Tuesday 19 March 2013

Those Wankers, Red Dawn

Well that was unnecessarily violent.
Not really who cares, you get offended then be offended and shit.

Man a good start i must be pissed or something.

So anyway was a laugh today.
Best second lesson right.
Went for an all ya can eat chinese bufet thing right. good lesson.
Then for lunch went to the pub.
So over all a good day and shit.

Finished some work and shit.
Powerpoint, done, game, Shuwing.

Had a relax and shit, chilled that shit.


Found some old lyrics and shit.
A song simply called.

I want to drink.

But its an old old version of it so i ahve to re-write the verses.
As their isn't any.

So thats job one ta do.

Then thats that man.

I watched Red Dawn yesterday man.
Man that has one kickass quote and shit.
Been told it before by my sisters Boyfriend, Army guy and stuff right.
Told us this ages ago and its just badass man.

"Marines don't die, we just go to hell and regroup."

Thats kickass man.
Now i didn't pay attention to the film to much.
It was shooty shooty, bang bang patriotic wank and badass one liner.

What next and shit.

Yeah man i gotta talk about this shit.

People and shit, by that i mean bloggers. can get in the shit and shit for the shit they talk about and stuff.
Like mainly applies to political wank and football scandals.
What fuckin scandals.
Man couldn't give a fuck about that shit.

Just its mainly, if your offensive towards people or the topic.

Man the only political thing i've talked about was nick clegg and that was because i forgot who he was for a while.

Was a laugh, he came on the news and i was looking at him thinkin.
Whos this fuck.

then about half hour alter it clicked. that dude was Nick Clegg.
Or Dick clegg as that guy said on question time.


Will leave this shit here man.
These mother fucker's wanna stop free speach and shit.

But then i'm sure your thinking.
Man they should stop you really will man.
Just gotta say.

And you know what i gotta say.
Fair play you have have that opinion, thats what you entitled to.

But i will go government on you by saying that.
Then what i really mean is.

Fuck you.
Fuck you!

You fuckin' fuck.
Fuck you.

I own you.

See they do do that, you know it.

Anyway goodbye.

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