speaking, If i was to put together this thing, would you be interested in being a Ref?
So you want me, to be the worlds skinniest pro wrestling referee?

Fuck i'm game man.
Learning me some rules up and shit right now.
Gona be kick fuckin' ass man if that shit gets done and sorted.

and paid as well.
And not in beer.

Got around to playing ZOMBIES!!! today.
the board game thing.
Its alright.
Will play it again.
Don't take s long as ya think.
Either kill 25 zombies or be the first one to the helipad or something.
Its alright and shit.
We both won.

Anyway thats it for today cannot be arsed and shit for anymore.
Can't think of much more man.
Feeling a state of melancholy.
or some bullshit.


And also get at the facebook people.

Thursday 28 March 2013

So where was I? confusin; shit man

So anyway we pointed Keith in the direction of the honey club.
Retired and shit.
Then set on aboot home and shit.
And i gotta say people confused the fuck out of me man.
But a message you gotta fuckin' know man.

That is this song is fucking badass man you gotta check this fuckin' shit out man.
Out in May the album.
I know those barstards .

I know i was gona speak about something.
I think it was people.
Yes in fact reading what I fuckin' wrote above.

Am I A Hell Raiser?


So very fuckin confused the other night and shit.
And person who shall not be named.
"Note, due to the fact myself is not 100% sure on their name, therefore shalt be left nameless for now. well when i learn it i'm not gona fuckin' well come back and edit this will be in a few weeks and you won't give a fuck by then. not that you do now and shit.
So anyway"
Guy sits down.
And thats guy as in the guy not guy pearce because that would be fuckin' badass.
You guys seen the film Lockdown?
Its awesome.

And starts talking to us about someone.
Dude, get her a drink some time man.
Like dude i got her a drink man.
exploiting my fondness for Jagerbombs.
And to treat her good and stuff.
You know, like dude. you take her man, she wants you and shit.

Well thats what it seemed like anyway.
So you know.
Was cryptic and you know.
And you guys probably know by now, that dude i ent a mind reader.
Textbook lad i'm told with how i do shit and stuff but still i'm gona say bloke with signals and shit.
You wanna say or hint something.
say it man otherwise you'll be there all night.

Unless its a simple signal like you know. nod to the left or right and eyes and shit.
While mouthing blond or something.
I get that.
invisible pint under ya mouth and shit.
yeah i get that one.

But the other shit.
Nope fuck knows mate lot me ages ago.
So confused me man.

So i was left casually thinking.
Okay, so is he saying that girl digs me "wants the D"
And shit.
Should you know.
Work the will magic and bullshit.

You know the best pick-up lines.

Is your arse from mcdonalds?
because i'm loving it.

Are you getting enough vitamins? because i can give you the D.

You know standard ones.
Man confusing shit man.
Leaving me thinking stuff and things man.

But you know.
Life's a mystery and bullshit.
The bastard.

Someone wrote on my wall once's tears and years ago.

"Life is full of questions.
we never have all of the answers.

But we hold onto the questions and hope that one day, 
we will find the answers."

That was ad-libbed a bit its been a while my walls been painted a few times since then.
But you know it sticks with ya.

So anyway.
Got back at half 2.

So next day and shit. chilled in the morning went with Rachel to the hospital and shit.
Then onward for food and shit at Coast to Coast.
I recommend that place, do an online search and shit there isn't that man about.
Solihull, Portsmouth and 2 or 3 others not 100% sure thought.

Had chicken.
Nice man.
then some chicken burger.
I'll skip that one.

then came back here and shit chilled out, watched in the flesh that TV show.
Good show man, well its alright.
Think the guys a bender thought but you know.
not by how he dresses and shit.

And the new girl zombie person looked like Amy Lee.

Then game of thrones man from beginning.
Good show man kickass.


They exist man.

After she left and shit Rowan came over.
We chilled, drank like men and made the ancestors proud.
Not really we just drank lightly last night to be fair.
only 6 or 7 i think.

