Monday 31 December 2012

Its New Years Eve

Have fun and shit people.

Also me hi-hat came whey, still waitin for the camera to arrive but shit man anyway.
Fun shit people.

Going Out to Birmingham

So a conversation went something like.

coming out friday?
go on then
He wont come out to birmingham he never dose

Well let me explain as to why I dont go out to birmingham.

The main reason is because when people do decide to go to birmingham they tell me just as soon as I get to the pub, when they've known all along that they are going to go. So prity much drag me out to buy myself one beer and hang around thinking.
well cheers for fuckin' well telling me, it is really nice to be told that i'm being brought out to be told. hey were going somewhere else sorry. but you should come anyway.
Yeah that sounds good, really, cheers thanks.

But then its not like i'm not asked to go out to birmingham, I get asked quite often by bandmate Wayne to go to eddies. Which I would go to if I could, and I say "if I could" I mean everyone in the band lives Stourbridge odd way so the chances of me catching a lift back to solihull area is quite slim.

Which leads onto the main reason of why I don't like it.
just getting back home, its not often I worry about things but this is. I like to be able to know that if I go out, have quite a fuckin' few and think.
Man I need to go bed man.
No problem just walk on back home man, problem solved, in bed waking up thinking, what the fuck just happened.
Like when i'm in Sheffield or Swansea, man you had a good night tonight right? you come out more often when were back in birmingham.
yeah man, would love to.

but thing is, in those places town/pub and home are within walking distance, like under a mile. where, town as in birmingham and solihull are about 8 miles appart I think. "I cant remember the map properly but give or take 2 miles, but not give". So chanses of walking home and knowing where I am are pritty slim. And taxi that shit? fuck know man I hardly have the money to go out properly without nicking a ride back to somewhere close by from someone else. Hobs moats fine with me baby.

So standard is in birmingham i've found is get to a place that opens at about half 10/11 which is when the people I should be going with get there. Then i have to somehow manage to get a drink only to have to finish it quick to run to the station to get a train home.
last trains at half 11. and its 5 quid into the palces. don't really seem worth it that much man if im goin with people with a propper way of getting back home, sorted golden will come alone, I like a little bit of preparation man. but nah fuck it, he dont seem like he wants to come so we'll tell him last thing when he ent prepaired or even knowing about this shit,
 cheers thanks.

 it mainly just dosent seem like a popper point. Because if you actually like us enough to invite us out. do it before hand. not to much though to ask in the fuckin' morning thats enough warning. two weeks before? takin the piss thats someones birthday man, but fair play. thats advanced warning.

fuck it.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Interesting Day Yeah

Done naff all to be fair today, chilled out watched some swedish detective stuff, W-something with me dad this morning. played a bit of metal gear solid 3 as ya do, killed the end at the thing you know the dock thing so dont have ta fight him as a boss.
Drummed for a bit you know worked on stick controle stuff. didnt get to do stuff for the feet but oh well, shit happens time to get practice pads then, maybe one of these, anyone wanna buy us one? though not.

Pub later man always good stuff. as it is in the fuckin' pub. and its new years eve eve today woo, party fun times and shit.


So also today I've started writing a back story to this project idea I have, also I've decided that I'm not gona go to uni, I dont really wanna end up having to spend 27 grand on something that were told we need, but we dont really need.
dude make up your fuckin' mind and tell us.
Which to be fair the ucas people are asking of me aswell but you know its a two-way street man.

So anyway have a read of me back story, I wont tell ya the title because there are crafty bastards out there man. You cheeky people you.
Also this is just a rough demo of it at the mo so chill out man.


A virus is released around the world which kills its host and brings them back to life as mindless killing machine’s. one by one the worlds governments collapse, falling onto the remaining survivors to lead and fight for survival without a government for help.
small settlements are scattered around the world, the largest collection being located in the U.K, who’s surviving groups eradicated the disease from the land, taking complete control back of the country.
after regaining control they begin to branch out to survivors of ireland to begin taking back control of a valuable alliey, after regaining control of ireland they begin to rebuild both irelands creating power while beginning to grow and raise food supplies.
This leads onto a new bigger plan, to retake europe. a seemingly impossible task, but with contract restored with surviving groups within europe the task seems possible. F.O.B’s (forward operating bases) are established on the channel islands (St.Anne, Guernsey and Jersey), with small raiding parties sent over to secure small towns to create a border and starting point to begin taking it back.

