Friday 25 January 2013

bugger all really

So i just had one of those farts that could go either way.
Either way, i'm glad I was havin' a piss at the fuckin' time.
Spin that shit, sit that shit. shit that shit.

So anyway what happened today, i cleaned the fuckin windowsills and shit, that was some interesting shit, found alot of shit. some change.
Enough "Meat" for a ryan air flight meal.
About fuckin' it really. Jammed a bit, chilled out. turns out college is pissed because of something but its by-the-by.
so who wants a drink.
Will wants a drink.
So thats about it, gona have a nice drink and shit and chill out.
Anyone wanna join?
You know you wanna bring beer and sit down and rock some sweet tunes man.

Clearly fuck all happened today so i'll just sign off right now.
oh yeah.
My mom comes in me room and says.
You gotta be quiet dads gone for a sleep.
Next thing, she's leaning out the fuckin' window shouting at the neighbors, nothing bad just havin' a fuckin' chat.

So anyway.
Fuck off.

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