Sunday 2 December 2012

I think 2 weeks. Mr nice guy

So allot of the time i'm like this.

You know its true, but a while ago I was told.

Will, your too nice for your own good.
So natualy I took that like.

Sweet, I have no idea what that means but sweet

But have a look at this picture

Dose that look nice to you?
I know right, you'll ask that guy to help you bring in your shopping when your old and struggling.
But let me tell you some shit.

Firstly and mainly. Fuck people. Allot of mother fuckers are just piss annoying I mean fuck off man shit simple.
And nextly, I recon it may be true man, I may be a nice ass mother fucker. Tonight got a phone call from me good old mate, Mr Anthony. Askin.

Yo, you got a printer, I need ta print some stuff off don't have one, its for a gig its tonight need the tickets "or something like that"
No mother fuckin' problem, I ent doin' shit, I should be. But fuck that man, And fuck them.
That ent helpin the niceness part but you'll understand if I could be arsed to talk about it.

Black Label Society By Law number 3
Complaint department closed.

so do just that, spent a while printing that shit off. wouldn't take too long mind just slow ass printer and shit.
"this song I have on just goes, I swear hes going to murder that poor kid. and looking at the picture I agree man. But still, I'm lookin' good."
And in reward, or payment whatever for doin' it, that half ish bottle man.
Quite nice man smells lovely ent had any yet but soon though.
He said he was gona bring a present I was expecting  a beer or some shit you know but not something that looks like I could get a hefty fuckin' meal out of. But anyway. Onto the other shit.

The best thing someone has asked me has gotto be this elderly woman in morrisons. She walks up to me and asks.
Excuse me. Do you have a knife?
so fuckin' nonchalantly and shit like all people looking like me should have one. I was just left thinkin' the fuck are people askin me that shit man, do i look like I carry a knife?
well to her i'm guessing so why she asked.
Didn't tell her to fuck off she's old, but still stands go with the standard

Nah sorry.

Theres maybe other examples of,
Yeah I just remembered one.
So i was walking home, its midnight, had a fuckin' few beverages down at the fuckin' pub. Just remembering something me cussens said being.

Will if you have a look down the side siads and look hard enough you'll start finding coins and shit on the floor.
So as ya guessed probably i ent got a job, i'm a musician and student... If ya didn't clock onto that then fuck man, you must be pissed.
Anyway so i was walking home, and right over the road from the police station I come across this purple shiny thing. So naturally I go.

Oooo purple shiny thing,
pick that mother fucker up, so walkin on home. what the fuck did i pick up, turns out was a credit card.
So was thinkin ok will hand this in tomorrow... but where to man? the rozzers or the bank? so get home . 
Mom, the fuck time you call this.
I found this credit card ent sure what ta do with it take it to rozzers or what?
yeah yeah rozzers in the morning.
So next day chillin', will go take it back and shit. So set off to the bacon factory. And i look at the card, and the name on it is "Wallace" so i'm thinking

What dose, Marcellus Wallace, look like? Dose he look like a Bitch?

You know you would do the same. So anyway I get there, hanging up theres one guy in there and a massive empty reception and shit. So i'm standing like, do i ring the bell, fuck do i do. Ent doin shit will just chill here man, Maybe get a lean on.
So eventualy the woman comes out, speaks to the other guy, something about his licence. Then she comes to me.
How can i help?
Now, as soon as i said this her body language just changed from normal to just dropping like, for fuck sake is that it?
I found this credit card while walkin home, brought it here and stuff.
Okay where did you find it?
Just over the road there by the fence thing.
So close? why didn't you bring it over then?
you know when you get stupid questions, and you just gotta say it bluntly.
Well, I'm 20 year's old, coming home from the pub so i may be a bit pissed, and its midnight...
And also I was wearing the same shit i wear all the time so that wouldn't help.

And mother fucker, didn't take me name or anything, someone comes on ahh cheers who found it?
Some guy you'll hear him from a mile away, looks like he should be in son's of anarchy.
Didn't want an award or anythin', just a. Cheers mother fucker. would be nice.

And onto the next night. Walkin' home same time same pub. but this time right over the road from the pub, right next to the church on the road with John luis carpark and the coach house on. right at the end of it. fuckin' ransacked handbag.
Now i can't fuckin' well pick that mother fucker up can I.
Was going to tell the bouncers at coach house, but didn't. just you know when people just look at ya and shit and you think. ahh fuck that then, just tryin to help out and shit i'm goin home. Have ne a nice long shit.
Should polish me Leather "Cut" Waistcoat today. I put the cut in there, because when i say its a waistcoat, people go.
Its not a waistcoat, its a cut. and its referred to by people as a "Cut"
And you know, the best way to do it. Other than use leather polish ya smart ass cheery mother fucker's. Whack on the Son's of anarchy, and polish. then thats about it you dont really need ta do more.
I think that concludes todays post.
Enjoy it, and lets have a vote.

Do you think, that I, William G.B. Stokes, is a nice person?
Vote Yay or Nay in the comments.
And if Nay, Leave why you think so, can you justify it with an evidence and examples, and what is your most valued possession, and where is it keeped?

Aloha from.

Also side note: I'm experimenting with layout, having conversation and shit people say centered, with the other shit not centered.

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