I know its what your thinking.
And thats that then people can't really tell you much more interesting stuff.
Appart from i'm selling my Sonor double bass pedal £115, contact me, Will if your interested.

So with that, Goodbye.

Saturday 29 December 2012

The Rum Diary

So last night, I, William G.B. Stokes, Went to the pub.
Dont happen often right? So anyway havin a nice drink, bars packed, fuck that go wonder over to the big table where everyone is say hello to people whats up and shit.
Head back over to the bar and stuff, now theres a shit load of people I know there chillin' waitin' to be served, accidental shit man. So speakin to jordan a bit waitin ta be served then who fuckin' well pops up behind me?
Mr Tom fuckin' F*** himself, with the standard whiskey glass full of Southern Confort, or "SoCo", so anyway thats not the end of fuckin' seein' Tom right.
So go about this drinkin' night having a laugh, gettin two carlings at a time because its fuckin' busy.
And mother fucker the carlings expensive there man, £3,05 for a fuckin' carlin, man 25p cheeper in fuckin' Masons, next time have ta go masons then leg it back over go in the back.
So anyway Nat reminds me I said I would get her a lightsaber beer "turbo shandy".
Half a larger and a WKD blue, mix em together it turns green. proper nice shit, so she had one and loved that shit.

So anyway, later on about ta leave for some reason, go for a piss first, but then again I see tom at the bar, allways there for some reason. So I rock on up

"get us a drink
Go on then, I'll get ya something but not telling you what it is.
No fuckin problem i'll go with that"

Thats basically how it went, so he got us a shot of somethin'. Dude I could smell this shit coming man.
just eyes locked on this clear liquid, smell like "drink me bitch"
So we dide these shots, and i won or something because I put me glass down first. Then he tells me what it was.
Turns out he got us a shot of the strongest rum that they are legally allowed to sell.
Shit man that shit was nice, got a bit in me beard aswell you know for later, so he got himself a water aswell, had a sip you know clear the mouth from the taste a tad.
So go off for a piss, come back say bye to everyone because at this point my lower intestines feel like im being stabbed quite a bit. so naturaly I say.

"I think this is what a period must be like"

So that confused everyone a bit because I had walked off I think or soemthing.
So then I go over to the legendary kings ta get some dinner you know, just standard cone of chips, chicken done. So start rockin my way home and shit getting a walk on haveing a few chips and shit, then suddenly I start to feel something.
So i'm right by this allyway and shit so naturaly walk down the bastard.


Fuckin' puke, and I got this skill right, I can walk and vomit at the same time, cus I like to get to A ta fuckin' B as quick as I can, which is why I hate fuckin' shoppin. I go shoppin to get there, get what I need, then fuck off. Not go somewhere, then have ta fuckin well go some other fuckin shops aswell. Jesus fuckin' christ man.

I wanna new shirt. 
Go amazon, fuit of the loom that shit, done.

So puked that shit up thinkin, man thats a brilliant idea for the short film progect idea I have.
So then I got home had me chips and chicken and have a nice sleep.

So anyway woke up feelin' nice and fuckin' fine, had abit' of a chillin' in bed ya know, nice relax. then turns out I got credit.
Then Rachel came over and we had a nice time, played metal gear solid 3, fucked about with her ipad, had a chill the fuck out.
Also jammed some guitar stuff gotta do that, I got a little idea I wanna do for me birthday, its the 21st so gotta think something killer for that.

Thought I would throw in a picture or "GIF".
I know there was some shit that I was gona say, But would probably be best if I leave it there while I cant remember. Be a wonderful surprise for tomorrow.
Some people actually search for my blog using google or whatever, and someone show how managed to find my blog by typing in.
funny faced black guy memes
What the fuck is that man? thats some next level shit, not even sure if thats racist or just some guy lookin' for offensive memes. Or the walking dead, you know looking for memes of T.Dog.

Anyway its just strange man. how the fuck did that take them to me blog? thats shit confuses me.
Probably not as much as this blog confuses you.

So anyway, goodbye people.
Have a good night.


