Friday 11 January 2013

Exam and vote for me, to become Space Pirate

Okay so everyone go onto this page and then vote for me, I really really wanna go into space

Boom do it.

So anyway. Have I told you about how I want to go into space?
I think i have, someone go through the archives and see for us. cheers.
Anyway, so I heard you had to be under 6ft 3" to go into space, because any taller and you can't go. So Then I found out i'm either 6ft or under whatever. Anyway it means that I can go into space man. 
But how the fuck am I going to get into space. then this mother fucker popped up.
Yeah baby. Lets take Will to space man.

Fuck yeah

So anyway.
Last night we found out that we had the re-editing exam today.
So did that this morning that was fun and shit.
But most importantly it was Joe's birthday, and joe is me teacher who teaches editing. And hes awesome. So me and liam go to morrisons and get him a lucky beer each aswell as razzels you know the Chris's.
So he cant accept the beer for some reason. 
So now we got these beers. In college. Thats always a good thing.

So that was that.
vote for me

When I get into space, I will officialy now be.
A Space Pirate.
Lets make that dream come true. So i can re-create scenes from tresure planet man. I cannot wait.

There is no such thing as if, but when.
Mother fucker.

Please vote.
I wanna win this shit.

There's a 747 going into the night
There's no power, they don't know why
They've no fuel, they've got to land soon
They can't land by the light of the moon
They're overshooting, there's no guiding lights
Set a course into the night
Scandinavian one-o-one
For God's sake get your ground lights on

yeah man.

Now let me tell you the story of my first gig, that i went to.
So i was 16, or 17. and me and my cousin Jack were going to go see Motorhead.
and we had no idea who the opener and suporters would be. so first band come on, Danko Jones. now it sounded cool, they were awesome the sound was killer. much better than the CD and shit. but still never heard of em so you know everyone just stood there and, well... flipped the bird.
I though it was fuckin' rockin man.
Then next man.


So they come on and were like fuck fuckin' yeah man. While also pissed aswell as ya do at gigs.
So they come on and me and my cousin are shouting
seven forty-seven
throughout the set. So they go off, come back.
were gona play one more song for ya.
Wooo 747
Denim, and leather.
There just about to leave and I shout

Play the fuckin' song

Then they come out and play 747
that was fuckin' amazing.
Me shouting at a group of people and they do it
Well that how it felt and feels man.

Trust me man there awesome live.
Anyway, if ya don't like that man, jsut have this.

You gotta have Annihilator man. just like my fuckin' pillow that Rachel got me man, its awesome and comfy ass fuckin' shit man.

Anyway, i think I'll leave it there people.
Have a good night and weekend. But mainly.
Vote for me.


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