Saturday 30 March 2013

Back in the saddle

I gotta say. honestly I prefer this version than the aerosmith version.
Man nothing wrong with it just this one has more of a metal balls to it i feel man.
Everyone can have one.

I say that.

They can have one but you have to keep it to yourself and only agree with the mother fucking piece's of shits who are in charge's opinion.

But then again thats my opinion.
Its the right one.
But we have to go with their one which is.

"We're all in this together."

So back in the saddle today with a rehearsal with Winter Storm.
So you know.
I was gona type my thoughts and shit this morning then you know.
Didn't get around to it.
Busy taking stuff appart and stuff to do that so you know.
Fuck that after thoughts then.

So went quite well and shit, was for some reason expecting something bad and shit to happen for some reason.
Not a clue why just had a bad feeling.
just tad worried and shit you know, from accidentally missing the last one due to you know.
Beer and shit.
hey, we like to party.

Well drink but you know.
Hand in hand.

So anyway.
It went fuckin' rockin' and shit man.
Jammed thought the old stuff that is technically new as we don't play them as much you know what i mean? good.
So we did that. went better than expected and shit.

Best friend man.

Then jammed the new one called "spoiler" so we jammed that man.
The intro is the same thing 12 times but into 4 parts so 3 lots of 4 right.
So anyway right into death metal mode.
Well for me anyway.

How i didn't fuckin' mess that shit up but hey.
Practice pays off man.

And cocaine... lots and lots of cocaine is needed when we play that one live.
Well that is if it get speed up for some reason.

I'm the drummer, the tempo is whatever i say it is.


but still.
If thats the case we're playing it slower man.
That shits fast.
But then its only the once so you know. won't feel so fuckin' fucked after word.
But then that is depending on how much fuckin' gear i have to carry and how far.
I have allot of drum stuff to carry to and from rehearsals.

snare drum, double bass pedal. 10 cymbals and 3 extra clamps.
thats allot of stuff to carry. on a train.

So its not like i'm moaning about something piddaly like.
Ahh my guitar is so heavy.
Dude, wanna try carrying all this us stares and for about a mile if ya can't score a lift?

now it is time to sit down and chill out.
And think about the practice and shit that needs ta be done in general for performing in studio, rehearsals or live.
Not much mind. Beers getting involved. standard.

Probably time for a nap or soemthing.
But beers up and shit.
Come on.
Never stop the beers man.
Anythings else?


Nope, cannot think of shit all man.
Well been thinking some stuff.
Its strange man.
Thats it for today people.

Rock on, Party on, and stuff.


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