Thursday 28 March 2013

So where was I? confusin; shit man

So anyway we pointed Keith in the direction of the honey club.
Retired and shit.
Then set on aboot home and shit.
And i gotta say people confused the fuck out of me man.
But a message you gotta fuckin' know man.

That is this song is fucking badass man you gotta check this fuckin' shit out man.
Out in May the album.
I know those barstards .

I know i was gona speak about something.
I think it was people.
Yes in fact reading what I fuckin' wrote above.

Am I A Hell Raiser?


So very fuckin confused the other night and shit.
And person who shall not be named.
"Note, due to the fact myself is not 100% sure on their name, therefore shalt be left nameless for now. well when i learn it i'm not gona fuckin' well come back and edit this will be in a few weeks and you won't give a fuck by then. not that you do now and shit.
So anyway"
Guy sits down.
And thats guy as in the guy not guy pearce because that would be fuckin' badass.
You guys seen the film Lockdown?
Its awesome.

And starts talking to us about someone.
Dude, get her a drink some time man.
Like dude i got her a drink man.
exploiting my fondness for Jagerbombs.
And to treat her good and stuff.
You know, like dude. you take her man, she wants you and shit.

Well thats what it seemed like anyway.
So you know.
Was cryptic and you know.
And you guys probably know by now, that dude i ent a mind reader.
Textbook lad i'm told with how i do shit and stuff but still i'm gona say bloke with signals and shit.
You wanna say or hint something.
say it man otherwise you'll be there all night.

Unless its a simple signal like you know. nod to the left or right and eyes and shit.
While mouthing blond or something.
I get that.
invisible pint under ya mouth and shit.
yeah i get that one.

But the other shit.
Nope fuck knows mate lot me ages ago.
So confused me man.

So i was left casually thinking.
Okay, so is he saying that girl digs me "wants the D"
And shit.
Should you know.
Work the will magic and bullshit.

You know the best pick-up lines.

Is your arse from mcdonalds?
because i'm loving it.

Are you getting enough vitamins? because i can give you the D.

You know standard ones.
Man confusing shit man.
Leaving me thinking stuff and things man.

But you know.
Life's a mystery and bullshit.
The bastard.

Someone wrote on my wall once's tears and years ago.

"Life is full of questions.
we never have all of the answers.

But we hold onto the questions and hope that one day, 
we will find the answers."

That was ad-libbed a bit its been a while my walls been painted a few times since then.
But you know it sticks with ya.

So anyway.
Got back at half 2.

So next day and shit. chilled in the morning went with Rachel to the hospital and shit.
Then onward for food and shit at Coast to Coast.
I recommend that place, do an online search and shit there isn't that man about.
Solihull, Portsmouth and 2 or 3 others not 100% sure thought.

Had chicken.
Nice man.
then some chicken burger.
I'll skip that one.

then came back here and shit chilled out, watched in the flesh that TV show.
Good show man, well its alright.
Think the guys a bender thought but you know.
not by how he dresses and shit.

And the new girl zombie person looked like Amy Lee.

Then game of thrones man from beginning.
Good show man kickass.


They exist man.

After she left and shit Rowan came over.
We chilled, drank like men and made the ancestors proud.
Not really we just drank lightly last night to be fair.
only 6 or 7 i think.

Not too bad.
We talked, chilled, told about tales of things past.
Fuckin' funny shit man.
We get ourselves in allot of shit man.

Brings the Rock N' Roll to solihull.
need ta rock that chillin' man.

One of the things was said.

I feel too metal for Quid and too Rock n' Roll for Winter Storm.
Interesting thing man.
So you know, solo project on its fuckin' way.

Man that would be some weird ass shit.

Was Watching Airheads this morning.
Dude man looks like me shit load.

Anyway what else.
Fuck all really.
I think i may wanted to talk about some funny shit but cannot fuckin' remember.
Its beer time thought.
Hows fuckin' people goin?

Have fun people, keep on chillin'

Fuck yeah dude.

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