Not too bad.
We talked, chilled, told about tales of things past.
Fuckin' funny shit man.
We get ourselves in allot of shit man.

Brings the Rock N' Roll to solihull.
need ta rock that chillin' man.

One of the things was said.

I feel too metal for Quid and too Rock n' Roll for Winter Storm.
Interesting thing man.
So you know, solo project on its fuckin' way.

Man that would be some weird ass shit.

Was Watching Airheads this morning.
Dude man looks like me shit load.

Anyway what else.
Fuck all really.
I think i may wanted to talk about some funny shit but cannot fuckin' remember.
Its beer time thought.
Hows fuckin' people goin?

Have fun people, keep on chillin'

Fuck yeah dude.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

let me tell you what i did

I went to a party last fuckin' night.
i didn't get laid, i got in a fight.
It ain't big thing.

Not really.
Could you imagine the blog if i was in a fight?
man the amount of hatred and harsh shit i could/would say.
Man that shit some funny shit man when i find someone to be a mother fuckin' mother fucker.


Fuck man.

Long day.
Funny night aswell.

Where ta fuckin' begin.
With the pot noodle. that i am eating right now.

Fuck yeah thats the shit
So last night.
Man it was piss funny i went for a "Censored"
The funny thing is i am actually censoring something. would love ta tell ya, but you know.
Inbox us or something.


So went to the pub.
CHecked me bank balance aswell thought, fuck yeah. get 20 quid out for tonight and tomorrow...
Well that was the fuckin' plan anyway.

So end up buying 4 jagerbombs again.
For me and Nat you know standard.

then gave her me leather jacket and shit.
Man i have 5 layers on technicly and ent that cold.
"balls froze off"
and that was that really.
Met a guy called Keith who i thought everyone actually knew but noone did.
Was a nice guy.
was his retirement party.
Early retirement and shit.

So in the end we pointed him on his way to the honney club.
"Strip club"

I will continue tomorrow.


Tuesday 26 March 2013


So two blokes walk into a bar.
And erm...

I don't quite remember much after that.


But goodbye

Monday 25 March 2013

fuck yeah dude

Man dude fuck all again man.
Man if this was an album it would go something like.

I did fuck all again today.
I thin this is setting to be a trend.
i have no idea what set this off.
But hopefully that wont be the end.

Guitar riff, metal. rock.

You know like thrash metal albums and stuff they have that little intro type thing you know.

So today people.
Mother fuckers.

Me person managed to do.
Fuck all.

What is a will to do man.
Bugger all really. have a relax and shit.
Man i got me some writing on man.

The story that happens after the story.

Thats it man, all ya gettin'
And thats the log line man.

It'll be kick-fuckin'-ass man.
Gona get that shit done.

Thats about that man.

Played poker.

Moving on.
Thats about that man.
Made some Avant-grad style ass shit man drummin. Watched the very end of a film called Kill-List.

Now with a title like that it sounds stright forword.
But that ending was fuckin' strange man.
And it was a standard film before that i was told.
What i watched walkin dead came down and chilled what more you want?


Thats that shit for you mother fucker's.

So with that.
Its beer time.

So long.
drink long, drink hard, feer no beer.
And drinks are on you.


Sunday 24 March 2013

sie waren zu lange ruhig

Do you guys watch Spartacus?
That shits badass.

I just found out i somehow missed all of season 3.
Not a fuckin' clue how man.
So today right, just watched em and shit.

Goto episode 7 and shit.
Don't worry theres no spoilers.
Yeah that guy died, you know the one who killed that other guy. you know with a sword and shit.

See its no spoilers because i'm fckin' terrible with names.
If i was back in them days man.
Everyone would be known as Guy or Dude.

In roman naturally.
Or whatever.



Thats about it for my day today.
Goodbye it is then.


Saturday 23 March 2013

hehe... ayyy

Ent gona talk to much today people.
Cannot be too arsed to do so.
So don't complain.
But then if your reading this and want more man i've over 125 other posts for ya to read.
I know right. thats allot of bullshit.

