Friday 1 March 2013

Nature and Vampires "edit: corporate mother fuckers'"

So anyway my people how is it going?
thats good i suppose whatever, i can't hear you guys and nobody writes man, not even a comment. do you guys not like me or something.
Don't answer that, its most likely though.

So missed the bus this morning and shit, was nice of me.
But was a nice walk and shit man back home. walked a strange new way and shit, i say strange been that way before just its usually pitch black. and i hopped a stream and walked across a field bike ring cycle thing.
Anyway it gave us some good ideas for this book man, the vampire one you guys remember that shit. its kickass the idea i have is about nature and how its changing to fit each generation  such as when were kids it fits for us and when our parents were kids it fit for them but time has changed so nature has given us kids new things to explore.
You know its a nice though man.

And its also about how mankind is killing nature.
Theres Greenpeace.
It was in there somewhere, those crafty bastards.

never trust a vegan, well trust em but you know. take the piss a bit.
I can't help it, if someones vegan i will talk about stake.
gotta fuckin' have stake, i wanna stake now man.

I do this kickass stake stir-fry thing man, its simple, ya cook the stake, cut it up a bit and shit. then get ya veg and shit fry that shit, soy-source, add the stake again cook that shit a bit then done.
in a Wok naturally.


So the book then, i've had the idea that its going to be in 3 parts.
Part 1 is about Discovery.
Where he becomes infected with this vampire shit stuff and finds out information and shit, then the main guy and his "Team" are picked up and taken to the capital where the information is provided to him in exchange for him leading the army again.

Part 2 is about the battles and shit.
Its quite simple and shit, so in the past there were 2 sides right, simple now i will do left and right.
I say simple now people "Rachel" will go left wing and right wing? fuckin' nazies.
Anyway shut-up.
so this guy was originally on the left side, the left side won FYI, well the first war. and this one but then its obvious to be fair, if you didn't see that coming in a book where the main character is fighting with one army against the other then what the fuck is the matter.
Unless its john carter and it dosent make sense.

So anyway they go on about there waring business and shit.
One dude dies, which makes the main guy just pure hatred fire and balls. you know, hes now out for the bloodshed of the other guy.

So killins done stabin' or shooting whatever haven't written the thing yet.

So then they are free to go about there business again after this war. that was pretty short but it makes sense for a book ro story.

So part 3 is about the final adventure and realisation.

so the main guy and the remaining members of his team go on their merry way to the vampiresses main chamber place, its a tretrous journey and shit, gotta fill the pages out a bit you know.
So then they get there, things are set straight.
And then the endings a fuckin' surprise and shit, can't ruin that shit. then the 3 book thing would be pointless.
So what do you guys think of that idea people?
3 books/ storys and shit.
thats 4 films, for some reason. you know how they would wanna stretch then out a bit, make more money.

Or if its peter jackson 9 films somehow.

That shits skill man.

Yeah thats all that shit man. people comin back today and shit any time soon and shit.
Be nice and shit.

Watched John Carter today man, that shit was alright. but i swear the plot is this.

A confederate/racist bloke somehow ends up in mars then tries to abolish slavery of 2 races, "people" and some aliens/ William Dafoe.
I was expecting the Nazies to show up at any moment, would be interesting shit.

John carter 2: the Nazi years.

Man Adolf hitler didn't comit suicide, he was on mars freeing a religion from the clutches of evil, and don't forget people with disabilities and color and what-not.
And whichever way inclined they are.

its a solid movie plot man.
And apparently there will be 2 more john carters, how i have no idea they tied up everything well, but its gods of the something something.
it didn't do too well in box office so you know, they didn't wanna make a second one, its on hold.
Anyway that maybe enough for today.

Or soemthing i should get to writing and shit.
So to everyone, goodbye and farewell.


Edit :

Now i don't do this often, but you should be able to comment now if you've been trying to do so.
Turns out it was being fuckin' stupid shit, that should should be standard anyone should comment man, freedom of speech and shit.
These corporate mother fuckers.

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