Sunday 10 March 2013

Dick Clegg, thats it really

So anyway right, i saw on the news this jerk off looking guy that looked familer.
Turns out it was nick clegg.
So anturaly sent a text to Rachel the polotition that she is and shit saying.

I've done it, managed to forget who the fuck nick clegg is.

And thats about that. its a good day to forget things right, just remember who the important people are.
And for those countries around the world who read this such as russia, brazil, venezuela and wherever. its literally a surprise that you guys find this blog to me.
i expect england ireland the jerk offs i mean U.S and canadia to check this shit out but other places are a surprise. France not so much but Belgium, Switzerland russia fuckin' china aswell.
Man if people are planning an invasion of gettin england they no help from this blog.

Cus this is one of a kind bullshit man.
you know you love it for some reason.
And its a load of shit.
But you gotta admire that its still fuckin' going on, and on man.
Well funny shit happens man.

So anyway.
Watched some film with Brendan Fraser in today called Shootout i think.
Nah its called Stand Off.
It was alright, its set in ireland so its a fuckin' laugh.
some of the characters are stereotypical but piss fuckin' funny.

Thats about that really, chilled,. drummed, chilled more and now writing and shit.
Supost to be going out but then guess not then.
Nice people, i know, yeah.

Nice wee drink anyway and maybe apply for another band.
Metalcore whatever that is and shit, may be interesting and shit.
Its different from Dark Melodic and "Indi" and i'm told it is at rehearsals.

But anyway back to writing and shit.
goodbye people.


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