Saturday 1 December 2012

day 13. the best ideas come when having a shit

Oh place your hands, on my hope, Run your fingers through my soul, 
And the way that I feel right now, Oh Lord it may go. 
So place your hands, on my hope, Run your fingers through my soul, 
And the way that we feel right now, Oh Lord it may go. 

You gotta love it people man.
So today i'm going to tell you about where this idea came from.
And by this idea I mean the idea for the blog. For this we have, mis Meg, I will talk about her soon. for the past few times i've seen her she's worn this dress right, that makes her look like this...

 But blond.
"if you don't see me again its because she is scary man, you know that feeling you get when some people say something, she's scary man. basically it's a joke it weren't my idea it was *warning, broke code violation detected, change of subject initiation now* aww look at the cute kitten"

I know I was going to talk about her but for the life of me I can't remember what I was gona say. Oh well, its up to the next blog or till I remember which I think I have.
So the idea for a Blog came about ages ago, because I create some "How to" guides and shit on facebook with just pictures and shit, how to get motivated and buying for mothers day and shit, cant remember if I have anymore.
And she said. "play the best song in the world. Or i'll eat your soul's"
Will you seem like the type of person who should have a blog because some of things you do are really funny.
So a while later shit happens "passage of time i honestly cant remember (Also if your speaking to me about something and i say i don't remember, its because i don't fuckin well mother fuckin' remember, so stop askin more questions or expanding on the subject, I'm not just saying it to not have a fuckin' conversation, I do like a think called silence... Bitch [in style of jessi breaking bad})"
I start making my other blog for short film's, was something I though hey media student were told watch short films I enjoy watching them there good may as well review em a tad and offer them to the world and shit.
So then one day I thought, Man i'll make me a blog of my life, so lets do just that.
So the seeds were planted by miss Meg, and thats where this R2-D2 esk vulgarity post of pure mother fucking awesome came into being.
"you may think, man she deserves a drink... you know me man hardly much money so would maybe if i could but Wine drinker... :P. Nothing wrong with Wine drinkers not saying gay for french (Cocksucker's) just its big init. Anyway. I know didn't make sense to me n all"

So let me tell you about last night then, First up went to see American Idiot, the Green Day musical thing, with the lovely beautiful Rachel. Was fuckin' good man, But I got one complaint  The guy on the left, "theres 3 main characters it revolves around 3 different narratives" called Will "yes its a play I know its not his real name possible never know may be a coincidence but clearin' that fuckin' shit up now" Well firstly he didn't do much, no problem really was kind of his thing, knocked someone up did shit all... What a prick. And secondly, Rachel goes.
I though he was the fittest one, didn't realize his name was Will like you.
So you thought the gay looking one, Who they even said was abit gay. Was the fittest...
I know I linked this into the next thing I was gonna say somehow, but I was havin' a shit when I did it hense the title so cant remember what it was but anyway onto it.
There was this study that the next evolutionary step in "Mankind" is women, so imagine this
but with a woman on the end.

So I was thinkin', man maybe this is true man. Because me, and the old ways of being a Man. The main idea is to look in the mirror no matter whats going on ya face, how fucked ya look and go.
Man I look good. Even the Elephant man would do that.
But fuckin' we're losing that shit man. Turning into fuckin' Bitches man.
Where as I go, man this is comfy, boom wear it ayy I look good.
and quite a few others go.
I gotta get this shirt that shirt these clothes. Man I've never even heard of chinos till recently, look like fuckin' jeans to me man. Then theres the entire dressin' up shit. Man go with whats comfy, Leave the dressing up and worrying about looking good or not to the women. They've had many years practice.
But then if ya gay mind, fair play go ahead and take ya time. you spent a while in the closet possibly "With the apception of that guy, I would say his name but seems harsh and don't really wanna talk about it, just seems like making fun and shit when you wright it on the internet. I like him, fair play go for it. Just for the love of god stop posting the pictures on facebook."
Preparing all those outfits and shit go on and do it, and drag, well ya gotta have a laugh. Someone whacks on Dude looks like a lady and Aerosmith, you know you gotta go grab a dress. You've all fuckin' done it and you know it.

So anyway, Went to the pub last night.
Those who jsut said, Wow shock horror. Fuck you man. Fuck You
Funny story about this song, I was cutting up some wood for a fire a while ago, not sure if it was last year but one of them. Had this album on, kids next door come outside didn't think anything of it...
Then this song came on...
Man I tried to look as busy hardworkin' whatever the fuck, aslong as I didn't have ta turn around it was fuckin' funny. kids of between 2-5 or some shit, playing in their garden, with this song blasting. And it had to be loud because I'm cutting planks of wood about 25 ft away. Man the shit that happens.

Life's good man, its about having fun. You can be a moody cunt all your life, but if you enjoy it, and thats what having fun is to you go for it. You could me a happy ass mother fucker, fair fuckin' play. Work a desk job, you love it you wanna get to the top, go for it, live it enjoy it. You wanna hang around goof off and pal around.
Well wright your own blog then.

Also I gotta point out its just past 8 in the morning, i've been up since 7 ish started writing at about 7:15 so I do enjoy this its not just something I doing to pass the time. Hopefully I can get advertisements on this and make a wee bit of money from it, if you can find a way to get paid for something you love, do it, just like being a musician, try it man, going for this audition on monday, go for it rock it. Pretent like you love that man, what it takes man.
And also, Writing this in me undies, you know how badass that shit is. Man all work should be done like this. Shame its fuckin' winter. That weren't a nob joke just its cold so you know me fuckin' feet are frozen a wee bit.

So was in the pub right, meetin the... I'm not sure what it is, I think its a man but I can't be too sure, it says its a woman but you can't tell. Anyway to meeting The Thing called "Natalie". Chill out few drinks, have a laugh. And fuckin' Dave was there, Now I can't tell you about the shit me and Dave get upto, Yes it is the internet and you can say whatever you want, but some shit. Man, Some people cannot know about it. "also the people who are going to ask me about it, I'm gona have to come up with so many fuckin' storys now, good thing i'm a writer... Fuck"
So Dave man, hes badass man, Decided he was gona get drunk and wanted me to also. quite a nice night actually, i though about it this morning when I woke up. Didn't have too much 4 fosters
"YES I SAID FOSTERS NOT CARLING, I FELT LIKE A CHANGE. also people are going to be surprised by that because i dont like change, we fear it
yup that'll do"
A bud, gotta have a bud, love the bottles man, something about bottles man, you get em, I dont know man something about the feel of em. And 2 sambuca's. curtsy of the awesome Mr fuckin' Dave.
Just the two sambuca's not the rest, man if that was all on dave thats takin the piss and a half. and the thing we can't talk about, that was a birthday present...

theres something i'm forgetting, but cannot quite think about what it is just yet. but then this is a long post so enjoy it, read it. or fuck off.

Err. Love from.

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