Friday 28 December 2012

the end is near, I'm asking for h...assistance

Well you never know, some people may not of fuckin' guessed.
So how is everyone? thats nice... yupyup i'm chillin' too man.

yeah man heading up to jessops again soon gona check out the 600D this time, as its better, or something. Looks like it'll feel nice. Then may actually have to then go into birmingham to find the jessops there to actually but the fuckin' thing.

So i've ordered a camera in for monday tell ya bout it then.

So yeah I got a question about this short film i've started to write, so far its just the prolog but thats the only part i'll need help with creating and editing.
I'm going for a metal gear solid style intro you know where snake starts telling you shit, well i say snake nearly everyone has their fuckin' moment to tell you shit in MGS2. Fuck man rose is the origonal overly attached girlfriend shit.
I want it to have some conputery type background stuff like follow these links man
something similar to them man, aswell as stock footage of the virus and biological shit goin' on. maybe the odd riot and shit.
If anyone knows about this type of editing or animation stuff do fuckin' well tell man that would be much nice of you.

Also thats the skull glass rachel got me for christmas. its awesome.

I'll leave it there for today people.
Have a nice day and shit.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Yesterday, and also today

So i'll go on about yesterday then, seeing as I forgot to update it propperly.
My bad.

So as you know it was boxin' day. so I though, i'm gona go shoppin'. Money, mayaswell. Never know, may end up boxin champion of the fuckin world aswell.
So went up bout alf 9, walked ta place, got stuff ya gotta get. Then over to jessops. Mother fuckers closed.
chill out for a few, cus surely it should open at  fuckin' 10, but fuckin' well nahhh. Opens at fuckin' 11.
So prity much outside this place for hour and fuckin' 15 minutes waitin to check out two fuckin' cameras.
So eventually get into the fuckin' shop, grab the first mother fucker I see.
Would of preferred to of seen Meg, but knowin' my luck she works in some other one.
So speakin to the guy about the cameras I wanna rock, either a canon 1100D pr canon Eos 550D. So naturaly goin with the Eos 550D, as its much better or some shit. And all I wanna get is the camera body, so I ask.

"Would it be possible for me to get just the body, as I have lenzes and dont really wanna buy the package with 2 lenses. because as it turns out, we have em already.
I'll check that out for ya now."

checks it out, its 400 green beans by itself.
Thats cool, but theres none in fuckin' stock. so dude goes off checks the wearhouse or stock whatever. Turns out it would take 2 weeks for the thing to come in.
So thats, pay 400 quid for a toy you wanna play with now, but you have ta wait 2 weeks to play with it. Well hard choice, so standin' for a minute. you know, thinkin'.
so go off to make a phone call to me Dad, Steve.
He ent in, mom says will phone him get him to call ya back.
So 5 minutes go by and low and be-fuckin'-hold.
Fuck this i'm out, so walked off.
So walkin home, phone call from me mom sayin she spoke to him, theres no point fuck that. well she didnt say that but something similer.
So I dont have a camera, yet.
"man the last line sounds pissy to me, ohh boo-fuckady-hoo. man, I wanna make short films bitch. and film shit, make a few documentarys. Mother fucker's got dreams man"

So moving on after that Bullshit.
Rachel came over abit later at about half 1. Was proper excited, because we were giving each other the christmas presents we got each other. Man she got me some awesome shit man.
First up, SLAYERRR!!!! Hell Awaits, on mother fuckin' vinyl. So you know we listened to that and the intro scared her a bit, as it would fuckin' well do.
Then then then, she got me a Skull beer glass.
Now this goes back to about some time last year I think when she said.

What do you want for your birthday
I want something thats metal, in the shape of a skull, that i could drink from.

And that was off the fuckin' cuff man.
And she got me this Skull Beer Glass man that shits awesome, gona be drinking from that soon.
Then up next and lastly, a bottle of ale that had my name on it, that also said.
Made in a chillin' buary.

that was fuckin' awesome man, gona have to drink that stuff up soon. In my skull glass, Whilst listening to slayer in a darkened room.

Also I must point out, we did presents one at a time, I would tell you what I got her. but its not manly enough to talk about.
But I will tell you this.
I got her a nice necklace of a bird as pictured below.

