Friday 7 December 2012

the magical jean fairy, and happy happy happy

So as you can tell the magical jean fairy came today. And by that i mean, Me uncle Alen.
So he comes in I walk in the room, right i got osme jeans for ya get your jeans off...
See theres a joke to be made, I jsut can't remember the whitty one I used. So anyway, rock em on comfy as a mother fucker, no belt required. perfecto mother fucker. Edwinds cant go wrong.
Then next pair, "izzue" Some weird hong kong brand can't buy em over here. Man these shit are just gay ass fuckin swag bullshit central. Really weird man, must of been designed to look like you got ya jeans aorund your arse, without having your jeans around your ares, and tight aswell. and not in the good way. Man just put em on and was thinkin i cannot show these to rachel otherwise she would demand i wear them at some point and i got a simple answer to that one.
Thats right.
So onto the next and final pair, big baggy as a mother fucker but perfect length, and shit man you gotta have baggy stuff all the way. its comfy man and can fuckin' swing without choking your fuckin' ball's. and thats about it from the magical jean fairy, other than other shit that i can't remember. Yeah thats it, gave him some cobannas, mom goes
Give some to mikey "His mate"
I cant give him things like this, it dose weird things to his penis.
And i know what your thinking.

So thats that. Anyway missed college today had shit to think about you know, stuff.
Mother fucker's.
So chillin and stuff, Seeing Rachel later on and stuff, should be fun and shit. But till then its drum time and shit, then back to black label society man. Boozed, Broozed and broken boned.
Oh yeah thats what else i did today, i watched The Texas Chain Saw Massicer today. Man that shit was boring man, the origonal, just slow and shit. and what was with the gay ass dance Leatherface did at the end with the chainsaw? And for fuck sake bitch, i know waht you chould do. you could just fuckin' run the fuck away and not scream for starter's. theres a guy chasing you in a mask made form human flesh "Dead Skin Mask/ Slayer" with a chain saw, fair paly. just he knows which direction you ran in if you scream all the fuckin' time.
So yeah thats that.

Anyway I should say rachels round now, also good news. I saw good news, most of are are deeply saddened, and by most of you,I mean the bro's. Anyway, Today is out 1 year and 11 month anavarcary. Yup still goin and always happy baby. But anyway if i had to give us a song it would have to be this. Every bro agrees

Anyway I guess thats it today so anyway.


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