Saturday 9 March 2013

Shit man

Check out that cat.
You check it out yet?
Anyway, It was Johns birthday yesterday, so we went for a drink.
Not just, that would be strange.
Anyway so we was chillin' in the Flapper by the NIA.
Was an alright place and shit, never been there before and shit.
Few drinks and shit, brought Rachel with me aswell was quite a nice night.
Then home and shit, sandwich time.

Was a good sandwich man.

And man, I've been thinking abotu chinese food for a few days man, not a clue why. can't stop that shit man.
I think chinese food and i'm sitting there like

Dude man, shit me.
Thats about that bullshit.
well thats about all shit really.
Still can't hear, jamming Metallica one.
Also, if you take the intro riff, you can totaly chant metallica over it try it.

Me-tal-i-ca, me-tal-i-ca, Me-tal-i-ca, Me-tal-i-ca Bitch.

It totally fits that shit man

I just copied and pasted that shit.
Anyway, i was watching Lord of the rings the two towers.
You cant really say Lord of the Rings 2, nerds would be fuckin out for blood and shit.

Firstly, golem would be much better if it was Mike strutter.
Those thieves.
those mother fucker's.

See, much better.

and secondly, the riders of rohan found the kings son and shit. over here.
Facedown in a fuckin river.
He's alive.
Fuck off, he was face fuckin' down in a fuckin' river.
Man, that shits got some fuckin' flaws man.

I'm gona leave it there for today people.
Fuckin hope videos work soon.

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