Also I had to leave me in there, look at that fuckin' face.
I didn't nick it.
Cheeky fucker's.

So anyway the night time.
Atualy she brought over her Ipad aswell, was palying this game called "the room", fuck man thats an awesome game. I gotta get me an Ipad just for that shit. then return it when its done. 
Not really fuck that.

So anyway of the evening myself, the mother, the farther, and the bigger litteler sister went to my cousins 21st Birthday.
Now hes gay right. And usually the house is fuckin' packed.
It wernt which was a surprise, and was quite a fuckin' laugh.
And his boyfriend only goes and has to be called Will aswell.
"for fuck sake"

Also I gotta point out, I got no problem with gay people. you can be gay, thats fine. but if your going to rub it it. do it at any site of the west err, those mother fucker's who Donnot need a sever fuckin' beating and a fuckin' half.
Because that would be classed as "illegal"
But then those that do give these nice people a beating could possibly make up some bullshit like they "the west-jerkoff-church" do.
Such as.

"Well the Fallen came to us and told us that they feel insulted and disgusted by the fact your trying to protest and celebrate there death's. therefore, they feel like you yourself should go through some form of punishment.
Such as.
Just enough of a beating to not be able to do stuff you guys like to do such as, hold picket signs "break there arms" go on protest walk's "break their legs" shout about whatever bullshit they shout "break there jaw's/faces" 

Basicly, we need Judge Dredd, or The Punisher.
So they can either "Judge" or "Punish"

I think i'm covered there.
Also if there is an attack on then. I doubt it would have anything to do with people reading this bullshit.

What was I going on about again?
Ahh fuck it.
So we was hangin out at me cousins house havin a little drink.
So then out comes the Jager, one shot of that each, because thats all that was avalible for 5 people.
Then next up.
The mother fuckin' tequila. Never had that shit before i gotta get me some. I got a feeling im a tequila person. So salt, shot, Orange. There wasn't any lime. I was the only one who didnt go "errg" or anything, just took it like man.
Straight out of muther Russia.
Or like a viking, whichever.
Then we had ta leave so was preparing meself some food and shit,
Just fuckin' nicked all the crackers and shit, butterin that shit, makin' mini sandwiches and shit. made a fuckin' feast. was nice man.

So on todays agenda. Think about getting the camera for a bit then maybe go and get the thing.
But if I do, I have 2 lenzes that are avalible, anyone want to buy some never used lenses?
Come to Crazy Will, he offer you nice deal.
Ask for Crazy Dave.
Dude I gotta see Dave man hes badass.
And hopefully seeing the aceptable Nat later, I gotta give her her present.
The signed snare drum skin, Signed by me, Will the awesome.

So anyway, goodday.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Shit happens

So I forgot about me blog today

My bad.

I gotta go out now to my cousin's 21st birthday party.
So for everyone who is saddened by missing out on todays read.
my bad, it happens.
Will tell you of the bull shit that went on this morning, and the wonderfulness of my awesome presents from Rachel, I got Slayer Hell Awaits on vinyl.
Its awesome not only because its slayer and vinyl, but it also made her a wee bit scared. then it kicked in and was alright.

So to everyone
My bad.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas day, I am the law

I got a fuckin' nerf gun.
man walkin around doing impressions of Judge Dredd, that shits badass.
Anyway merry christmas people.
Have a slaying fuckin' day.

If your wondering what I got, it was quite alot of alcohol, people know me too well.
And a badass book of no so happily ever afters.

Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas eve mother fucker's

So today its that merry old time of christmas fuckin' eve.
So looks like will be going to the fuckin' pub shortly. Go on then ya pulled me fuckin' leg.
So pub it is then soon after i write this adn check out how much this thing has downloaded. Yeah man, I'm downloading shit. Don't worry its only Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, Whey.
Ordered me some cymbals today, 2 Chinas and a Hi-Hat.
16 and 18" china's and a 13" hi-hat for me right side. then it shalt be complete and bullshit. then more drum covers and rockin the fuckin rock out man.

So Merry christmas and shit everyone.
Have happy stuff and shit.

And have a christmas song from my second band Quid.

