Monday 28 January 2013

Fan base names. And other shit and Californication

Now that would be a rockin song ta cover man. What do you think Quidians?
Yeah I did it. I named Quids fanbase Quidians.
Thats fuckin' rockin' idea.
I'll get working on a song or some shit.
Its a song by the drummer so you know, it would lead to us being kicked out but you know. Its how it goes when your the fuckin' drummer.

"Did ya hear about the drummer who said he wrote a song?
neither did I?"

If Al reads that now, hes gona fuckin keep sayin taht one for a while.
But then what more do ya need?

"Don't need nothin' but a good time
How can I resist
Ain't lookin' for nothin' but a good time
And it don't get better than this"

Yeah man, I'm rockin' the fuckin' Poison man. Fuckin' more do ya need?

So back in the Rehursals with Quid today can't wait gona be fuckin' rockin'. should be recording an E.P some time soon, you guys are gona love it.
"Note, If you do not love it. Lock the windows and doors.
You don't want james breaking on in"

Anyway always a laugh, always a good time, more do you need in a band man? good times, good laughs, a bottle of jack and a vile of pills...
Maybe not the last part, just remembered a song.
Either way, its all ways a laugh and good time.
Can't wait to get the E.P done and sorted so we can get out there and gigging the stuff. Been a while man.
Ent had a rehearsal with Winter Storm yet. Supost to but was ill with that flu stuff and that fuckin' ear thing. Man that shit was shit. lookin forward to that.
But then ya gotta chill out and relax to recover and shit.
Fuckin' college.
Cheers for dragging us in for a fuckin' hour to stand there and not really be fuckin' needed, could of told us that before I left.
Just made us fuckin' worse.
I say college was the fuckin' group that did it.

Anyway its just a few more months and can be rid of the fuckin' place, and some of the people.
Fuck me the people.
Theres a direction that you should off in.
Hold on I've missed a word out.
Yeah thats the one.

Full of fuckin' assholes man.

So anyway later on its poker as well gotta rock that shit N all. Ant should be playin' tonight be interesting  Talked about playin' but no idea how he plays or what hes like as a poker player. But shall find out tonight.

"All in first hand.
Call... Hold on that was automatic, Mother fucker'"

Can imagine thats how it would go.

No matter what band I'm in, that gets signed and dose a tour.
That cannot happen.
But anyway, Practice with Quid went pretty fuckin' rockin, should be fuckin' awesome and shit gettin' on stage. "5 Letter Word"'s gona be a fuckin' awesome live song really cannot wait for it man.
Wish we have a video of it would love ta fuckin' show ya it now.
I could show ya Fozzy, you know the band with Chris Jericho as singer. Pretty rockin. But that sandpaper song was shit. just seemed "ehh"
Powerful yet seemed week for som reason.

If you don't hear from me again you know Chris Jericho has came around and kiled us the fuck out.

Man been watching Californication today. I've watched an epp before because Zakk Wylde was in it, what fuckin' more do you fuckin-well need to watch a show.
Yo Zakk Wyldes in it. Fuck yeah.
But today actually started watching it form the beginning. Man I can imagine that shit being me, just with allot less banging goin on.
Yet the kid would confuse us. Anyway its fuckin' badass show I recommend that shit.
And he starts to blog for a company...
Best blog on the net this.

So anyway Ive put me itunes on random so I could type this last bit and shit. 3 in a row black label songs. all the Slow piano bassed sad ish ones, Nice and mellow and shit but you know. Be strong man.

Shit really dose fuckin' well suck at times man.
Anyway, not my style to talk about that shit. in-fact I hate when others do it makes us think.
"you know, this mother fucker could do with a fuckin' beating"
Just pisses us off.

See rule No.3

As of that shit.

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