Thursday 10 January 2013

New Shit and Filming

Close your eyes and begin to relax. 
Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. 
Concentrate on your breathing. 
With each breath you become more relaxed. 
Imagine a brilliant white light above you. 
Focus on this light as it flows through your body. 
Allow yourself to drift off as you fall deeper and deeper into a more relaxed state of mind. 
Now, as I count back from ten to one, you will feel more peaceful and calm. 
You will enter a safe place where nothing can harm you. 
If at any time you need to come back, all you must do is open your eyes. 

Ya gotta love it man.

So today right, we did filming in the room and shit at college in the show dorm room thing. Was prity kickass, laughed alot. For some reason we ended up gettin the fuckin giggles. But to be fair the script and lines and shit did sound porno worthy so we did joke about.
I mean Tash just walked in and burst out laughing without even saying anything.

well then.

See ya on the other side.

But anyway back to the filming, It went on for a while started about half 9 finished at 3 so all fuckin' day and shit. Everyone loved the new shirt, also this came check this shit out in a minute below when I've finished with this paragraph thing.
So anyway we just laughed and shit, James ended up having to hind under the bed while filming, I had to be on the fuckin desk spread out and shit to be out the way, man this shit was fun shit ya do man. Gotta love filming and bullshit.
Just have a laugh.
But now were thinking if we have time to film a joke version and shit.
with Me,Will as the councilor who kills the other councilor to look after the homeless alcoholic and my plan is that he wakes up in office as Prime minisher without kowing how he gets there.
Then I pop up and say
"who loves ya baby"
then thats that.

"new shirt and rist thing"

Also has this conversation just with a person "Bitch"

beer is good
no it's not
your young you dont know shit
nearly 18
then I can buy it
not that I want to
wasted youth
there not wasted enough

I know right.
These fuckin' people today.

Have this fuckin' awesome song man. Beautiful stuff

Well i'm sure i got more ta tell ya but fucked if i know.
I wanna say more but i really cannot think of shit, I'm gona go make me a stake and chill that shit.
So to everyone.


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