Sunday 23 December 2012

let me tell you what I did

so last night then...

stuff happened, shit got drank. what more do ya need to know.
So anyway let me tell ya about my pisses.
fuck its cold.
So went for a piss, someone must of had a hefty fuckin' meal or something cus the bog was covered in fuckin puke, all on the seat, fuckin' floor everything. was fucked up. still, gotta piss.
So then bit later on went for another fuckin' piss, other side of pub you know packed and covered in puke fuck that. So have me piss, wash me hands, walk out then i just here from inside the pisser someone say.
Whats with Sabbath doing here?
So naturally I walked back in and said.
whats so fuckin' bad about black fuckin' sabbath?
Now bear in mind i've had a fuckin' few at this point so my wittyness has somehow stopped working.
seriously I went to get a fuckin' card for rachel, she best fuckin love it. Manliness just went right out the window when buying that one. so get to the till with the card and other thing, the person drops it and says something related to dropping it.
couldn't think of a witty response man. Man, light-saber beer are fuckin' deadly.

Yup dont really remember much.
Saw someone from me old school started talkin for a bit was nice man.
Can fuckin' well think of anything else that happened. Got a lift back home from Ben was good of him. otherwise I would of ended up walkin back like that drunk guy trying to take on the hill.

I'll just throw that image in there for some reason.
Goin' for a nice meal with Rachel soon, should be nice. Really rather want a fuckin' pizza man.
So anyway then.
Good-bye people.

Saturday 22 December 2012

lets all go to the pub

Check out this fuckin' dog man

that dogs got skills man, what more do you need than a dog that can do that. get him there for a few hours aday, put a cup down. make millions man.
So anyway thats shit shit. a cool dog man.

Chinese tonight man, Whey. was jsut gona be a standard me and Rachel have a chinese and watch a film. then asked Hel "the older littler sister" if her and Matt "the boyfriend, whos small" n they said yes. so now its a family thing whey :D

So chinese stuff is over and onto the masons soon. Ayy, not gona get drunk at all I swear.

Where at the masons we shall be with Jack Jim Al tan Ben, quite a few fuckin others. either way. its gona be drinking fuckin time and a mother fuckin' half.
Will tell ya about it tomorrow if anything funny happens "most likely"

So i'm gona go now because I wanna go to the fuckin' pub.
Get out of the fuckin' way.

Friday 21 December 2012

apocalipse is over. And gig videos

it was supost to happen at 11, it didn't. So have these

This ones just Nats general disappointment. See looks like that cat dont she.
So anyway have been informed that we have live videos from the gig the otherday, check em out. 

Heres the Embrace.

And heres Dark Awakening

Also wayne is in the way of me alot. i mean shit, if they were paying money to see us, there missing out on the beautiful site of me man. gosh.
Think it sonds alright, there would have been more keybaord but as i think i said the other day. Doomsday got abit annoyed and ended up having a fight with his equipment and he won.
Jason our Doomsday keeper was nowhere to be seen and may have possible been the only person who could of stopped this. 
But you gotta laugh.
when taking shit appart afterwords lyou know cymbals pedal and shit. said to the techy bloke.
"Keyboardist man, there the drummers of today"

And with that.

Thursday 20 December 2012

On the eve of the apocalipse

So its first day of the Christmas break, you know what that means.
No not "yay no college" or "woo party (pronounced Par-tay)" or "OMG i am like, so going to miss everyone"
Atualy thinking about it i ahve no fuckin clue its a relax init, do a bit of college work and hang out with ya wang out...
Then I'm gona rock out with my cock out.
yup watched american pie the wedding.
So anyway thats that.

Last day or some shit today, or "the eve of the apocalipse" I dont know some bullshit, so plan for today, have a little drum session for a few hours, maybe jame some guitar stuff for a while n all, then have a little drink.
what more do you need.

Spoke to Amanda today for hours was chillin' Franks a right fuckin' laugh pudgy little face and shit. Man I want one.
Found out for christmas I have to get a screw from the barrel in the masons... challege acepted. Do you ever need a reason to go to the masons? not really

so watched Dredd earlier, badass film man. you chould check it out its awesome, killer ass film.

