Saturday 16 March 2013

hello, mix of shit man. Lowlife, missing band practice, no going sheffeild and shit

I think i've said this before but i can pretty much agree that this discribes me at times.
And most of you are nodding your head in agreement.
That is if i have any regular readers.
Do i have any regular readers and shit?
You guys should comment and shit.

Best idea,
you guys comment what you think about us, man that would be some funny ass shit.
i wonder how many "kill yourself" messages i'll get.
or learn to spell at the least.

Learn to use grammer, be fucked if i do that.

Can't think of any more jerk off ish questions people would ask.

Hows people goin man?

So i didn't go to Sheffield if you hadn't of guessed by writing a blog at half 10 at night.
But then probably for the best because i could do with a fuckin' sleep.
Abit sad and shit, looking forward for that.
And now means not filming the short interview video for college.
But can do that on Tuesday in college and have it edited by the end of the day and shit.
So either way will pospone the stuff i like doing you know.

Sitting in a new place.
Walking somewhere new and you know. having a sit down.
Seeing a Blond barmaid, you know one of the best things ever invented, Whilst having a sit down.
I don't know what it is with Blond barmaids...
Its just one of those things man.

Yeah was talking to Sean about my experience of Corp "corporation" 

And quoted from facebook chat

"the thing that confused me about corp was firstly "strobe lights" there interesting but strange, and the fact the blond barmaid had to pour the newcastle brown ale into a glass, i got the newcastle brown ale to same time by pop open lid pay, gone, not pop open lid, let me get you a glass and stuff.

but still, blond you know a barmaid. you can't complain"

You know just correcting the spelling and shit.

I just farted man that shits not right.

Fuck me man i'm knackared.
Was supost to have band practice today with winter storm.
Was first practice i've missed with em i think.
Had to cancel or move a few for a few reasons but usually a few days notice.
Didn't really want to walk in this weather.
England, it rained
With all my drum stuff.
Now for quid its different i just take my snare and bass pedal but now just taking my bass pedal.
But winter storm its all my cymbals, and thats allot, my snare and bass pedal.
Along with another bag with drum sticks and food man.
You gotta stock up on energy man.

Just walking with that stuff in the rain, not fun ass shit to do man.
If could score a lift there, golden done.
But you know.
Couldn't find one.

So couldn't make it, was ashame and stuff.

And hannah asks.
Do you have a hangover?

To which naturally i thought.


But then realized, its alright, because i do.
So anyway moving on because nothing really interesting happened.
I was texting Rowan and said.
Man watch this someone end up getting me kicked out.

And we had to agree, that if you get kicked out of a band for drinking.
that is the most metal and rock n' roll way reason to be kicked out for.

And he compared it to Ozzy being kicked out of Sabbath because he did the most drugs.
But then that was only because he got up earlier than the rest of em so started earlier and did more that way.
Its simple logic man.
You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning.


So thats that man.
I'm still fuckin' loving the laugh we had wednesday in band practice.
There was so much enjoyment there man fuckin' jammin shit on the guitar.
They were saiyng will solo here i'm like.
Dude ive no idea what were doing just go into the verse man.
first practice on guitar give us more time.
Should get me a git-fiddle band that would be fuckin' awesome man, the energy and fuckin' enjoyment would be amazing man.
Be serious.
Fuck that its here to have a laugh and entertain man.

Anyway i wanna type more ut cannot be arsed.
And ran out of things.

So, with that my people i bid you fair-well.

Attualy, what the fuck was with england today with the rugby?
Fuck sake.

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