Wednesday 2 January 2013

Witty Title.

I remember something from years and years ago, someone saying.
Will if you ever joined the army or anything, this would probably heppen.
Well someone other than america's gotta do it.

So i got my camera today fina-fuckin'-ly. Got to the place, will take a few minutes to sort it. no problem, go ta fuckin pay. cards declined, fucks with this shit. try again. still don't fuckin work. so have to go down to the bank. just get the cash out from the chahier. Sweet yeah.
Its always a good thing to walk about with over 400 quid on ya.
So get to jessops again, pay chash done sweet. I ignore getting a memory card because there 70 quid in shop and 30 online. so get home, order a bastard card to pick up in store.
Go back get the thing done, bloke goes.
30 quid? thats good.
Yeah man i was gona get one then found it was 70 in store so, online it.

Was a laugh though was speaking to the one lady at first who i got the camera first time round from.

So you getting an upgrade then
Nah nah first one, and stuff
Ahh so your looking to film and things
yeah man, i'm at straford college so they just give us the role of sound man which is always fuckin' fun. you know stand there hold a boom and say. "it sounds good"
ahh yeah
And with this i can you know become arsehole of the month.
well, polite arsehole of the month

Because you can be an arsehole director, but don't shout at everyone. As director steve rainbow said.
He was working with this woman who just shouted at everyone, second day only 2 people showed up to film, her and steve.
So dont shout at people.

The cameras brilliant man, got the shit workin and figured out. now only to go out and film some stuff to test out how it looks in FCP and make a mini atmospheric music video again.
will have pictures of shit up soon aswell, ya gotta have pictures on a blog.

So i'm forgetting something but you gotta forget shit. so anyway.
Goodbye people

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