Thursday 27 December 2012

Yesterday, and also today

So i'll go on about yesterday then, seeing as I forgot to update it propperly.
My bad.

So as you know it was boxin' day. so I though, i'm gona go shoppin'. Money, mayaswell. Never know, may end up boxin champion of the fuckin world aswell.
So went up bout alf 9, walked ta place, got stuff ya gotta get. Then over to jessops. Mother fuckers closed.
chill out for a few, cus surely it should open at  fuckin' 10, but fuckin' well nahhh. Opens at fuckin' 11.
So prity much outside this place for hour and fuckin' 15 minutes waitin to check out two fuckin' cameras.
So eventually get into the fuckin' shop, grab the first mother fucker I see.
Would of preferred to of seen Meg, but knowin' my luck she works in some other one.
So speakin to the guy about the cameras I wanna rock, either a canon 1100D pr canon Eos 550D. So naturaly goin with the Eos 550D, as its much better or some shit. And all I wanna get is the camera body, so I ask.

"Would it be possible for me to get just the body, as I have lenzes and dont really wanna buy the package with 2 lenses. because as it turns out, we have em already.
I'll check that out for ya now."

checks it out, its 400 green beans by itself.
Thats cool, but theres none in fuckin' stock. so dude goes off checks the wearhouse or stock whatever. Turns out it would take 2 weeks for the thing to come in.
So thats, pay 400 quid for a toy you wanna play with now, but you have ta wait 2 weeks to play with it. Well hard choice, so standin' for a minute. you know, thinkin'.
so go off to make a phone call to me Dad, Steve.
He ent in, mom says will phone him get him to call ya back.
So 5 minutes go by and low and be-fuckin'-hold.
Fuck this i'm out, so walked off.
So walkin home, phone call from me mom sayin she spoke to him, theres no point fuck that. well she didnt say that but something similer.
So I dont have a camera, yet.
"man the last line sounds pissy to me, ohh boo-fuckady-hoo. man, I wanna make short films bitch. and film shit, make a few documentarys. Mother fucker's got dreams man"

So moving on after that Bullshit.
Rachel came over abit later at about half 1. Was proper excited, because we were giving each other the christmas presents we got each other. Man she got me some awesome shit man.
First up, SLAYERRR!!!! Hell Awaits, on mother fuckin' vinyl. So you know we listened to that and the intro scared her a bit, as it would fuckin' well do.
Then then then, she got me a Skull beer glass.
Now this goes back to about some time last year I think when she said.

What do you want for your birthday
I want something thats metal, in the shape of a skull, that i could drink from.

And that was off the fuckin' cuff man.
And she got me this Skull Beer Glass man that shits awesome, gona be drinking from that soon.
Then up next and lastly, a bottle of ale that had my name on it, that also said.
Made in a chillin' buary.

that was fuckin' awesome man, gona have to drink that stuff up soon. In my skull glass, Whilst listening to slayer in a darkened room.

Also I must point out, we did presents one at a time, I would tell you what I got her. but its not manly enough to talk about.
But I will tell you this.
I got her a nice necklace of a bird as pictured below.

Also I had to leave me in there, look at that fuckin' face.
I didn't nick it.
Cheeky fucker's.

So anyway the night time.
Atualy she brought over her Ipad aswell, was palying this game called "the room", fuck man thats an awesome game. I gotta get me an Ipad just for that shit. then return it when its done. 
Not really fuck that.

So anyway of the evening myself, the mother, the farther, and the bigger litteler sister went to my cousins 21st Birthday.
Now hes gay right. And usually the house is fuckin' packed.
It wernt which was a surprise, and was quite a fuckin' laugh.
And his boyfriend only goes and has to be called Will aswell.
"for fuck sake"

Also I gotta point out, I got no problem with gay people. you can be gay, thats fine. but if your going to rub it it. do it at any site of the west err, those mother fucker's who Donnot need a sever fuckin' beating and a fuckin' half.
Because that would be classed as "illegal"
But then those that do give these nice people a beating could possibly make up some bullshit like they "the west-jerkoff-church" do.
Such as.

"Well the Fallen came to us and told us that they feel insulted and disgusted by the fact your trying to protest and celebrate there death's. therefore, they feel like you yourself should go through some form of punishment.
Such as.
Just enough of a beating to not be able to do stuff you guys like to do such as, hold picket signs "break there arms" go on protest walk's "break their legs" shout about whatever bullshit they shout "break there jaw's/faces" 

Basicly, we need Judge Dredd, or The Punisher.
So they can either "Judge" or "Punish"

I think i'm covered there.
Also if there is an attack on then. I doubt it would have anything to do with people reading this bullshit.

What was I going on about again?
Ahh fuck it.
So we was hangin out at me cousins house havin a little drink.
So then out comes the Jager, one shot of that each, because thats all that was avalible for 5 people.
Then next up.
The mother fuckin' tequila. Never had that shit before i gotta get me some. I got a feeling im a tequila person. So salt, shot, Orange. There wasn't any lime. I was the only one who didnt go "errg" or anything, just took it like man.
Straight out of muther Russia.
Or like a viking, whichever.
Then we had ta leave so was preparing meself some food and shit,
Just fuckin' nicked all the crackers and shit, butterin that shit, makin' mini sandwiches and shit. made a fuckin' feast. was nice man.

So on todays agenda. Think about getting the camera for a bit then maybe go and get the thing.
But if I do, I have 2 lenzes that are avalible, anyone want to buy some never used lenses?
Come to Crazy Will, he offer you nice deal.
Ask for Crazy Dave.
Dude I gotta see Dave man hes badass.
And hopefully seeing the aceptable Nat later, I gotta give her her present.
The signed snare drum skin, Signed by me, Will the awesome.

So anyway, goodday.

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