But i see this as me in the near future.

Man i really don't wanna remember some shit.
Mostly you know.
How much i fuckin' spent because i got my fuckin' card out.

Really do not want to look at my bank account.
Was saving for drum sticks man.

Fuck sake.
Funny shit thought.

I go to the barman.

Is it 2 jagerbombs for a fiver?
I'll take 4 and a carling.

Man that shit was funny ass shit.
back in at half 3.
My cousin says i just disappeared and he phoned us askin where i am and i just go.

I'm halfway up my fuckin' hill.

Man classic funny ass nights man.

I was gona talk more but can't be fucked anymore again :P
Goodbye people.
Have a good night.

Friday 22 March 2013

What the fuck did i do to me?

the last thing i remember is elaning against a fuckin bar.
Because i was fuckin' stuck to the thing then i woke up.
What the fuck ahppened.
I looked and saw a plate of fuckin chips and chicken.
What the fuck happened?
Safe to say i missed college today.

And i drew a knob in the snow.

You know when you cannot for the fuckin life of you reember anything, and you know you should remember.
Man, i really couldn't give a shit about what happened man.

I mean usually after a night of drinking i'll lay there in bed and think.
Man what the fuck did i do last night, and reck my brain trying to remember.
But i really cannot fuckin' remember.
And really couldn't care man.

I just feel good man.
you know.

Just like i found gold or something man had a good time.

And i think i phoned someone.
not 100% on that one.

Fuck man.

i should go and draw another knob in the snow.
It was just a laugh.

And was chillin' out with marty mcfly.

Barman from masons was night off or something.
Man fucked up.

man my arm is in so much fuckin' pain.
really what the fuck didi i do to me?

could of fallen over it was snowing and lets face it.
I did have a few last night.

man between me and Rowan we bring the fuckin Rock n' Roll to solihull.
and don't even have ta be together and shit.

hows that song go again?
born to be a boring fuck?

Ahh no its born to fuckin' raise hell man.

I know its a diffrent song to the one i was speaking about.
But still.
Its fuckin' lemmy man.

I highly doubt anythings going to happen today.
My excuse for not being on college was badass.

I missed my bus because i was drawing a knob in the snow.

Thats a fuckin' classic man.
What more do you need to say man.
Fuck man i woke up thought man i could go to college.
15 to 9.

why my blinds were open i don't know.
Propper bright.

Also why am i so fine man with the amount we fuckin drank and remember shit man.
Fuck knows man.

You know what we need?
A fuckin' party man.

Lets have a party people.
You guys organise that shit not me i'll just show up and you know. do my thing.
Stand and drink.

Man i woke up surprisingly good today man.
No hangover nothing just fine and shit.
I should go eat now actually, that would be a good idea.
Anyway i woke up fine and dandy man.

That film made me cry.

i just wanted to show that gif
Man i think i'll leave it there for today people.
After the heaviness of yesterdays probably for the best.
So my people.

Thursday 21 March 2013

i'm having fun, slightly political

So today started like any other.
You know.
I woke up.
See started like any other, makes sense right.

You fucker's know it dose.
Anyway so you know having a fuckin' chill and that shit this morning befor college and stuff.
So bit of the old tunes and shit.

You know, country, other stuff. things.
You know ta get ya in the chillin mood.
and stuff.

So its pitch day today right, so gotta get aht shit readdy and other bullshit.
So here i am chillin that shit in lesson.
having fun.

With the blazer and shit you know, loking smart, but Dirty smart you know.
Give it some, stuff.

so, doing things.
Anyway plan for today and shit right, its to chill out man.
this lesson now, where were jsut not doing much, naturaly because i'm doing this fuckin' shit.
You know.

And wait for the pitch stuff, ayy.
Everyones happy.
Its chillin man.

