Saturday 8 December 2012

I'm that thing, you know. That hard word, Whatever

Firstly, I have to apologize to "The Thing" natalie because she "dose not appreciate being called (the thing) or refereed to as (a man)"
So swiftly fuckin' well movin' on.

She wants me to say.

"You best say that i'm awesome"

I know right they say the funniest shit.
They spend allot of time looking like this. no matter what you do they will always find something wrong with it, so they can do this face.

"BTW that is actually Nat's normal face"
I know right.

What do you think chris?

Thats right man.
He says "AYY" by the way, just look at that body movement.
"Side note, I have been informed that (the body movement) was supost to be jame's bond"

quote from nat
"You are the campest james bond I have ever seen in my life.
it best not show up on Facebook.
its the fuckin' world that will see it. and your gona have to deal with it now."

Anyway so you know. You have to have the good old sabbath, you know chillin' man. From Black Sabbath Black Sabbath, right onto where ever.
And Paranoid. Gotta have Paranoid.

As well as this, you gotta have Pan-motherfuckin'-tara


Fuck me man my head kill's. you know when you can go an entire week, 4 beers, jack n coke before bed. next mornin golden no problem. now its the weekend and you got shit to do like go to a fuckin' band practice your body decides to go.
You know what, your gona have a hangover.

Well fuck you man. And i got a question. You know when someone says, 
"Go fuck yourself" 
are they just basically saying. 
"Go have a wank"?

Because if you think about it. Its kind of true.
Go fuck yourself
Don't mind if i do mate, could do with a good nut.

So got a band practice in a bit gona be killer taking monkey dave with us, you gotta have money dave.

"Picture taken by Nat while on skype call thing, facebook style. crafty bitch."

So anyway thats about it rockin with the winter storm people. one thing that sounds slightly gay to me is when hannah says
"Then onto rehearsal with the Winter Storm boys"
Nothing wrong with it, just something about it makes me think. Humm
Anyway thats about that.

So back from the rehearsal and shit,  was quite good man stuff. two run throughs of the set, then run throughs of 2 other songs man...
Note to self, relearn that one you keep forgetting about.
was quite good. rockin' and loadin for the gig next weekend in Stoke come on down its for breast Cancer Research.
Also it may look rough and hard as nails on the outside but its quite nie on the inside were told.

Its just funny shit man he's brilliant.

In other new's, the lights gone in me room so now I just have red lights goin' on. thats always good.
About it really, Gotta try and convince Rachel to watch Dawn Of The Dead, the original just got some ideas and shit we wanna remake it. i saw we i mean me n me mate.
Will talk about the Narcissistic dick some time soon. You know who you are.
But till then.

You gotta have Mojo baby.

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