And you gotta love Anthrax, Scott Ian man, Legendary.
Did you ever see the show Supergroup with Scott Ian in as rhythm guitar, as he is. Ted Nugent as lead, Sebastian Bach vocals Jason Bonham drums and Evan Seinfeld on bass.
an odd mix but its fuckin' rockin badass program.
You should try and check it out hunt that shit down was on vh1 years ago, and if ya find it tell us cus i wanna watch it again was awesome.
but anyway thats that for today


Wednesday 19 December 2012

the best/worst anti drinking advert ever

You gotta put these together

So anyway.
Last day of college today... Dont know how it went but apparently in the shite, oh well i had a productive day. cleaned shit, Set shit up, Had quite a few fuckin' coffee's.
Found out i had 61 beer cans under my desk. Now if i hand of fuckin' crushed em I could of made one big ass badass beerbot, Some one else do the math and make us a design thing and i'll see what I can do, just give us another 3 weeks to get that many beer can's.

So settin' the drum kit up now just set the bass drums and snare drums up. Quite a bit left but only haf hour and shit. May be addin' the 8" rack tom you know get another tone in there. man note, i dont know its another drum I hit and it makes noise which is beautiful... or some shit.
Anyway in other new's The sisters coming back today, gona be a laugh whey, just turn music up a bit louder, aswell as drum longer and also set the reverb on the guitar amp really really high. you gotta piss people off.

So set the drum kit and shit up thats prity sorted. Played Bullet Alone a few times, not sure why just learn it and its rockin. may record it soon when I get the one part down.
Tricky barsard.
Time to finish editing the sequence for ya. your gona fuckin love it.

So i've fuckin' finished the edit and I'm now uploading the thing, its got about 25 minutes ish to go then its gona do that picture thing for a while. but after that. its uploaded mother fucker then boom, it will appear below.
But until then.

it was such a fuckin' laugh doin' it. gettin all the sound effects and shit. was quite fuckin' good man. loved it. also, best ending theme ever. Passes the time man.

Boom there ya fuckin' well go. My work here is done.
In the words of kid rock
Fuck all ya'll.
But that shits mean.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Sexy Bastard

just look at me

So anyway that was a shot form the gig the other day. Was quite surprised because i never saw a cameraman .. At all. Was a nice supprise to see it though man kickass and shit.
Profile pic, Check.
So onto today, ent feelin' that good. Think been drummin' quite a bit me right leg ent right, but having a relaxation chill tomorrow would do us golden. And also comin down with a bit of a cold, and you know what the best cure for any illness is don't ya?
thats fuckin' right. Beer.
Actually whiskey for a bad throat, well jager according to Raven the singer from 1349 but I ent a singer in a black metal band so don't think it counts. 
so thats that, went to do ucas bullshit but turned out to be bullshit so have ta do that shit next year now. But you know how that leaves ya.

So anyway, I grabbed the footage from college and am current editing that stuff, just going to sort sound levels, then its onto sending some clips to motion to add effects such as fire, explosions and, more fire. Then onto some more sound effects to fit the newly added visuals.
Will have that up for ya tomorrow have ta check it out.
Editings fuckin' fun man ya gotta do it, shits propper badass, gona get a camera soon or someshit to film some stuff. got a few documentary style videos planned aswell as possible music video.
even discussed it in my last college about doing it and what I would call it. I was thinkin Will-Power as it would be me runnin that shit. But some fuckin' mother fucker had ta go and take it didn't they.
Mother fucker.

Anyway stuff and shit.

Also if the world ends of friday.
Fair play.

Monday 17 December 2012

Fuck sake Alan

Just look at this mother fucker, Fuck sake Alen, For fuck sake.
Anyway thats Alan, he plays bass

A band went to a Party, as they got to the door of the house, the vocalist went in humming a tune, next the lead gutarist went in playing a riff, next the drummer went in tapping on a snare, next the bass player shouted in, don't forget to tell me when to come in

see thats the shit.
Anyway enough of offending Alan.

So today as it turns out i'm coming down with something, no not depression like most mother fuckers. Some type of fuckin cold man that shits piss annoying, man i gotta me able to see and breath and not look like the guy from knocked up, you know the one whos really high while everyone else has pink eye. cant find a picture of him so go watch the film.
Also I know we went on about coldpacking for some reason.