" They could be anybody's. Nobody... nobody trusts anybody now, and we're all very tired... "
man you need that shit
Its a good film man, The Thing.
Just when you talk to someone about it or say.
Have you seen The Thing?
The normal responce is
What Thing?
Then it goes back and forth untill you eventualy go.
For fuck sake.

Man i feel like shit now man.
Just feel fuckin' strange and shit.
And i just realized i didn't put any soy source on me fuckin' stake... oh well.

So anyway.
Had that pitch thing i talked about earlier and shit.
I think that went well.
But dude man i was fuckin' boiling and shit.
think must of been pale as fuck or something man felt strange and shit.
still do dazed and confused and shit.
Fuck man.

But had a few nice drinks for lunch anyway, 2 jagerbombs and carlsburgs man.

Also i'm gona have to go against my thing and talk about that pointless piece of shit we call politics man.
Was watching that load of wank yesterday just seems useless and a load of fuckin' bullshit man.
But first.

So anyway this shitty bullshit we call government.
Now that they want to take away our freedom of speech which i am sure you think they should take mine away just to stop this god awful mess you may call a blog but still  I just have one thing to say to them about that man.

Fuck you, fuck off, and focus on the shit that actually matters.

Like you know, lowering the beer prices, and you know freezing the fule prices.
Or maybe i got them the wrong way round...
did i?
I dont know i just know that way i just said if saying its alright to drink drive.

And if that bullshit passes for some reason when it fuckin' shouldent then i can get in the shit for writing this.

But the interesting thing about the artical and bullshit was the main things they were worried about and what they will stomp down on more than other things.
The main two are.

What we can't disagree with the bullshit you guys say and give our own opinion and reason's why we don't agree and provide atualy logic and explanation?

And the second one, which is aload of fucking shit.

Football? Really?
and you know why we can't talk about football? because of the fucking scandals they have.

Now i must ask.
What fucking scandals  the fact the footballers are overpaid jerk offs who are well do very so much seem like they are short a few fuckin' planks and shit.
You get the saying i'm trying to say i just fuckin' forgot it in this rant.
But thats another thing.

Anyway where i was going with the political bullshit wank.
Firstly i have this picture for it.

So anyway.
Yesterday while i was at Rachels, put on the TV and shit and the fuckin' thing was on, you know that bullshit show i don't know it was inside the house of commons whatever.
And i was just watching it thinking.

What the fuck is this shit? its like a buch of fucking school children.

And Rachel just says
have you not seen it before? its what its like a bunch of school children.

I'm just fuckin' like.

So the people in charge right.
Go to a big hallway looking thing, because lets be honest.
It dose look like a waiting room where people shout at each other for some reason.
And act like fucking children.
And there in charge?

So what it is, is a bunch of men who act like children?
thats aload of fucking bullshit.

And she said.
Its not just men its women as well.

Like it would make my views any better on the fucking bullshit.

That just made it fucking worse.
One of us has to be better.

And i'm on about men and women in general.
One of us has to be better.

And lets face it.
Its women man.
And by that i mean its women and i refer to people as man i'm not just saying man to confuse people, but anyway.

I said something along the lines of.

I think Guy Fawkes should of succeeded it would of actually made a fucking change. that people would go.
Humm, fair play.

Well you'll get those people who go.
Bloody terrorists.
Then the counter argument.
He was english.

Then you get terrorists and people saying.
See its not just us.

then somehow that brings us all together and shit.

Hey, that shit works.
think about it slightly just not too much or for too long.

time for a break

Getting back to what i wanna say and shit.

I never gave a fuck about the bullshit they do and did before in the house of commons and shit.
But after watching it and seeing that its just a bunch of grown men acting like children.
It just made me give even less of a fucking shit about what they do and have to say.

And i get this.

But this is important.

What is? 
a bunch of grown men and a few women 
"see women are better there not as bad, mainly because you know sexist bastards so less woman but thats by the by at the moment" 
acting like fucking school children.

