Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas eve mother fucker's

So today its that merry old time of christmas fuckin' eve.
So looks like will be going to the fuckin' pub shortly. Go on then ya pulled me fuckin' leg.
So pub it is then soon after i write this adn check out how much this thing has downloaded. Yeah man, I'm downloading shit. Don't worry its only Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, Whey.
Ordered me some cymbals today, 2 Chinas and a Hi-Hat.
16 and 18" china's and a 13" hi-hat for me right side. then it shalt be complete and bullshit. then more drum covers and rockin the fuckin rock out man.

So Merry christmas and shit everyone.
Have happy stuff and shit.

And have a christmas song from my second band Quid.

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