Thursday 7 March 2013

Twilight: breaking down part 2. and drinking

Yeah we drank.

And we drank
So anyway, Rowan came over and we chilled and shit. 
was only gona be chillin' for an hour...
before he gets picked up...
So anyway a few hours and many drinks alter were gone and shit, having a laugh.
Talked about some shit not a fuckin' clue just had a laugh.
Apparently my picture is bad.
Some shit about being sexist, not a fuckin' clue.


So I can put up music videos and shit for some reason.
Not a clue.
So anyway right, I watched Twilight Breaking Down Part 2.
And i'm calling it breaking down because a teacher misspelt it the other day and no one noticed, it pretty much sums it up to be fair.
It was strange shit man, the intro was gay, then was good for a second, then it just showed what i'm guessin is a girl's time of the month.
Not offensive just a laugh.
Was fuckin' weird man.

And anyway skipping ahead a while past all of the useless and pointless drible someone called diolog.
actually everything seemed fake to me, like nothing was there. like it had the people then the background and shit all looked edited in it was weird.

Anyway skipping past the load of wank it gets to the main fight scene film part right.
Dude, if you want Dani filth to be n your film, just ask dani Filth. i'm sure he would agree, and make it a bit more of a joke but in a good way.
And when they do finally get to fighting Cradle of Filth just start playing  that would be kickass. Gay vampires killing the anti KKK vampires.
Its what the l-umin-art-ti-ish people are. or is it voltory or some shit?
anyway they looked like the opposite to the fuckin Klan.

Anyway it was good the fight thing and shit but i did go.
Fuck off, nah, that was a suprisse when they killed carlile or whatever and shit. i was like the queen man.

then it turned out to be a vision type shit.
And the one guy looked like he was going to do something badass, you know, the non gay looking right hand man of the dani filth guy?


Shit, you'sa about ta get fucked up now.

Rips his arms and head off.

What the fuck was that.
Man disappointment.
And that was that from the film.
A load of wank...

So anyway.
thats that and shit.
So today, i was just in pain man, that fuckin' ear shits back and shit, and me eye not a clue whats with that. but still.
Fuck sake.

Watched battleship, was alright man.
I mean, you did have to say.

For Fuck Sake.

When they actually played battleships with the aliens right.
Funny, but still.

Was alright i thought. a bit strange but still.
the aliens were trying to be me man.

So thats that for ya people, goodbye.


"And Edit
If you made it this far
why not add the facebook page thing

Go on, you know you wanna."

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