Man if i wanna see people acting like schoolchildren then i'll walk past the fuckin' school over the road from college.
not in a dodgy way i'm not 100% fan of kids there loud annoying and you know, not a big fan.
And they stare at me. that shits not right man.
They got little eyes man, and look at you like.

Mommy whats that pirate doing here?
Anyway what?

i lost track but the main point is.
Its a fucking load of bullshit
fuck that shit.
We talked today me and Liam and decided.

Dude if we somehow come to power, fuck that. that is being got rid of.
If i wanted to shout at people in a crowded place i would just go to the pub.
And shout at people.
I'm not a shouty person.

Just annoyed and possibly angry.

Fuckin' useless mother fuckers.

Anyway yeah just get rid of it.
Is it helping anyone?
Do you shot about stuff that noone really understands then just argue for the sake of it?
Do you actually have anything written down or just bullet points.
bullet points.
Can you settle it all with just a knife fight?
Good, do that.

Fuckin wankers.

I must apologise for claiming our current economic woes were caused by "a load of reckless cuts". 
It appears the "n" key was broken on my keyboard.

Man this has been a long blog today.
I think.

So we had a few beers today me and Liam.
So we got back to college went for a piss.
Liam straight to the sink to wash his hands and face you know sober up.
And from the corner of my eye it looks like he went to throw up.
So naturally i go.

Your not fuckin' chuckin' up are ya?

No, his reply, i'm not that pissed.

Then out of the cubical comes one of out teachers who should be in the pitch.
Were there like.

But was alright we talked and it was fine.
Well finished my piss first naturally.
Other wise thats some fucked up shit man.

so anyway he left and it was alright.

But thats that for today people.
I think you may of had enough.
Or if you have gotten this far think you did really fuckin' well.
Or enjoyed this blog.
Doubt that one, but anyway.

Goodbye people.
I would talk about our conversation about knighthoods but will leave that for another day.

And thats how i feel when i get something for Rachel.

So check your attitude at the front doorI'm really getting tired of takingAll of your shit while I'm soberI'm thinking that I'd rather be stoned, yeah
I gotta get this shit off my backI'm runnin' circles but I won't crackSo fuckin' sick of your politicsSnap your fingers, snap your neck

Things. and stuff

Wednesday 20 March 2013

stuff, lowlife

so today right.
Been chillin and shit.

So you know, now and shit, its time for a nice beer and relax and shit.
Ent that right dog?

Dam right.

I just liked the dog and shit.

So anyway today right.
Dude my teacher made me laugh so fuckin' much man made me fuckin' cry and shit.
We were talking about films in IMAX
Or 3D FYI.
I know right, fine detailes and shit, never know.
I may of just educated someone.
He say, are there any films that wouldn't work in IMAX, and listed some. then said.

Shindlers list, in IMAX... Oh i can really see the ash.

that shit broke man man i was laughing for about 5 minutes man couldn't stop.
i would stop for a second then, fuck start again people laughing at us and shit for finding it so funny.
The teacher aswell big smile how fuckin' funny i found it.
Just avoid an answer from me because my reply would just be hysterics 

MAn and this song has a perfect chrous for me man.
I say that i jsut really like it and think.
Yeah thats what i like ta fuckin' hear, and say, and fuckin' do.

And if I get drunk well, I'll pass out
On the floor now baby
You won't bother me no more
And if you're drinkin' well, you know
That you're my friend and I say
I think I'll have myself a beer

You love that shit.
And that would be a plan for tonight, but need ta be chillin for tomorrow and shit.
So how you guys doin?

Was about all i wanna talk about really.
So with that my people, i bid you fairwell.


Also this song its very much me aswell.

I've got a beer-stained t-shirt looking like Joe Dirt
Something 'bout me just ain't right

Those who know me, know that shits true.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Those Wankers, Red Dawn

Well that was unnecessarily violent.
Not really who cares, you get offended then be offended and shit.

Man a good start i must be pissed or something.

So anyway was a laugh today.
Best second lesson right.
Went for an all ya can eat chinese bufet thing right. good lesson.
Then for lunch went to the pub.
So over all a good day and shit.

