Saturday 29 December 2012

The Rum Diary

So last night, I, William G.B. Stokes, Went to the pub.
Dont happen often right? So anyway havin a nice drink, bars packed, fuck that go wonder over to the big table where everyone is say hello to people whats up and shit.
Head back over to the bar and stuff, now theres a shit load of people I know there chillin' waitin' to be served, accidental shit man. So speakin to jordan a bit waitin ta be served then who fuckin' well pops up behind me?
Mr Tom fuckin' F*** himself, with the standard whiskey glass full of Southern Confort, or "SoCo", so anyway thats not the end of fuckin' seein' Tom right.
So go about this drinkin' night having a laugh, gettin two carlings at a time because its fuckin' busy.
And mother fucker the carlings expensive there man, £3,05 for a fuckin' carlin, man 25p cheeper in fuckin' Masons, next time have ta go masons then leg it back over go in the back.
So anyway Nat reminds me I said I would get her a lightsaber beer "turbo shandy".
Half a larger and a WKD blue, mix em together it turns green. proper nice shit, so she had one and loved that shit.

So anyway, later on about ta leave for some reason, go for a piss first, but then again I see tom at the bar, allways there for some reason. So I rock on up

"get us a drink
Go on then, I'll get ya something but not telling you what it is.
No fuckin problem i'll go with that"

Thats basically how it went, so he got us a shot of somethin'. Dude I could smell this shit coming man.
just eyes locked on this clear liquid, smell like "drink me bitch"
So we dide these shots, and i won or something because I put me glass down first. Then he tells me what it was.
Turns out he got us a shot of the strongest rum that they are legally allowed to sell.
Shit man that shit was nice, got a bit in me beard aswell you know for later, so he got himself a water aswell, had a sip you know clear the mouth from the taste a tad.
So go off for a piss, come back say bye to everyone because at this point my lower intestines feel like im being stabbed quite a bit. so naturaly I say.

"I think this is what a period must be like"

So that confused everyone a bit because I had walked off I think or soemthing.
So then I go over to the legendary kings ta get some dinner you know, just standard cone of chips, chicken done. So start rockin my way home and shit getting a walk on haveing a few chips and shit, then suddenly I start to feel something.
So i'm right by this allyway and shit so naturaly walk down the bastard.


Fuckin' puke, and I got this skill right, I can walk and vomit at the same time, cus I like to get to A ta fuckin' B as quick as I can, which is why I hate fuckin' shoppin. I go shoppin to get there, get what I need, then fuck off. Not go somewhere, then have ta fuckin well go some other fuckin shops aswell. Jesus fuckin' christ man.

I wanna new shirt. 
Go amazon, fuit of the loom that shit, done.

So puked that shit up thinkin, man thats a brilliant idea for the short film progect idea I have.
So then I got home had me chips and chicken and have a nice sleep.

So anyway woke up feelin' nice and fuckin' fine, had abit' of a chillin' in bed ya know, nice relax. then turns out I got credit.
Then Rachel came over and we had a nice time, played metal gear solid 3, fucked about with her ipad, had a chill the fuck out.
Also jammed some guitar stuff gotta do that, I got a little idea I wanna do for me birthday, its the 21st so gotta think something killer for that.

Thought I would throw in a picture or "GIF".
I know there was some shit that I was gona say, But would probably be best if I leave it there while I cant remember. Be a wonderful surprise for tomorrow.
Some people actually search for my blog using google or whatever, and someone show how managed to find my blog by typing in.
funny faced black guy memes
What the fuck is that man? thats some next level shit, not even sure if thats racist or just some guy lookin' for offensive memes. Or the walking dead, you know looking for memes of T.Dog.

Anyway its just strange man. how the fuck did that take them to me blog? thats shit confuses me.
Probably not as much as this blog confuses you.

So anyway, goodbye people.
Have a good night.


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