So anyway swiftly moving on, we jammed some shit. Played slade, most fun i would of jerked off but it wernt that fun worthey. Then onto a christmas suprise which will be uploaded soon. then jammed the set gotta do that was rockin.
Another quote was crying into a pillow.
Anyway, So the fuckin trains were delaid for fuck sake

shit how shit can they be. what are they bass players?

So anyway as you should know by now its poker night. Rockin on down to poker and stuff. Always a laugh.
turns out im in joint 4th places with Ben, so you know tonight.
Challenge accepted.

yeah cant really think of much shit thats happened rather tired and shit.
So with that I say, bye.

love or some shit from.

Sunday 16 December 2012

gig day over

I'm just a thorn in your side,
The disrespect in your eye,
I can't control myself.
I'm like a snake in your drain,
I'm taking over your brain,
'Cuz I can't help myself.

Every time I turn my head,

I can hear everything that's said,
I know they wish I'd go away.

Here I am again,

Hey now, hey now,
I'm the mother fucker of the year.

So today was gig day, and I had a rather big hangover. As it turns out me and Rowan decided it would be a good idea to celebrate 500 views of this blog by drinking my sisters boyfriends christmas present...
Why you may as?

See it makes sense man.
So anyway spent most the bad in fuckin' bed, woke up at half 9 then just chilled out and had a bit of a hangover for a while, well finally got up at 10 past 4 and hadta take my drum kit apart to go gig was alright actually, felt proper rock n' roll man, you know matt surom est.
But while chillin' found out were taking a trip to Sheffield in january, and also i keep mixing up january and july which is a wee bit annoying.

We watched this man its piss funny you gotta check it out.
Anyway go to the gig was prity good chillin' was a pool table had few games chillin'. Set shit up Jasons keyboard wernt workin' so he was pretty annoyed, funny though.
Keyboard players, have the attitude of the old school drummer.
My left drum pedal moved forward abit and got cought so it wouldn't come back up, so during a mid section of the first song pulled it back a bit. Then after that shortly after the thing fell appart before the proper fast part which was a motherfucker, but still good anyway you gotta have that shit.
The Green Star where we played is prity kickass place, think it would make a good location for a short film man thats badass.

Anyway cant be arsed to talk about much else tired and shit.
Good bye people.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Christmas Shopping and Competition

So as the title states, that today. I, went christmas shopping. so you know, It was something like this.

Managed to get quite a bit of shit you know. only took about hour and a fuckin' half. was lookin up so much at what shops seemed the gayest for shit to buy for Rachel, turns out it was poshest one won. The staff man, man these were Dorrage but you can tell they were shipston-on-stour worthy.
man aspire style was strange man. propper busy.
also some other thing that I forgot about that shits strange. But its good I got it so waht do you expect. If I'm gona get something shit, its gona be Morrisons value larger. See its that man, its worse than tesco's value larger.

Is how I felt in Morrison's. The bitch at the till didn't even make a witty joke, or even laugh about the copious amounts of alcohol I bought for christmas. And it was a good one to.

You gotta get your christmas shopping done.
"places beer"

You got any I.D?
man bitch where your christmas fuckin cheer. Have a fuckin joke

It's a fair enough question but have a laugh. Man your till was empty so  can get out quick as possible, My fuckin' bad for ruining your conversation with the other moody lookin' bitch on the other till. Who's till was also empty.

So buying shit for me dad, Went to some outdoor shop you know the one right next to BHS or some shit. walked in, looked about quite a fuckin' bit found shit all. Didnt find anything where I though, Well that would come in handy. So was walking out and stopped by a seller person.

"Need any help?
err jsut shoppin for christmas stuff
Ahh who for?
Me dad, cant find anything so may jsut have to go Morrison's and get "Classified"
Yeah thats allways the best option"

And thats about it from christmas shopping.
My fucking new snare drum skin hasn't came which is real fuckin' useful.
so rest of the day now means chillin' out while running through set and practicing again. and the ucas bullshit thats always fun.

What's a lesbian pirate's favourite saying?

'Well, scissor me timbers!'

gotta have a joke in there at some point.
And the snare skin came took a while shit man. its on there and sounding good man.
on skype to nat again she's on the phone to someone.
I'm sorry if I make myself prity for you?
Yeah people confuse me n all.