Finished some work and shit.
Powerpoint, done, game, Shuwing.

Had a relax and shit, chilled that shit.


Found some old lyrics and shit.
A song simply called.

I want to drink.

But its an old old version of it so i ahve to re-write the verses.
As their isn't any.

So thats job one ta do.

Then thats that man.

I watched Red Dawn yesterday man.
Man that has one kickass quote and shit.
Been told it before by my sisters Boyfriend, Army guy and stuff right.
Told us this ages ago and its just badass man.

"Marines don't die, we just go to hell and regroup."

Thats kickass man.
Now i didn't pay attention to the film to much.
It was shooty shooty, bang bang patriotic wank and badass one liner.

What next and shit.

Yeah man i gotta talk about this shit.

People and shit, by that i mean bloggers. can get in the shit and shit for the shit they talk about and stuff.
Like mainly applies to political wank and football scandals.
What fuckin scandals.
Man couldn't give a fuck about that shit.

Just its mainly, if your offensive towards people or the topic.

Man the only political thing i've talked about was nick clegg and that was because i forgot who he was for a while.

Was a laugh, he came on the news and i was looking at him thinkin.
Whos this fuck.

then about half hour alter it clicked. that dude was Nick Clegg.
Or Dick clegg as that guy said on question time.


Will leave this shit here man.
These mother fucker's wanna stop free speach and shit.

But then i'm sure your thinking.
Man they should stop you really will man.
Just gotta say.

And you know what i gotta say.
Fair play you have have that opinion, thats what you entitled to.

But i will go government on you by saying that.
Then what i really mean is.

Fuck you.
Fuck you!

You fuckin' fuck.
Fuck you.

I own you.

See they do do that, you know it.

Anyway goodbye.

Monday 18 March 2013

dentist and the butterfly effect

Alright, i'll start with the dentist and shit.
Because it was a laugh.

So the dentist goes to us.
man your teeth are the healthiest we've ever seen em and shit.
You know something along the lines and shit, just you know more dentist like and shit.

So anyway i was thinking.
Well fuck me man.
With the amount i drink and puke that was a fuckin' shock and a half.

Almost fuckin' choked and shit man.
the one was doin some shit, you know with the water that has to be running and shit you know the one right?
it vibrates "watch it" at such a high speed and frequency that you need to have the water running and whatnot and shit.
So was doing that shit and stuff just manning thought it.
Just twitching and shit lightly.
With the fuckin' foot.

So get halfway thought the top teeth shit right.
Start fuckin' choking and stuff.
was strange.

Anyway moving onto the butterfly effect.

So i was watching the butterfly effect.
About 10 minutes ago but thats anyway.

And i was thinkin', man.
why didn't i keep journals and shit man.
That way i would be able to change the past and get myself out of allot of bad situations.
It would be perfect man.

it was last friday, we had 17 beers, and we drank 15 of them. that means we were left with only 2 in the morning and for St.Patrick's day two days later.

See would go back in time and drink less man.
That way i would have more beer and shit.

But was a good film and shit.
I recommend that to people.

and by that, i mean you people.
Go watch it.

I think i was going to talk about stuff.
I took some pictures and shit today of the garden and shit.
Check em out man.

I woke up this morning and thought.
Fuck man the garden looks nice.
So got some shots and shit.

Was nice and shit man.

You guys like that stuff?
Best fuckin' do man. its killer frost and shit in the morning.
Wasn't that nippy aswell was out in t-shirt and shit.
Not to bad.

What else.
Its poker later.

Doubt i'll win again but you know. will hopefully get to second round.
I say that.
Its first hour break then its just play till end man.

More do you need?

alright shut up.


I'll leave it there for today people.
And don't worry i'll be picking up on grammer and shit.
With the help of this.

Everyones fuckin' rejoicing now ent they?
Shit man will's learning grammer propperly.
Now we'll know what the fuck hes on about.

