Friday 22 March 2013

What the fuck did i do to me?

the last thing i remember is elaning against a fuckin bar.
Because i was fuckin' stuck to the thing then i woke up.
What the fuck ahppened.
I looked and saw a plate of fuckin chips and chicken.
What the fuck happened?
Safe to say i missed college today.

And i drew a knob in the snow.

You know when you cannot for the fuckin life of you reember anything, and you know you should remember.
Man, i really couldn't give a shit about what happened man.

I mean usually after a night of drinking i'll lay there in bed and think.
Man what the fuck did i do last night, and reck my brain trying to remember.
But i really cannot fuckin' remember.
And really couldn't care man.

I just feel good man.
you know.

Just like i found gold or something man had a good time.

And i think i phoned someone.
not 100% on that one.

Fuck man.

i should go and draw another knob in the snow.
It was just a laugh.

And was chillin' out with marty mcfly.

Barman from masons was night off or something.
Man fucked up.

man my arm is in so much fuckin' pain.
really what the fuck didi i do to me?

could of fallen over it was snowing and lets face it.
I did have a few last night.

man between me and Rowan we bring the fuckin Rock n' Roll to solihull.
and don't even have ta be together and shit.

hows that song go again?
born to be a boring fuck?

Ahh no its born to fuckin' raise hell man.

I know its a diffrent song to the one i was speaking about.
But still.
Its fuckin' lemmy man.

I highly doubt anythings going to happen today.
My excuse for not being on college was badass.

I missed my bus because i was drawing a knob in the snow.

Thats a fuckin' classic man.
What more do you need to say man.
Fuck man i woke up thought man i could go to college.
15 to 9.

why my blinds were open i don't know.
Propper bright.

Also why am i so fine man with the amount we fuckin drank and remember shit man.
Fuck knows man.

You know what we need?
A fuckin' party man.

Lets have a party people.
You guys organise that shit not me i'll just show up and you know. do my thing.
Stand and drink.

Man i woke up surprisingly good today man.
No hangover nothing just fine and shit.
I should go eat now actually, that would be a good idea.
Anyway i woke up fine and dandy man.

That film made me cry.

i just wanted to show that gif
Man i think i'll leave it there for today people.
After the heaviness of yesterdays probably for the best.
So my people.


  1. yeah man, you phoned me at like three in the morning i think, wasnt impressed :P

    1. Last thing i remember i was leaning against the bar then i woke up.
      i have no memory of that time


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