Thursday 21 March 2013

i'm having fun, slightly political

So today started like any other.
You know.
I woke up.
See started like any other, makes sense right.

You fucker's know it dose.
Anyway so you know having a fuckin' chill and that shit this morning befor college and stuff.
So bit of the old tunes and shit.

You know, country, other stuff. things.
You know ta get ya in the chillin mood.
and stuff.

So its pitch day today right, so gotta get aht shit readdy and other bullshit.
So here i am chillin that shit in lesson.
having fun.

With the blazer and shit you know, loking smart, but Dirty smart you know.
Give it some, stuff.

so, doing things.
Anyway plan for today and shit right, its to chill out man.
this lesson now, where were jsut not doing much, naturaly because i'm doing this fuckin' shit.
You know.

And wait for the pitch stuff, ayy.
Everyones happy.
Its chillin man.

" They could be anybody's. Nobody... nobody trusts anybody now, and we're all very tired... "
man you need that shit
Its a good film man, The Thing.
Just when you talk to someone about it or say.
Have you seen The Thing?
The normal responce is
What Thing?
Then it goes back and forth untill you eventualy go.
For fuck sake.

Man i feel like shit now man.
Just feel fuckin' strange and shit.
And i just realized i didn't put any soy source on me fuckin' stake... oh well.

So anyway.
Had that pitch thing i talked about earlier and shit.
I think that went well.
But dude man i was fuckin' boiling and shit.
think must of been pale as fuck or something man felt strange and shit.
still do dazed and confused and shit.
Fuck man.

But had a few nice drinks for lunch anyway, 2 jagerbombs and carlsburgs man.

Also i'm gona have to go against my thing and talk about that pointless piece of shit we call politics man.
Was watching that load of wank yesterday just seems useless and a load of fuckin' bullshit man.
But first.

So anyway this shitty bullshit we call government.
Now that they want to take away our freedom of speech which i am sure you think they should take mine away just to stop this god awful mess you may call a blog but still  I just have one thing to say to them about that man.

Fuck you, fuck off, and focus on the shit that actually matters.

Like you know, lowering the beer prices, and you know freezing the fule prices.
Or maybe i got them the wrong way round...
did i?
I dont know i just know that way i just said if saying its alright to drink drive.

And if that bullshit passes for some reason when it fuckin' shouldent then i can get in the shit for writing this.

But the interesting thing about the artical and bullshit was the main things they were worried about and what they will stomp down on more than other things.
The main two are.

What we can't disagree with the bullshit you guys say and give our own opinion and reason's why we don't agree and provide atualy logic and explanation?

And the second one, which is aload of fucking shit.

Football? Really?
and you know why we can't talk about football? because of the fucking scandals they have.

Now i must ask.
What fucking scandals  the fact the footballers are overpaid jerk offs who are well do very so much seem like they are short a few fuckin' planks and shit.
You get the saying i'm trying to say i just fuckin' forgot it in this rant.
But thats another thing.

Anyway where i was going with the political bullshit wank.
Firstly i have this picture for it.

So anyway.
Yesterday while i was at Rachels, put on the TV and shit and the fuckin' thing was on, you know that bullshit show i don't know it was inside the house of commons whatever.
And i was just watching it thinking.

What the fuck is this shit? its like a buch of fucking school children.

And Rachel just says
have you not seen it before? its what its like a bunch of school children.

I'm just fuckin' like.

So the people in charge right.
Go to a big hallway looking thing, because lets be honest.
It dose look like a waiting room where people shout at each other for some reason.
And act like fucking children.
And there in charge?

So what it is, is a bunch of men who act like children?
thats aload of fucking bullshit.

And she said.
Its not just men its women as well.

Like it would make my views any better on the fucking bullshit.

That just made it fucking worse.
One of us has to be better.

And i'm on about men and women in general.
One of us has to be better.

And lets face it.
Its women man.
And by that i mean its women and i refer to people as man i'm not just saying man to confuse people, but anyway.

I said something along the lines of.

I think Guy Fawkes should of succeeded it would of actually made a fucking change. that people would go.
Humm, fair play.

Well you'll get those people who go.
Bloody terrorists.
Then the counter argument.
He was english.

Then you get terrorists and people saying.
See its not just us.

then somehow that brings us all together and shit.

Hey, that shit works.
think about it slightly just not too much or for too long.

time for a break

Getting back to what i wanna say and shit.

I never gave a fuck about the bullshit they do and did before in the house of commons and shit.
But after watching it and seeing that its just a bunch of grown men acting like children.
It just made me give even less of a fucking shit about what they do and have to say.

And i get this.

But this is important.

What is? 
a bunch of grown men and a few women 
"see women are better there not as bad, mainly because you know sexist bastards so less woman but thats by the by at the moment" 
acting like fucking school children.

Man if i wanna see people acting like schoolchildren then i'll walk past the fuckin' school over the road from college.
not in a dodgy way i'm not 100% fan of kids there loud annoying and you know, not a big fan.
And they stare at me. that shits not right man.
They got little eyes man, and look at you like.

Mommy whats that pirate doing here?
Anyway what?

i lost track but the main point is.
Its a fucking load of bullshit
fuck that shit.
We talked today me and Liam and decided.

Dude if we somehow come to power, fuck that. that is being got rid of.
If i wanted to shout at people in a crowded place i would just go to the pub.
And shout at people.
I'm not a shouty person.

Just annoyed and possibly angry.

Fuckin' useless mother fuckers.

Anyway yeah just get rid of it.
Is it helping anyone?
Do you shot about stuff that noone really understands then just argue for the sake of it?
Do you actually have anything written down or just bullet points.
bullet points.
Can you settle it all with just a knife fight?
Good, do that.

Fuckin wankers.

I must apologise for claiming our current economic woes were caused by "a load of reckless cuts". 
It appears the "n" key was broken on my keyboard.

Man this has been a long blog today.
I think.

So we had a few beers today me and Liam.
So we got back to college went for a piss.
Liam straight to the sink to wash his hands and face you know sober up.
And from the corner of my eye it looks like he went to throw up.
So naturally i go.

Your not fuckin' chuckin' up are ya?

No, his reply, i'm not that pissed.

Then out of the cubical comes one of out teachers who should be in the pitch.
Were there like.

But was alright we talked and it was fine.
Well finished my piss first naturally.
Other wise thats some fucked up shit man.

so anyway he left and it was alright.

But thats that for today people.
I think you may of had enough.
Or if you have gotten this far think you did really fuckin' well.
Or enjoyed this blog.
Doubt that one, but anyway.

Goodbye people.
I would talk about our conversation about knighthoods but will leave that for another day.

And thats how i feel when i get something for Rachel.

So check your attitude at the front doorI'm really getting tired of takingAll of your shit while I'm soberI'm thinking that I'd rather be stoned, yeah
I gotta get this shit off my backI'm runnin' circles but I won't crackSo fuckin' sick of your politicsSnap your fingers, snap your neck

Things. and stuff

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