Moving on mother fucker's


Sunday 17 March 2013

places, and shit and things

So i was checking out who's checked out my blog, as in what countries and shit now who as in the people. thats some government shit that they do.
They know, i don't.
But then if they ever read this blog man that would be some interesting shit.
But anyway, i looked at the names and thought.
What the fuck is Qatar. 
As maybe most of you have done now.
but then you gotta research that shit, just to know where your singular fan in from.
So whats up western Asia?

Why do i have the feeling people will find that offensive somehow.
but so people don't feel left out.
Whats up the rest of the fuckin' world.
Appart from you, you know which country you are.

Watched something on maggie thatcher earlier.
Strange ass shit was interesting.

Was playin some demo for a game about fairies.... man that sounds gay.
But anyway, was called Faery: legends of avalion.
Now it was alright, but the best thing about it was calling my character Dave.
Just in the setting and the characters are talking about all this mystical shit to a guy called dave.
It was piss funny ass shit.

Dave, you've awaken after eons asleep.
I must entrust this task to you, dave. 
Twas on the eve of battle Dave.

See they all make it more comical and badass.

but it was alright.
I'm still thinking man i got 800 point things left, what game, D&D dagerdale, or that fairy one.
Not a clue but i'm just bored mainly.

So hows it going then people.
I know i wanted to talk about something but its been a while and i've done stuff.
Not much stuff but some stuff.

So anyway.
Hows it cracking and shit people?

Watching a few episodes of Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Was on may as well.

But apparently i look like i belong on 90's TV in a show like fresh prince with my "style" whatever that is. aswell as an extra in a pirates of the Caribbean movie.
Imagine that shit happens man?
suddenly become an extra and shit in some TV and people like.
Man we wanna dress like that mother fucker.
That would be hell n a half man.

Strange and shit.

But still thats a kickass show man

"would you like to give your account of the event?
i would but they closed my account, they some I was eligibly writing bad checks. i thought they were pretty legible"

See man thats some will shit.
Well jazz shit but you know what i mean and shit.

The best thing i think would be being thrown out of the house by phil.
What more do you need really?

Also i remember something i was going to talk about.
But i wans't with anyone so had to try and remember that shit when the time came.
So the time came and i forgot that shit.
Hey was a few beers in at that point you can forget everything at that point and still be golden.
Like don't play american football indoors.
We didn't break nothing but still stands.

I remembered a song you know from ages ago and shit.
you know, you may remember that shit.
It went something like.

"The tide is high, but i'm holding on.
your gona be my number one."

So now, i was thinking. that is some dodgy ass shit man, and thats a kids song and shit.
So what they are saying in essence is.

The tide is high.
"wetter than a fuckin' drowning fish."
but i'm holding on.
"nah man, not that desperate."
Your gona be my number one.
"Something about water sports maybe i dont know."

When i write i just, something i dont know.

Its what flows and shit.
But i dont write about piss. or shit.
Depending on if you've had a vindaloo.

Anyway its better when spoken that topic and shit.
You'll agree when you bring it up in polite conversation.
Just not to your gran or something.


Man i ent to happy and shit.
I got one fuckin' beer left.
You know what that means right?
thats right.
We drank more beer the other night that we should of and not future will is like for fuck sake i need more fuckin' beer.
what we need is a fuckin' beer fairy or some shit.
You know, give em empty cans and shit, pocket fluff or something aswell.
They take that shit and return you with some nice cold beers and shit.
that would be the lovely shit man.

We need this man.
Ireland get working on that technology man.

The rest of the world.
You get working on that shit aswell.

What else and shit.
Need beer.
shit man.

Also, in metallica the unforgiven.
The first one.

They dedicate there lives.
Or if you like south park
They took our fuckin' jobs.


hows it going?

I think thats enough for today people.
Have a good night and shit and relax. its only fuckin monday tomorrow.
Goodbye, fairwell, solong. bugger off.

Also i watched something on maggie thatcher this morning.
Was alright.

Later people.