Also I'm doing a competition to win a signed snare drum skin, signed by me. 
To win just drop us a comment saying why you should win, and who the fuck you are.
This competition will last until the 21st next friday, and noone make any end of the world comments otherwise you lose all chances of winning. unless its by default "default being your the only one who comments"

So thats that people.
Also the rules have changed, if your the only one who comments and its about the end of the world on next friday, the skin goes to Nat herself.
Because shes evil and shit, I mean look at this shit. I mean just look at these pictures.
"she said it was mean and i had to update it"

evil and a mother fuckin' half that.
She can't deny its all true.
Anyway, thats it for today people.

merry fuck off.

Friday 14 December 2012

Friday bitches

So its friday today.
Its weekend time.
Time to relax and shit.
Maybe the last weekend of us or whatever.
Fuckin myans.

But if so, you gona wanna get one in before hand, as Slash's new album Apocalyptic Love is about. You wanna go out with a bang, you know you'll wanna get one in before you go out. Let me think about expanding this a bit more.
So you'll get the M&M's and you know use them wisely, you know maybe go all out and get a life time supply its only 6 days init may aswell.
Only about 3 or 4 people will get that M&M thing thats metal.

So today right, been chillin'. First lesson the computers fucked so can't edit at all, thats fun the only session you look forward to "appart from drinking" and the computers fucked. man was looking forward to having that shit edited and uploaded by tonight. That mother fucker.
Turns out I got "Motion" so i can edit that stuff and get the same effect, but getting the files sent over soon so I can edit that shit. be up for ya tomorrow and good and metal.
I gotta thank James for that one man, sending the files so I can have some nice enjoyment tonight other than having a few tasty bevrages and listning to pantera.

Anyway in other new's thinking about getting a Digital SLR with video recording so I can shoot videos. Have a few ideas first may get some interviews and shit, thinkin' maybe with both bands, then just general people I know. you know get some footage of us rockin and make a little Press Release type thing. then on from that some short films or some shit. Got one in the pipeline with Rebel Gunslingers following them and other people doing that thing and documenting it.

You may recognize the artwork from around digbeth birmingham, solihull and many other palces. prity kickass stuff man you should keep and eye out.

Fuck me though it was propper late, its only fuckin 5.
So anyway thats about that. Chilled out, helped out a tad on tittin with the rushes we filmed yesterday just colour correction and you gotta put sound effects on there. you know just the standard toilet flushing and shit. if I would of saved it I would of but can't fuck with it man otherwise phil would be a bit annoyed. And I say annoyed just make some type of very witty clever comment, its quite strange yet interesting.

Gotta have megadeth as well as Pantera.
Still waiting for the files there rather big and about 15 of them. 200mb each so be a while upload then sending then downloading fun shit woo time for a beer. While speaking to people and shit, would this album cover by H. R. Giger looks a lot like this logo idea I've been trying to come up with but not like the logo idea I have...
anyway check it out

But the idea I'm thinking of is for a backpatch and more Sons of Anarchy-ish with the reader type thing, yet metal and dark man. with an Anarchy flag and scythe thrown in there. yeah man looking for my own patch design to go on the back of my leather waistcoat, which if you've met me you may think that we are attached at the hip... back. anyway you gotta have it man.
Will get getting this patch soon though.

As I think I have said before, but you gotta have it to get shit fuckin' done. It is a way of shit man, you gotta get shit fucking done and fucking dusted. no matter what it is, For now I got quite a bit to get sorted like rehearse the set, general drum practice and sort ucas shit out, but that ent gona take more than 2 days now is it?
well best not do the gigs in 2 days.

Also we got a gig in 2 days sunday night in stoke at the green star inn. Best fuckin' be there mother fucker's. not sure what time were on, it says 8.30 till 9.30, not an hour long thats load on and off time too, and tit about for set up naturally. so you never know and shit we may have a longer set time... yeah.
Or hopefully do a fuck it lets do full set. not cuttin' the intro or song 5 out again.

Although i can imagine me shouting from the back, Play song number 5!
I say shouting.

Anyway i guess thats enough for today so.
goodbye mother fucker's
also dexter is fuckin' awesome this week cant wait till monday. thats not saying im not excited for quid band practice and poker. Anyway.
